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Fellowship of the Free

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:50 pm
by life_is_good
* A maniacal mad man races through the streets, wielding an axe and recklessly attacks bystanders with no regard to their age, sex, race, or what-have-you. The guards continue shouting at him, and make feeble attempts to restrain him. The madman sets his sights on Teri Tzao and takes a single step in her direction, only to find two arrows swiftly approach and penetrate his eye sockets, making a scrambled puree' of his defective brain. The now innocuous husk falls prone, his axe making a dull chiming peal on the chilly cobblestone. Teri resumes her conversation without so much as raising a brow...*

" you see, if you are not plagued by useless ideals and moral restrictions, you are capable of acting swiftly, without clogging the process. Like that madman a moment ago - his intentions were quite clear. He certainly wasn't coming over to invite me to a tea party. Why bother ordering him to halt, or speak at all? By dispatching him, many other lives, or at least limbs, were undoubtedly saved. Whereas the guards' lack of decisive action proved rather costly in that regard.

Come to Freefolk Island and seek me out. We can discuss this further and see if you are what we are looking for and if we are what you are looking for"