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Join me in Evil RP?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 1:04 pm
by viobane
Hello all... I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining me for a "start from scratch" RP.

I was thinking that playing evil is difficult, at best, and is best achieved by developing motives from the start. In my life, the most evil people I have known have been those who I do not think would EVER describe or think of themselves as being evil. They are usually just selfish and don't have an ounce of empathy for anyone who cannot benefit them in some way, and even for those people they "use", they only think about them for as long as they benefit their goals.

So, for RP sake, and to avoid all the sterotypes, I will be starting a small party of like minded evildoers, er selfish individuals, who want to band together for their own benefit. I would suggest avoiding Kazra for a deity. I will be playing an evil Eon worshiper (Eon does not shift alignment), but other non-kazra worshipers will also do.

If you are interested, post your response here along with why you want to join and a short idea for a character.

My character will be a simple fighter who worships Eon (although not devout) and is starting to adventure at BSK for the purpose of his own personal fame and glory. He's a bit naive, has intent to help others (as long as it benefits him), and a desire to fight monsters and turn the tide of evil away (well, what he sees as evil, anyway, which will be a very black and white perception).

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 1:24 pm
by Kretch
This is typically how I've seen some of the best RP's go (the general layout of things, not the specifics). I've successfully played a very evil character a while ago although now he's a lot different. It's a really good idea keeping your evil RP to a small group. A lot of the "I'm going to take over the world" Evil RP fizzles or just plain turns out bad. I'd join you myself but.... I'm a little busy.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 1:50 pm
by Zacarias
I'd like to join you, but if there is anything I've learned from my evil characters, it is that they don't work well in groups. My evil characters are often misunderstood loners who think that the world is against them.

And there are so many different traits that make a character "evil". Greed isn't always one of them. Just because a character has one trait doesn't necessarily make him evil. But that is what makes each of our characters original.

Thats just my two dollars.
Good luck on your RP.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:22 pm
by viobane
I agree that some evil chars don't "play well with others," but some unite for their own purposes (individually), some join with others because they think they can bask in the other's glory, some join just out of a shared enjoyment of harmful behavior.

That kind of combination of group behavior is what I'm looking for. Even in that group, there's no need to cause a lot of mischief toward others, even though the overall alignment is evil. A lot of evil people in the world actually can end up overall improving certain things. Politics is a prime example of this.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:52 pm
by Pretty Fly White Guy
i don't RP evil characters. it's to hard to not be nice.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:57 pm
by ValentianNizzle
Pretty Fly White Guy wrote:i don't RP evil characters. it's to hard to not be nice.
Stop lying, you evil evil brit.. :D

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:33 pm
by viobane
i don't RP evil characters. it's to hard to not be nice.
Quite a suprise from a guy who identifies himself as a "JERK" in the flamewars <eg> And what do you mean? The best evil IS nice!!

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:02 pm
by Pretty Fly White Guy
viobane wrote: Quite a suprise from a guy who identifies himself as a "JERK" in the flamewars.
I dont understand that statement. could you explain it?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:38 pm
by Zacarias
Pretty Fly White Guy wrote:
viobane wrote: Quite a suprise from a guy who identifies himself as a "JERK" in the flamewars.
I dont understand that statement. could you explain it?
Flamewarriors wrote:
Jerk is sarcastic, mean, unforgiving and never misses an opportunity to make a cutting remark. Jerk's repulsive personality ...
I think this is what he means. :D

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 7:06 pm
by viobane
Why Fly... Your post on THIS topic of course:


Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:17 am
by Pretty Fly White Guy
oh right. I thought you meant i was an RL jerk. i was just like wtf?

Yay for my idiocy :)

Sorry for the confusion.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:19 am
by viobane
And I thought you said you couldn't be insulted. Guess you're the only one who can actually insult you =)

I actually don't think you're a jerk. There's no way someone who uses such cool Simpsons quotes could be a jerk!

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:28 am
by ValentianNizzle
I can't be participating in this 'evil RP' but I'll gladly help in whatever way I can. So if need anything for this to get off the ground, you know where to holla. Always good to see new things happening and I'm more than glad to help with whatever I can.

Get at me. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:35 am
by viobane
Unfortunately, so far this idea has sizzled, Nizzle. It doesn't appear that anyone is jumping on the bandwagon to RP from scratch, which is too bad. I've said before that the best opportunities for RP are from the low levels on BSK, and I still believe that.

*sigh* With any luck, I have at least one RL buddy who I am still trying to convince to join me on BSK, and if that happens I may actually be able to start this or a different character.

Still, though, if there's anyone who is actually interested in joining me in this, post here and let me know and I'll set a date to start.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 9:42 am
by Gibbo
Look up my Luthur ... :D He'll help out, as long as his goals are met on the way!