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High Level Party Etiquette

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:38 pm
by Capt Cliff
I was trying to get a low lvl PC up a lvl by smashing zombie's along the Blackstone Road. When a very high lvl party decided to hang out at the south end, just goofing off and squishing zombies for fun. High lvl meaning that one guy keep morphing into a red dragon. They hung out there for the longest time, just being cool I guess. It would be nice not to queer the pitch for the low level PC's by doing this. If they need a place to hang go to Sara Brae. This is more of an etiquette thing or good sportsmanship type of play. We are all there to have fun. So be considerate of other players. My two cents and change!

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:22 pm
by winteraven
Understandable issue. Perhaps you could politely ask them to move elsewhere while people are training? It is unfortunate that you experienced this but did they stay only near the Hamlet entrance or move near the crypt? Most high levels, myself included once done their training in a certain area usually do not return unless in an event or to aid a lower level player.

Indeed it is courteous to leave those areas for those levels that meet the challenge rating appropriately. And yes some do like to just play around. Hence just asking them to move along politely may work and gain you some new friends for the future. Good luck levelling :)

~I kill things and drink potions~

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:00 pm
by .Stinky Pete.
I think this is a general courtesy issue vs. high level courtesy. Most HL players would never do this.

That being said, I am familiar with this individual and have seen it a lot over the last week or so.

There seems to be a merry band of them who like to act goofy. It is usually in the keep so it does not really bother me. Only mildly annoying. I've never seen them openly grieve anyone.

Based on their RP, I don't think a polite " 'Scuse me" would do much good. Unless, of course, " 'Scuse me" is the name of your +57 Hammer of Dolt Bashing.

I'd just move farther up and stake out an area. There is usually more than enough to go around.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:39 pm
by Pretty Fly White Guy
Just get me on them. i'll sort them out.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 6:32 pm
by Zacarias
I think I've seen them around too, and they have annoyed the *CHILDBLOCK* out of me. Just give me a call, and I'll gladly oblige.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:14 am
by Doofy Britches
Totally agree with you here. However... no laws broken by hanging anywhere you want... but preventing lowbies from opportunity to level enmasse is plain not courteous.

As well though, there are 3 pockets of spawn points up BSK road.. and when you see that happen...just move further down the road and catch those ones.. and call for help from your friends here.


Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:25 am
by DM_Mystic
I havent seen them, but it's like this: If there's a gang in your town that occupies a certain street corner, I'm not sure if it's a great idea to "politley ask them to leave". You find another corner, or join a tougher gang and force them off. Same applies here. If they want to stand there and goof without breaking any rules, then they have the right to. The Blackstone Road is a big area, and room for everyone to hunt. You might be able to get some backup out there to move them, but I see it more as a really good RP opp then something to complain about in this OOC forum.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:02 pm
by Rami_Ahmed
DM_Mystic wrote:.... but I see it more as a really good RP opp then something to complain about in this OOC forum.
Totally agree. Sounds a little like OOC whine, when it could be turn to nice conflict-RP. But that seems, to me, as the "normal" BSK way.
When something is wrong (even ic), people just start complaining OOC. :roll:

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:09 pm
by Capt Cliff
Thanks for the support! I'll try the "move along gents" next time and hope they don't turn me into a frog! :lol:

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:57 am
by Rami_Ahmed
Chiffawn wrote: ... when someone at one end of the Road kills off a high number of spawns... it generates a high number of spawns in another area of the road. If a level (30 - 40) is "goofing off" and killing at one end. The poor level 3 newbie is gonna get swarmed at the other end of the road. ...
I never heard about this before, and never saw it. So I think you're just misunderstanding it. The 'problem' is more that, if someone takes 1/3 of the spawns, there's less spawns (and thereby creeps) for the lowbies. :shock:

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:09 am
by Caesius
That is an odd effect. I thought driller uses waypoints for monster generators. Anyone know what the spawning range on those things are?

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 12:00 pm
by driller
I have three spawners on the road that have a radius of about 40 game meters. They are not dependent on each other.

Caesius wrote:That is an odd effect. I thought driller uses waypoints for monster generators. Anyone know what the spawning range on those things are?

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 12:59 pm
by Berforam
The problem is that asking them to leave can make them angry, and if the char that is hunting there is evil and you tell them to leave ... maybe its not healthy =/

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:45 pm
by viobane
But evil doesn't mean impolite. Unless someone is CE, NE and LE can actually be very "nice" characters. I think people get into the evil is mean idea, when in all reality that is not the case.

Common courtesy goes a LONG way, good or evil.