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BSK2: Akon? Wherefore art thou?

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:05 pm
by Mer`Zikain
I've stomped on all three of the bridges in the bridge of doom area for a while and still haven't seemed to raise the ire of the guardian. Is he still around in BSK2? And if so, is that still how you get the guardian's attention?

I also notice that Marvale is an undead haven, no merchant. Can't find the Oasis in the wastes either. Of all the merchants it seems that the ones in blackstone are there (except for the crafter guy) and the Bordermarch guy but no one else. Am I just not finding them or are those really the only ones?

Need better equipment and nothing good is dropping T_T

Re: BSK2: Akon? Wherefore art thou?

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:16 pm
by Humiz
Akon's guardian has a chance to spawn every time you enter the area,(Bridge of Doom).
So jump back and forth between ,for example, Bridge of Doom and Ogrewood.
You will now that he's there when you enter Bridge of Doom and get a message in yellow text:
"You here stomping in the distance".


Re: BSK2: Akon? Wherefore art thou?

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:49 pm
by Mer`Zikain
Yeah, I can't seem to get his attention.

Re: BSK2: Akon? Wherefore art thou?

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:51 pm
by arwan
last i was doing it.. his spawn chance was VERY low.. you could potentially end up spawning in and out for hours without seeing him.. first time i got him took me like 2 days.

Re: BSK2: Akon? Wherefore art thou?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:36 am
by XDragonDoomX
Could I request that the % or chance of summoning the guardian be looked at again ?
I've spend over 2 hrs, real time, trying to summon him so far with no success. Maybe an additional % per level ?

Re: BSK2: Akon? Wherefore art thou?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:21 pm
by Sapphire
My suggestion is get some more bodies on the scene it'll happen faster that way. If I am in-game I will help even if it means logging in a different character.


Ooops my bad, just noticed this is referring to BSK 2, don't have NWN2 so please ignore relevant comment.