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Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:50 am
by Ian, Dread Wolf
i noticed that this forum didn't have an introduce yourself type page, so I thought being a new guy I'd put one up... guess that means i have to start.... by the way, you can put as much or as little information as you like.

Hi, I'm Ian, and yes, i do use my real name in game, along with a lot of other information. not really much to say about me... I'm 14... a guy... i love to game and i game to live. however that doesn't mean that I'm a lifeless husk that does nothing but sit on a couch or chair or other suitable surface and play games all day. I would dare say that i have 2 separate lives; On the one hand you have a somewhat normal guy with his own quirks and perks that is rather quiet to those who don't know him, but a chatterbox to the unlucky few that do. I cuss a lot, and really try to live in the moment and not worry about what's around the corner. On the other, you have a ranting, raging lunatic that spends most of his time either doing something he shouldn't or trying to get his POS computer to work while spluttering intense language at whatever he deems necessary. Now it's rather obvious which one's which, and don't be discouraged. both of me are mostly logical and reasonable when not provoked otherwise. If I do cuss, then you have managed to piss me off in some unfathomable way, and i will proceed to not like you for the rest of you're existence.... unless you have cake.... then i make an exception....

Besides that there isn't much else... well... besides that I'm 14 and if i say a dirty joke just remember one thing. we ALL have our moments..... at least most of the guys do : \... OH and most of my friends ARE girls but I'm not gay in any sense of the word.... and for some odd reason don't have the gall to ask any of them out.... i really need to get over that v_v.

anyhow, if there was something that wasn't answered feel free to send me a message. as for the rest of you... introduce yourself.... or don't and remain enigmatic. Chicks dig enigmatic guys... and jerk offs.... aaand a guy who.. never mind...