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Official Invite - The Rift

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:12 pm
by psynexus
Hey everyone - long-time but not well-known fan and player of BSK Psynexus here. After having the honor of meeting driller for the first time ever in my 5 years or so of playing on and off I extended him an offer to take a look at a module I got the final push to finally start building after BSK finally went down. Since I was under the impression it was down for good, I figured it was finally time to take the memories and inspiration of playing through the NWN campaign and BSK and converge it into a module of my own.

I spent about every waking moment of 3 months (last summer) pouring my ideas into this thing but never really got the support from the NWN community I was hoping for, so alas the module has been collecting dust ever since. So I would like to call now upon you; the great BSK community! With support, the module may one day be finished, but until then all I have are the concept, dozens of quests, and a HUGE high-quality world area complete with world map. I think the module has great potential if I could ever get the help needed to finish it, but I will leave that to your own opinions.

The server will be online under the RP section as "The Rift" (with "(Alpha)" in front of it for now so you may wanna check higher up on the list first to find it). Please note that it is far from finished but what is there is very polished (but since testing has been an issue obviously there will be bugs and large holes in content in some areas). Below is the official forum post where I used to post updates on the module as well as some media: ... 9&forum=66

I hope you like what you find and that some of you may feel the need to be a part of the team - or if you just wanna have a look feel free to harass me and I'll use my DM powers to take you on a tour of the Realm!. :)

*Project status*
Last updated: 01/13/10

Current area of focus: completing Knights Guild quest line. TESTERS NEEDED!
Current need: scripters/testers.
Current thought: lots to do but lots getting done also.

World Map and Screen shots: ... he%20Rift/

External: 75+/?
Internal: 25+/?

Unique: 50+/?

Side-quests: 14/?

Assassin's Guild: 0/10
Casters Guild: 0/10
Gladiator: 9?/10
Knights Guild: 3/10
Thieves Guild: 0/10

Re: Official Invite - The Rift

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:10 pm
by Deathsinger
:) I get Portal sickness but maybe Driller (If he likes the mod) could offer it as a special other worldly mission from BSk or as a island off the coast somewhere and let it be part of BSK. It's a great "Put a smile on a Creator's face" to see his world enjoyed by players. :)

Re: Official Invite - The Rift

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:35 pm
by psynexus
Deathsinger wrote::) I get Portal sickness but maybe Driller (If he likes the mod) could offer it as a special other worldly mission from BSk or as a island off the coast somewhere and let it be part of BSK. It's a great "Put a smile on a Creator's face" to see his world enjoyed by players. :)
Hahaha, you obviously have not seen the size of the thing... it's huge. Although that isn't a bad idea since I've played BSK forever and love it I'd love to have the Maker's blessing. Since the concept does revolve around you coming from another plane maybe that plane could be BSK, who knows.

Just for a taste of the size and a little guide for those who have or want to take a look at the module, I updated the world map last night: ... tMap-5.jpg. Photobucket doesn't do it justice; it reduces the size so it's hard to read some of the titles (especially the quest locations I added to help people). But if you're in to exploring this will be invaluable in helping you visit the world, which I put months and months of work into to be atmospheric and as alive as possible.

Re: Official Invite - The Rift

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:14 pm
by Deathsinger
WoW! That's huge! Well maybe he can do like Amia servers do. You can actually go from one server to the next. of course Driller would have to trust you enough to keep player's characters balanced and such for this option (as potential abuse is foreseeable).But it IS one idea. I would like to try it, and I hope to one day, but I have gotten myself caught up in a commitment on WOW. So, I have been there but hope to get more time to come visit the keep in future days.

Re: Official Invite - The Rift

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:32 pm
by psynexus
Hey everyone. I'm going to keep the first post updated as the project progresses so you can see how far along the project is. I still don't have any leads for testers or scripters so if you're interested let me know, otherwise I'll continue to do the project all by myself *cracks knuckles*. I'm still trying to keep the server up at all times so it will be available to play. I typically upload the latest version of the module on a nightly basis while it's in Alpha stage so there should be something new every time you log in.

Remember, if you have any questions/comments/concerns you can reply or send a message to me here or email me at I hope to see you in-game. :)

Re: Official Invite - The Rift

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:54 pm
by -Overcome-
psynexus wrote:Hey everyone. I'm going to keep the first post updated as the project progresses so you can see how far along the project is. I still don't have any leads for testers or scripters so if you're interested let me know, otherwise I'll continue to do the project all by myself *cracks knuckles*. I'm still trying to keep the server up at all times so it will be available to play. I typically upload the latest version of the module on a nightly basis while it's in Alpha stage so there should be something new every time you log in.

Remember, if you have any questions/comments/concerns you can reply or send a message to me here or email me at I hope to see you in-game. :)
Well, I took a look around the starting area that being said. It is a rather large area and I assume shops will be eventually added? Looking for some reason for a player like myself to wish to even take the time to visit this area. My suggestions(s) are as follows.

-Monsters to fight in or around surrounding areas of the main city
-Merchants with rare scrolls weapons armor etc.
-Removal of the double doors in place separating lower section from castle section opening the door from inside the hallway is harder then needs to be.

Overall it looks nice, like I said a player needs a reason to come and then they will come.

Note - Tile set is nice but may cause lag I didn't notice any but I've heard complaints about it at other servers using it.
Note - Didn't see any way to leave starting area if there is more then just the one area I failed locate transition screen

Re: Official Invite - The Rift

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:23 am
by psynexus
Thanks for the reply. There is a shop in the first city, which the beggar near the gates should tell you about if you talk to him, otherwise anyone else will mention it as well. The first area is meant to get you familiar with the storyline as well as get you started with your class and give you some reasonable gear before you start to wander the world. I've revamped the starter quests more time than I can count so it's possible they're not entirely clear on what to do, but I try not to point everything out to you anyway as it is supposed to be an explorable world and not "go here, fight this, get this, return".

- Monsters are usually found in caves around the starter area though I am working on getting some more roamers nearby. The quests will lead you to the monsters for now.
- Merchants with rare items are in other places for obvious reasons
- The main quest as well as several side-quests are in the main city as well as the countryside
- Hmm... I've never had a problem with the doors, I'll take a look at it.

- I've already got dozens of areas using this tileset as the quality is, in my onion, much better than the standard NWN tileset. I haven't gotten to test the lag over the internet due to lack of testers and such but I hope I can find a way to keep using it. Oddly enough the Forest tileset seems to take the most time to load for me, but doesn't lag at all. If the starter area lags noticeably I can easily take out some of the placeables I have there, that should help.
- Wow, I don't know what to say about this one. I have roads running all over the Realm with signposts and everything telling you where you are so I figured that was as adequate. The only other thing I could do is put neon signs along the road and arrows saying "GO THIS WAY!" There are at least 75 external areas, most of which have roads leading to the next so it shouldn't be too hard - but if all else fails I do have the latest version of the topographic world map on the first post, which I update constantly.

Again, thanks for taking a look but I hope you'll return for another as I feel you really didn't really get a taste of the real experience. I will be constantly working to make things easy to figure out, but by no means easy to do. I don't aim for this to be your little brother's RPG where everything is pointed out and mobs are a sneeze away from death. Anyway, back to work I go. :)

EDIT: Oops... I'm stupid. I forgot to put the module starting point back in the actual starting area rather than the area I was working on. That's why there was nothing around and nowhere to go... *facepalm*. It's fixed now and you can start the module normally - sorry about that. :/


Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:23 pm
by psynexus
The server is offline and work is going to be a little slow since I moved the other day and broke on of my fingers in one of the worst possible places. I'll have to wear a splint for at least 4 weeks but I'm learning to work around it so work is officially resumed. I'm also using a new ISP so the port-forwarding on the server is currently not working for some odd reason. So until these problems are fixed I'll put out another call for anyone wanting to join the team as a tester/scripter/whatever since I've still got a very big workload and it just got a lot tougher for me. But until then, I will do the best I can with 1 1/2 hands. :)

Re: Official Invite - The Rift

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:39 am
by psynexus
I've decided to put up my own forum so I can better see people who are actually interested in the mod as well as have a central place to direct gamers from other places. Linkage:

I have testers and progress is being made. Hope to see you there. :)

Re: Official Invite - The Rift

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:54 am
by driller
Now that you have your own forum I am going to close this thread.
