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FrostBow issue

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 2:29 am
by SkyBlues87
I have til recently been using a Frost bow whilst it was useful for my purposes it does not act as the description says ... In that it has a 5% chance of casting an ice storm on your target creature and any that surround it all you get is just the visual effect and nothing else.. No damage is applied to target creature or any surrounding creatures or even objects that would be effected if you had used the spell version..

Had an instance last night where I was firing the arrows at a mob down the sewers in the oasis and twice the event triggered with no effect on the mob trapped in a corner behind some piping and a couple of crates... So I then switched my attack to that gnomish scorpion devine and cast a fireball in mistake of a firebrand option and wiped out the group of 3 trogs and the 2 adjacent crates ..

So there seems to be a lack of exicution in the ice storm element of this frost bow ...

I have since moved on to using a Storm bow and the storm of vengence seems to be working just fine...

Re: FrostBow issue

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:37 pm
by driller
I will try to get a fix in before the reset tonight if possible.