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Eps'ilon & Landerts Cratfting Emporiium

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:27 am
by shadowflame
It was a cold winter night, a chill breeze was sweeping down from the Peaks and was creating yet another snow storm around the queint little town of Bordermarch. All was quiet except for the feint howl of a bugbear carried on the wind.

Landert loaded the last crate of goods onto the wagon "C'mon Epsi' !! We'll never get there at this rate Eps'ilon laughs as he turns the key in the lock..."Alright alright..keep your loin cloth on!!. The two friends clambered aboard the wagon, with a light flick of the reins they were soon wobbling and squeaking there way out of the towns gate.

"I hope your right about this"Landert began
to which Epsilon replied "Right about what?
Landerts faced grimaced from the cold.."Dont you be coy with me Bard, you know damn well what im talking about!
Epsilon pulled his hood over his head to shield him from the chill breeze.."Now Landert we already agreed that travelling to Blackstone to set up our new store would be a benefit to both of us, and besides just think of all the passing trade were likely to pick up from the port that Blackstone has
Landert sighed and rolled his eyes "If you say so friend...if you say so

Before long they had managed to ramshackle there way down the Mountain and into Ebonwood, Eps'ilon in an attempt to lighten his companions spirits was whistling an ancielnt light hearted melody he had learnt as a child when all of a sudden he stopped, he snapped at the reains.."Whoa! boy ....whoa
the horse slowly came to a standstill and snorted cold steam into the snow with his snout
"What is it? Landert whispered..
Eps'ilon looked about nervously "There is a foul stench in the air, and i thought i heard movement in the trees over there He points to a hill with a circle of trees.
Landert stepped down from the cart and reached for his Hammer and shield "Stay here and mind the wagon, ill return shortly As he aproached the hillside Landert could hear his old friends song carried to his ears by the howling wind, this inspired his courage as he made his way closer. The snowstorm had clouded his vision but as he aproached the line of trees he could clearly make out the silhouette of a Giant. Landert laughed as he smashed his hammer against his shield, so as to attract the dumb giants attention. The Giant seemed bemused by this but began to charge at him regardless.Landert took up his favourite battle stance and readied himself for the onslaught. The Giant came crashing down the hill swinging a huge axe wildly nearly decapitating himself at the same time. Landert waited for his moment and quickly jumped to the side of his opponenent while executing a perfected killer blow to the giants skull, he turns and spits on the ground..."Hardly worth the effort

Upon his arrival back to the cart Landert handed Eps'lon a shiny oval stone...
"Oh how wonderful you have found an Imbue stone, a rare find indeed Epsilon laughed happily..
Landert threw his hammer and shield over the side and into the cart and climbed up beside his friend "Yes i found it on a pouch around his waist, it should come in handy for our Craftshop

With that the two companions were on there way once more, it wasnt long before they had reached the gates of Blackstone Keep. Eps'ilon hopped down from the wagon, turned to Lambert and said "Might be best if you go talk to the Mayor here in town to apply for residence here, while i go drum up some potential customers over there in The Playful Maiden
Landert detects the sarcasim in his voice "How come you get to go straight to a Tavern and i have to run about town chasing after some bloody Mayor?..
Eps'ilon laughs heartily "Now! Now! Landert, you know the best place for a bard to ply his trade is in a local Tavern With that he high tailed it towards the tavern door
Landert shouts after him "Suppose ill have to store these goods and tend to the horse too!!!
Eps'ilon paused at the door but pretended not to hear his friends whining.

Upon entry to the tavern Eps'ilon pinned a parchment to a bulletin board by the door, it read

Eps'ilon & Landert's Crafting Emporium

Come visit the Crafter Emporium today, you wont be dissapointed!! we have a wide selection of ready made armours, weapons, boots and helms, not to mention a vast choice or trinkets and jewelry

We specialise in crafting original items tailor made to suit all clients needs and our prices are more than reasonable

We charge 1 Imbue Stone & 2000 coin for a crafting session...but there are no restraints on the amount of items you could have crafted in a single session

On a last note id like to inform all our customers that steps have been taken to ensure we can keep providing this valuable service no-matter how the crafting techniques change

So dont hesitate visit our store today!!

///reply to this post stating any crafting needs or contact us in game :)

Re: Eps'ilon & Landerts Cratfting Emporiium

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:08 pm
by StarChild
Melancholy glances at the message and responds with one word.


Re: Eps'ilon & Landerts Cratfting Emporiium

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:49 pm
by tlantl
*Vixxin shrugs*

Re: Eps'ilon & Landerts Cratfting Emporiium

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:56 pm
by shadowflame

Re: Eps'ilon & Landerts Cratfting Emporiium

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:09 pm
by tlantl
I like the story but the randomness of the crafting system makes for unreliable products.

I am sorry for the thoughtlessness of my posting this here.