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Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 10:36 am
by Arwaine_Sunstar
ok i have noticed that the dms who play a few gods have become inactive due to real life or not i understand that real life comes first and all but due to the fact that the gods are not present therefor this war should not be allowed to continue it has caused entirely too much OOC drama and has ticked off alot of people in real life and i for one am tired of this being taken out on innocent bistandards and refuse to take part in this war which is based on what i consider to be a false god i know quite a few people who feel the same way i do on this and i would love to see them all post thier opinions on this whole ordeal and let me make a suggestion that if this war is allowed to contniue that the dms make it perfectly clear to all involved in it that if they are caught attacking people that are not involved in the war that there will be actions taken against them.... now if there is going to be a war it should be the followers of eon starting it since eon is the only active god or goddess in the entire realm and i hate to say it but real life has no say over what happens in the game and since the other dms have real life happening right now find someone else to play said god or goddess that are inactive at the time being.

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:03 am
by tropiofCancer
First of all the War insnt pointless , It allows those of us who want to the oppurtunity for RP and if they so desire CvC..Thats Character vs Character , a far cry from PvP . I was asked to stir things up and instigate Evil vs Good RP . Sure Im gonna kill a couple Vorites , prolly get killed too , What a few players dont seem to understand is that the people in the "Good" guilds are my ooc friends , I never kill someone I dont like if I can avoid it . As for the drama well it starts when players start thinking they are their character and dont know how to seperate ooc from IC . Part of that is my fault I guess , I may have involved a few people in the RP that cant seperate the two . And for the first time in BSK History the problem isnt on the Kazrite end . As for DM playing the gods , sure they do . If you spend 99% of your time looking for xp and loot and the other 1% selling it at Vogons how the hell do you expect DM or God interaction?
Any one crying about an evil char PKing a good one or vice versa needs to screen shot it and send it to a DM . I havent given a single order to start the war , whats funny is this . The ooc drama your talking about isnt from murders , Its because my half orc threatened the Gnome Kynan to print what he told him to in The BlackStone Times or else . Kazra's second pillar is lies so expect us to use em . Also , If some griefer comes on and claims himself to be a Member of the Kazrite Guild and starts killing people for no reason chances are he's not . But dont think your characters can run their mouth to a damn tiefling and expect nothing to come from it . A guild is also open concent to PvP as well , you cant wake up and say "Gee I think I'll make a paladin guild and tell a DM if the mean old Kazrites hurt us" Thats not how it works here .

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:34 am
by Roland Deschain
Ummmm the war will be called off when the MAJORITY of the players want it to be, and if that happens you can probably expect another one to start in the ashes, Good RP can come of this if people will just stay IN CHARACTER... Also, do as gabe said and screenshot these "kazrites" killing "innocent bystanders". Otherwise your claims are nothing but gossip.

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:56 am
by Andrun
From the perspective of an innocent, Vorite bystander.


That is all.

Btw Gabe... Eldrun/Andrun are on the back-burner until your plot can run its course. I'll pick mine back up and continue business as usual once the possible war is over.

Oh, and you should go meet Dugan Wayfare. Interesting fellow that one.

At work, eating a delicious steak-n-cheese pita from Olga's. A real post will be typed up later.

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:35 pm
by Arwaine_Sunstar
OK i was trying to not bring this up but i was talking with one of the very few active DMs on the server the other day and they agreed that this war is pointless and should not be happening on the grounds that i already mentioned about the dms that play the gods being inactive it's pretty bad when a DM agrees that this war should not be happening. from personal experience from back in 2004 / 2005 when the Kazra War happened and Mr. Warlock was the leader of the Kazrite Army that war caused more harm then good and cost the server a lot of players and also caused crashes like you would not believe which helped to tick off the players if this war is going to happen let me make this as a suggest keep magic to a very low use because when high volumes of magic is cast at one time it tends to crash the server any DM can val ch for this heck due to an event the other night the server crashed which means it is not very stable for large events so lets try to keep this small and with as little magic use as we can i am not trying to be a thorn in any one's side but i for one will not have any part of this war for my on personal reasons both IC and OOC and the characters that i have in guilds are all on the back burner until said war is done and over with. i do not like PvP at all and will avoid it at all costs and the whole if in a guild you consent to it that falls into the whole NO force rp... therefore i will not be on during the time of the war is to take place because i know the server is going to crash quite a few times and i don't feel like having to redo all my work on my characters because of the crashes...

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 1:21 pm
by Hordack
2004 / 2005 when the Kazra War
I was there for that War and really don't recall no more then one or two server crashes do to people spamming timestops. But I do know that players on both sides openly agreed to it. If players took it personal cause their side lost, then they take the game really to seriously.

If a DM is not here to do there Job maybe the Admin needs to remove form the DM list. NO point leaving a inactive DM on the roster personaly, BUt I have no problem with a new DM stepping up and taking one's place to benefit the server by playing Kazra or Vor to sponser some good RP.

*Hugs Mystic, Avalon, Eaze, Xeen and Carpe*

But what I am seeing is people taking the Newspaper IC posts as personal attacks towards them as a player and some of these same player's are taking the occ party chat a little to heart as well. This event is ment to be a CvC event not a full blown PvP war ... Please people need stop taking this event so seriously and it was ment to bring fun to all sides good and evil and the neutrals 8)

As a suggestion like Gabe pointed out maybe few people do need the read "Four Pillar's of Kazra" to understand how this event is working.


Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 2:46 pm
by Fyren
If anyone feels that (OOC) I have insulted them or caused problems, then I fully and sincerely apologise. That is not and never was the intention. If anyone feels (IC) they have been insulted - there is no apology to make. It is all done in the spirit of RP. I am sure that the opportunity for (IC) revenge to be taken will arise. If anyone feels they have been unduly harassed by this, please feel free to send me a PM, or say so on this thread, I will make a full personal apology in private or in public, whichever you request.

Kynan, Criminal at Large (well, not very large).

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 3:05 pm
by Alamore-Threepwood
For once... I have to agree with Hordack, this was started to bring up fun RP, and majority of the people in it love to kill each others characters, and we are able to seperate OOC and IC, of course, this is a RP - Lite server, so that means you are free to do your RP within server rules, so if you have no desire to be in the Kazra v Vor war, then we don't wish for you to be in it, but it doesn't mean that we as players shouldn't be able to do the Kazra vs Vor war just because a few people will think they will get caught up in it. I am all for the war, and will have an enjoyment of RPing through it, and I only hope ONLY people who enjoy that kind of RP joins in as well. RPing isn't fun unless other people can enjoy it as well and get involved. So, on that note, I say, let the war go, and if you as a player don't wish to get involved, then don't, sit back on the side lines and watch people kill each other. No one wants to force anything on anyone, we all just want some good fun =D.

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 3:27 pm
by tropiofCancer
Arwaine_Sunstar wrote:OK i was trying to not bring this up but i was talking with one of the very few active DMs on the server the other day and they agreed that this war is pointless and should not be happening on the grounds that i already mentioned about the dms that play the gods being inactive it's pretty bad when a DM agrees that this war should not be happening.
I seriously doubt a DM on BSK would be against A good vs evil campaign that encourages RP on the server , however if I am wrong then this is an oppurtunity for them to make it known . I would never do anything that would cause problems or grief here . If PepsiMan asks me to call it off then I will , He doesnt need this headache anymore than I do and that would suck because I also know he enjoys a good war as much as the rest of us . I've put alot of effort into this because I was asked to and I agree w/ the reasons why . I have depleted my main characters entire stone supply and have spent in excess of 4 million gold getting the ball rolling all so we could enjoy ourselves . Others have also put alot of work into this and Arwaine says theres all this ooc drama going on but its only her character Serenity and another player that has a problem with it .

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 3:45 pm
by Thanatos
ahem....*clears throat a bit* uuughgggm...*hacks a bit*.....hooaaauuuccchchhh...ahem.

*peeks around to make sure Myle's not getting ready to spring his trap*

All right, 'bout time to kick in me 2 pence. I'll be about as brief as I can, whilst interjecting heavy sarcasm and poking fun at the same time. Oh, and there's no offense meant in any of the following.

To everyone reading this thread...I understand the theory behind the whole PvP, CvC, and TvM (Thanny vs Myle) scene. Innocent bystanders never want to be caught up in the battles, IRL, Fantasy, or Forum alike. The reality of this is a bit different. I can say that I've never purposely attacked a bystander. I'm not saying they don't occasionally get caught in a misplaced Wilting or Meteor Swarm...that stuff happens. Don't wanna get caught in it? Go hide in the barn.

At the moment, I'm sitting at my cubicle, laughing at the picture of some random bloke standing in the road when the Black Knight rolls through on a horse.

Bystander: I'm not part of this war.
Black Knight: Oh...okay then *looks saddened* But there's not very many people to terrorize at the moment, and after all, I AM evil...
Bystander: I don't care. You can't do anything to me without my say so.
Black Knight: By Jove, you're right!!! My ability to swing this flail into your face is utterly useless against your unwillingness to participate.

I'm not condoning random killings here. But not expecting people to be caught up in something that involves an entire server just seems a bit ridiculous to me. Now I don't know the whole RP angle, or tactics to be employed by any side on this, so I can't speak for anyone other than myself. But I would imagine I'll get caught up in it at some point.

If I DON'T get caught up in this, I'll be supremely disappointed, as this is a great chance for some different RP. And by different, I mean different in the sense that I don't feel like I"m at a social tea party day after day discussing the ugliness of Hordack's alleged offspring . Or what kind of pants I'll be wearing to someone's wedding. There's a nice little social club 10 feet from the tree for that.

And in looking at the setting...aren't we expected to be at war at some point or another? There are people carrying around giant bludgeoning/cleaving objects. Unless they're the cow knockers/slaughterers for the burger joint over in Marvale, it'd be safe to assume they're ready for a bit of fighting.

If you won't stand up and fight, get out of the way so those of us who will fight don't have to hop over your body on the way to our next victim (potentially causing us to be flat-footed). Now, if you wanna picket and carry signs in an anti-war effort, I'm all for it. But when the Wiltings start flying, don't say I didn't warn you.

My name is Thanny, and you have my 2 cents.

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 3:59 pm
by tropiofCancer
Damn thanks Thanny..I was sitting here all stewing waiting for Myles to cut us down w/ Voltaire like wit too when I read what you which point Jim Beam shot out of my nose and now for some reason my beloved "tab" key isnt working . F%#%ing LOL you nut Ball ! That Black Knight thing was like some twisted Monty Python's The Holy Grail haha .
(Parapalegic Knight): "Merely a flesh wound"
But as a matter of fact you have already been involved in the RP in a vicarious way . After you pointed out How "Synn Ammon" sounded like a Drunken French guy saying Cinnamon I had to have Luther kill him off , I got a much better toon now named "Pap Ricka" thanks bro I owe you one .

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:07 pm
by Hordack
by Thanatos on Thu May 08, 2008 1:45 pm

ahem....*clears throat a bit* uuughgggm...*hacks a bit*.....hooaaauuuccchchhh...ahem.

*peeks around to make sure Myle's not getting ready to spring his trap*

All right, 'bout time to kick in me 2 pence. I'll be about as brief as I can, whilst interjecting heavy sarcasm and poking fun at the same time. Oh, and there's no offense meant in any of the following.

To everyone reading this thread...I understand the theory behind the whole PvP, CvC, and TvM (Thanny vs Myle) scene. Innocent bystanders never want to be caught up in the battles, IRL, Fantasy, or Forum alike. The reality of this is a bit different. I can say that I've never purposely attacked a bystander. I'm not saying they don't occasionally get caught in a misplaced Wilting or Meteor Swarm...that stuff happens. Don't wanna get caught in it? Go hide in the barn.

At the moment, I'm sitting at my cubicle, laughing at the picture of some random bloke standing in the road when the Black Knight rolls through on a horse.

Bystander: I'm not part of this war.
Black Knight: Oh...okay then *looks saddened* But there's not very many people to terrorize at the moment, and after all, I AM evil...
Bystander: I don't care. You can't do anything to me without my say so.
Black Knight: By Jove, you're right!!! My ability to swing this flail into your face is utterly useless against your unwillingness to participate.

I'm not condoning random killings here. But not expecting people to be caught up in something that involves an entire server just seems a bit ridiculous to me. Now I don't know the whole RP angle, or tactics to be employed by any side on this, so I can't speak for anyone other than myself. But I would imagine I'll get caught up in it at some point.

If I DON'T get caught up in this, I'll be supremely disappointed, as this is a great chance for some different RP. And by different, I mean different in the sense that I don't feel like I"m at a social tea party day after day discussing the ugliness of Hordack's alleged offspring . Or what kind of pants I'll be wearing to someone's wedding. There's a nice little social club 10 feet from the tree for that.

And in looking at the setting...aren't we expected to be at war at some point or another? There are people carrying around giant bludgeoning/cleaving objects. Unless they're the cow knockers/slaughterers for the burger joint over in Marvale, it'd be safe to assume they're ready for a bit of fighting.

If you won't stand up and fight, get out of the way so those of us who will fight don't have to hop over your body on the way to our next victim (potentially causing us to be flat-footed). Now, if you wanna picket and carry signs in an anti-war effort, I'm all for it. But when the Wiltings start flying, don't say I didn't warn you.

My name is Thanny, and you have my 2 cents.
*claps* =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:08 pm
by Roland Deschain
tropiofCancer wrote: Others have also put alot of work into this and Arwaine says theres all this ooc drama going on but its only her character Serenity and another player that has a problem with it .
*cheers and claps*

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:15 pm
by Cybermagi
Well said Thanatos :)

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:36 pm
by DM_Griphon
2004 / 2005 when the Kazra War happened
Despite the actual ending event freezing the server, that campaign was friggin' awesome. I'll tell you what though, as the DM who was responsible for both playing both Vor and Kazra during the year, you people can seriously make me crave Advil extra strength.