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The Daylin Chronicles

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:11 pm
by StarChild
Daylin Thaed

//Well group. I think I have began to truly like playing Daylin. Almost as much as I like playing Wynter. So you'll see a lot more of him between the times I'm lvling my crafter Melancholy. This here will be a journal of his adventures. Feel free to post here if some of his interaction involves your character. As a teaser I put an excerpt from my second book in here that has him and Melancholy in it. After this I will strictly only write BSK stories about him.
“Daylin we haven’t time for that!” Melancholy was mounting her horse.

“You’ll be glad for these enchantments by the time we’re in the clear.” Daylin said after placing magical enchantments on their horses.

“We’ll never make it ‘in the clear’ if we don’t move now. You’re slowing us down.” Melancholy scolded.

Davis smirked at Daylin. The broad man’s double handed axe was strapped to his back. He sat on top of his large horse waiting impatiently for Daylin to mount his own. “You know Melancholy, you and I did not have to bring Davis along. He is a brute and a mad man. We could have done this ourselves.” Daylin said as he finally mounted his grey horse.

Melaine saw the look on Davis face. “No Davis, do not waste your breath on words to him. All I’ll say is that
Davis is, and always will be a trusted friend - something that you, Daylin, are not. When we are done we part ways. This is nothing more than a short arrangement between you and I, wizard.”


“Did you hear that? It’s close. We have to get to my mother’s house.” Davis said.

“What about your father Burgase? You leave him here to die in the mouth of a dragon.” Daylin said followed by a twisted laugh. He knew was pressing Davis’s buttons.

Davis would not give Daylin the pleasure of responding. “Let’s ride.” Davis grabbed his horse’s reins and spurred it on. Melaine followed while Daylin purposely trailed. “What’s he doing Melancholy? Does he not value his life? He’s going to get us all killed lagging behind like that.”

“Ignore him Davis. He knows what he’s doing. Let’s stick to the plan. Look, see the guards ahead? Just ride right pass them,” Melancholy said. They got to the first guard check point and rode right by them. The guards seemed confused but they dare not stop the paladin and her companions. The gates out the city of Cartere were getting closer.
“Isn’t she beautiful!” they heard Daylin say. His steed was right beside them now. “Don’t tell me you didn’t’ feel it get warm in here. Look. She’s landed right on Patron Hall of all places.” Daylin slowed down again and turned his horse around. He wanted to get a look at the lava dragon behind them.

Shivers ran down Davis’ spine as he tried to subdue his dragon-fear. Melancholy looked at Davis with concern “Daylin! Come on. Davis is not ready for this yet.” You see, unlike paladins, who were granted immunity to fear by their deity; Davis was totally susceptible to the natural ability of all Dragons to imbue fear in all enemies inferior to them. Depending on the enemy, dragon-fear could be three times worse than ordinary fear.

“Let’s fight it,” Daylin said. “We’d go down in history for being the first mortals to kill a dragon on Krona’s land. We can do it Melancholy.” Daylin took off back in the direction of Patron Hall.

“Daylin no!” Melancholy was furious.

“Let him go. We have to get out of here. Let the Patrons fight the dragon. Finally they can prove that they are worth what they say they are worth.” Fear moved Davis to leave the scene.

“As much as I would love to, I can’t let him go. We need him.” Melancholy rode off to after Daylin in the opposite direction of Davis. She flipped the visor of her gold dragon helm down. “Break my bones, Daylin is an idiot.” As she got close to Daylin she could hear him speak the spidery words of magic. A lance made of ice and blue steel appeared in Daylin’s hand. He pushed back the cowl of his cloak letting his white hair flow in the wind. His hair was not white with age but he was an albino having pale whitish grey skin and even whiter hair. His race was half elven and he was just as much a duelist as he was a wizard. This is a game to him. The thought dawned on Melancholy as she saw the look in Daylin’s eyes. The dragon was massive especially now that they were close to it. Melancholy could see how such creatures could cause strong men like Davis to crumble in fear. She wondered what was making Daylin fearless.

“Come Melancholy face her with me. σφαίρα της ασπίδας πάγου ο επισκέπτης σας!” It was the final charm Daylin cast. A spherical shield of clear blue ice surrounded the two of them on horseback leaving a trail of ice shavings behind them. Melancholy could now see the patrons outside the hall armed, ready, and screaming orders to those who were fleeing with dragon-fear. Evesse and Burgase stood between them and the dragon. Melancholy shouted an inaudible warning to the two but it was too late. The dragon breathed hot breath of magma.
Daylin K. Thaed
Properly Interpreted - The Day Of Death -
"...The wind wizard with attitude… and perfect hair"