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The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:54 am
by Pharo_IK
Name of organization:
The Starkson Protectorate

Date founded:
Since Febuary,2004

The primary IC purpose is to maintain balance and stability throughout the realms it inhabits. The Starkson banner also offers aid and protection to those helpless or unable to defend themselves. By tradition we have a standing relationship with the leadership of Blackstone to offer aid in the event that it comes under attack.

The Primary OOC purpose is to extend friendship and help to others on the server and encourage social roleplay. As such, many of our members are avid RP'rs and others are novices still learning thier way along. RP is not a madatory skill of our membership and we welcome those of other play styles, but most guild interactions will take place within the confines of a RP environment.

Point of contact:
Feel free to contact any member or friend of Starkson. They can make arrangements to show you around Starkson Isle. Anyone that is considered a friend may become a Citizen of the Starkson Protectorate. Nicha and Deyen may issue citizenship to those they find compatable with our ideals. To join the Starkson Militia, you will need one member of the Militia to sponser your character and contact Winesa or Ortelassa.

Location in game:
Within the dock district of Blackstone Keep, you can find Capt. Zim. If you speak with Capt. Zim, he will offer passage to several places. For 1000 gold, he will transport you to Starkson Isle. The return trip is free.

Public roster:
To be posted on the Starkson Protectorates forums.

The Starkson Protectorate forums
The forums are open.
Please feel free to post messages or questions that we can help you with.

General Information:
The Starkson Protectorate is the oldest continuously player run entity on the server. Having weathered good times and bad, it stands as always to welcome new players to the world of Blackstone. We look forward to seeing you in game and all the shared fun that makes Blackstone Keep a great place to play.

Those interacting with our citizens or actual guild members (IE: members of the Militia) are expected to adhear to the server rules in total. This includes the rules regarding consent for PvP.
Any combat RP will be handled as prescribed in the server rules.

**Citizens and members are expected to adhear to the servers rules. No exceptions.
_____Laws of the Starkson Protectorate, as posted on the docks._____ wrote: This island is home to the citizens and friends of the Starkson Protectorate.

To help insure peace and safety for all, the following laws apply to all who visit Starkson Isle:

No violence against citizens, guests or property.
No pickpocketing or theft against citizens or guests.
No casting of spells used for ill against citizens or guests.
Helms are to be removed and your indentity made clear.
Weapons are to be sheathed.
Tresspassing seen or unseen is not permitted.
Use of persistant portal magic is forbiddin without permision and then must be collapsed immediately.
All property of the Protectorate should be surrendered unless lawfully issued.

The word of the Sovereign (or those designated) is law.

//Server rules specify that PvP requires consent from all parties involved.
Passing beyond the Starkson Dock and onto Starkson Isle implies consent as it applies to the reasonable enforcement of the Protectorates Laws.

(player of Lady Winesa Kenders)
Update Notice: March 2008 wrote: Citizens are not automatically members of the Protectorate. The presumption of hostile PvP against citizens would not be consistant with the Guild=PvP Ruling. Anyone can be a citizen - they need only adhear to the laws posted above and respect the just laws of other lands. The guild members are those who have accepted the duty to defend the values and interests of the Starkson as full members of the Protectorate. Citizenship is an RP phenomenon or association, not a beholding to the guild body.


Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:15 am
by Pharo_IK
i have come across several players with questions about the Starkson - so i thought i would open a new thread since many of the old ones were contaminated with old links, out dated information or outright misinformation from others.

please note: this is not a discussion thread or a gripe thread. this is a place for questions and/or answers.

:?: can anyone visit Starkson Island?
:arrow: for the most part, yes. as long as a person obeys the handfull of laws of the island, they do not disturb the peace and are not known or declared as hostile to the Starkson - then they are welcome to visit.

:?: we want to hold a tourny at your arena, can we?
:arrow: yes, feel free to use our event grounds for duels and matches as long as general sportsman like conduct is held to.

:?: i am a ranger and/or druid and/or vagabond.. can i claim to 'live' in that tent in your forest area?
:arrow: as long as you do not claim sole ownership of the campsite and share it's use if others arrive for the same purpose, yes, you may use it.

:?: we want to hold a special event on the island/in the forest/at the arena and/or in the garden, may we?
:arrow: as mentioned above, your free to use the island and the publically accessable areas as long as the event is peaceful.

:?: i am not part of the Protectorate, but i saw (insert name) on your island attacking golems/wearing a helm/weilding a weapon. can i enforce the islands laws since the notice clearly says they have implied acceptance?
:arrow: we would like to discourage people from using the islands laws to precipitate PvP. we would rather that you attempt to use RP to defuse the situation. if you chose to try to enforce our laws, while we will be appreciative - we will not accept responsibility for the consequences of your choices. while our golems are not invincible; they are able to account well for themselves when under attack.

we do not want people risking the need to respawn just to deal with some brat with an issue.

:?: those golems are a bit freaky. what's the story with them anyways?
:arrow: the Starkson Golems are NPC magical constructs who act as universal guards/soldiers/attendents/messengers/etc. they are respectable combatants that have a long memory sometimes, so it is advised that one not cast any AoE spells around them.

:?: why does the Starkson only have people there occassionally?
:arrow: like any 'city/town' area on BSK that lacks a 'destination necessary' merchant or quest NPC, there is no 'need' to visit the isle - most players go were the action is. the island is peaceful and has many ammenities for RP, so generally those who frequent the island are not travelling about.

also, while the guild once had 40+ members, the server is rebuilding it's player base after going down a few times in recent years. this means that the guilds are doing a bit of rebuilding also.

:?: where are the leaders? i only see them online a few times a month?
:arrow: Starkson is a multi-server guild. the leaders have to maintain a presence on each server. also, the leaders of Starkson started their own server during one of the episodes when BSK was offline. with their time being drawn thin, they are on BSk as much as they can be and encourage those interested to PM them or post to the guild forums.

:?: what about the other members?
:arrow: good point: some have adopted other servers that Starkson is on as their home server, but several are still on BSK. the complicating factor is something called 'character loyalty'.

"character loyalty" is a phenomenon where a player continues to use one character as their primary character even if they may have many other characters they play. too often a player will play a character for a while and then shelve that character when they start a new one. while that is not a problem in and of itself, it is a huge problem for guilds that are based on characters not on the players. if a character holds an important office/position, but is never online because the player is always playing some other character - it is hard to activily account for that character in game.

we are, in fact, hoping to find a few players who understand the value of character loyalty, are compatable with the guild IC and OOC, have no problems following guild or server rules and are mature enough to step into possible leadership roles.
...though, at the moment, general recruitment is the primary focus.

:?: i have heard all kinds of bad stuff about Starkson both IC and OOC?
:arrow: success breeds contempt. if you read about the values and goals in the above entry then you know just about all there is to know. the people of Starkson are probibly the most peaceful minded characters on the server, but we are also willing to defend our interests if necessary. if anyone has a specific matter of concern, please PM me. there is a fairly good chance that i will be completely unaware of whatever accusations are floating around.

:?: i heard that the Starksons and Hunters are allies ready to pounce on anyone for the slightest wrong doing?
:arrow: in the past, the treaty between Starkson and the Hunters was one of mutual defense of eachothers territory if one or the other was attacked without provication. the Starkson does not march aggressivily to war/attack as a defensive action unless circumstances are extreme. with all the server ups/downs and some leadership changes - the status of the treaty seems to be in question.

for her part, Winesa has always and will always treat the treaty as active and in good standing unless the Hunters formally state otherwise.

:?: what about all those other rumors of multiple treaties?
:arrow: the Protectorate has had a similar treaty with SOM that dates back quite a ways, though I am not even sure of SOM is still around. ( SOM? you still around? PM me :) )

we have also held treaties of various conditions with many other organizations, even some less savory groups. at no time will Starkson participate in a treaty that endangers others or creates a situation were we are forced to conflict because of an allies aggression.

yes - we have declared ourselves absolutely neutral from time to time when it becomes clear that others are using us to escalate the situation or broaden a war to draw in more people to their fued.

we believe that peace can be maintained through peaceful and fair diplomacy. we believe that war is an unnecessary burden on the common people and should be avoided if at all possible.

:?: is it true that you have been know to fight against Vor?
:arrow: one of the tenents of our value system is balance. while it is true that Kazarities are the cause of most unrest, there have been times when the righteous became oppressive and it was clear that standing against them was necessary. we will stand against oppression regardless what god it worships.

:?: so all you Starkies are followers of Lia?
:arrow: this is often the thought, but it is incorrect. Lia is the patron goddess of our nationstate. our citizens are expected to pay her respect, but are not required to worship her.

i have not covered everything, not by far. if you have a specific question, feel free to post it or PM me.
please file any complaints in the round file beside your desk if your unable to figure out the PM system.


Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:46 am
by Pharo_IK
:?: so, i want to be a citizen... how?
:arrow: yes, this question keeps coming up so let me expand on it some.

in general, as long as a character is considered in good standing, friendly and willing to promise to follow the laws posted on the dock - just about anyone can be a citizen. citizenship is voluntary. even members of other factions are welcome to join as long as they are not at odds with the Protectorate. citizens are not expected or required to take up arms if there is some kind of problem. in fact, i would prefer that some RP solution be attempted and if that fails, take a screenshot of any offending behavior and then just leave the area. in general, jerks get bored and leave if the people they want to annoy are gone.

the IC citizenship in the Starkson Protectorate is NOT the same as being a member of the Starkson Militia.

lets see if i can clear this part up. i will have to explain a bit:

one of the reasons why so many areas that are considered to belong to Starkon is because most of them are public access and RP oriented. the idea is that the island belongs to the nationstate called The Starkson Protectorate. the 'nation' is not the guild, it is an effort on the part of us as players to help create a feeling of purpose, unity and *most importantly* belonging for those characters who are RP oriented. many people like to play on BSK, but the atmosphere in and around the keep can seem to suck the mood out of some people style. so, we decided to use our guild resources to promote a more stable RP focused atmosphere.

the actual guild is the Starkson Militia. we will generally only recuit new members into the Militia if they have been a citizen.

because of this seperation, i ask that those who feel they have an RP issue with the Militia (in other words the guild), please direct your efforts at the Militia and not the citizens.

:?: are you a guy or a girl? is your other sign-on (insert something)? do you know who DM_Mystic RP plays as a player (or insert any other DM - just happens that Mystic is the one I am asked about most often)?
:arrow: if i get to know you as a friend, player to player, then sharing my a/s/l type information would seem to make sense, but i do not consider BSK a dating service. my characters are my characters and i play my character when i am logged in. if anyone is the type that the way they RP is easily influenced by OOC information - i ask that you not bother RP'ing with me. i log on to have fun and RP. if someone is going to let OOC stuff effect what happens RP-wise IC - then it ruins the fun.

i do have other sign-ons that i use. if i wanted you to know who i was on my other sign-ons...... why would i bother changing to my other sign-ons without telling you myself. sometimes i like to use less known sign-on's and the lesser known characters on those accounts. if i tell everyone, it defeats the purpose.

out of respect for DM's and the problems they already have to deal with - i do not discuss or speculate on which player is or is not a DM. i also do not discuss or speculate on which characters are or are not played by DM's with player accounts.

even if i happen to know:
if i know for a fact that DM_Mystic had a player account called "poorly-hidden-dm_mystic-trying-to-be-a-player" with a character named 'Ima Dee'em' and someone asks me if i think that it is DM_Mystic = i will just reply flatly to the effect that it is a player and player accounts can't be DM's.

:?: but you have that wand that makes scrolls and keys and stuff - that is a DM tool! your a DM! admit it!
:arrow: the Starkson Soveriegn wands and the Starkson Council wands are able to make a variety of keys, wands and other guild based items. these wands are based on a script system originally written up by Caesius (thanks, again - btw :) ) as part of a guild system elsewhere. we asked if we could apply these tools on BSK when Starkson was revised. part of the idea was to prove that such a player resource could be helpful and used reasonsibily.

currently, a DM has ge around to provide guild security items for guild members and that can be a pain. the other option is for the guild items to be droppable - which leads to all kinds of abuse (the server history proves this). a solution to this is for the wand system to be adapted as needed for each guild that needs/warrents/proves it is responsible enough for one.

this contribution to the server does not make me a DM. having a guild wand does not make me a DM.. besides - Ortelassa, Nicha, and Deyen all have the guild wands also.

this assumption does not make sense, but somehow i doubt this will put the matter to rest.

:?: why doesn't your character 'adventure' anymore?
:arrow: i have been playing Winesa on this server since Dec '03. 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.... and now it is March 2008.
Winesa was 14 when she arrived to Blackstone. i have always RP'd her the way i RP my PnP druids so when she reached level 15 (Feb. '04) when she was 16, this had a significant effect: her appearance as a young woman who never ages is attributed to her bond with nature. ( Timeless Body: after achieving 15th level, a druid no longer suffers ability penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. bonuses of age still accrue, and the druid still dies of old age when her time is up. )

with the RP standard of one RL month=one IG year - this makes Wine: 65 years old
(that gasping sound is all the other veterens realising how old their characters are. that laughing sound is everyone else.)
she may appear to just be a mature 16 year old 'girl/woman', but she has lived a long and fullfilling human life. adventure and all that goes with it is less important to her now.

:?: i heard you got all kinds of great old gear? so why doesn't your character accept challenges?
:arrow: yes, my characters have accumulated lots of great stuff, but having cool stuff does not mean they should use it to trash others characters. this is a situation that is ruled over by RP, imho. Winesa is 65, for one thing. she never has been one who favors brawn over brains. and lastly, she does not like to let others force her to accept terms for a conflict.

while some may consider her refusal to accept a challenge to be a form of cowardess, the truth is that she simply does not consider most people who would challenge so brazenly to be worthwhile opponents. she views them as petty thugs that are overreaching - their power is irrelevant to her - because power for the sake of power is irrelevent to her. so she dismisses them because of the obvious fact - they are dismissable.

when in game, i RP my characters as purely as i can. Winesa's ego is not stroked by personal combat so people should not expect a personal challenge to interest her much.

and btw - no, i am not selling off any items.


Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:37 pm
by Hordack
Answer for you on the SOM ... Is no they are not active on the server anymore ... only known member of the group of the SOM is Sensai Serinity ... She is playing often I am sure Lady Wine can easly find her in game.

I Will not brother asking about my status reguarding the Island. I am sure the wanted posters are still up. :evil: :twisted:

Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:48 pm
by Arwaine_Sunstar
yes i play Sensei Serinity Swift of the SOM i am the sole remaining member on the server i am in the middle of trying to rebuild and reopen the SOM as soon as possible my log in so you can find me easier is Gothic_Vampiric_Angel and you would formerly of known me as Lady Knife Wound aka Knife Wound Sunstar now also still around in the keep feel free to contact me in game or in a pm i would be glad to discuss anything you like.

Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:40 pm
by Pharo_IK
Arwaine_Sunstar wrote:yes i play Sensei Serinity Swift of the SOM i am the sole remaining member on the server i am in the middle of trying to rebuild and reopen the SOM as soon as possible my log in so you can find me easier is Gothic_Vampiric_Angel and you would formerly of known me as Lady Knife Wound aka Knife Wound Sunstar now also still around in the keep feel free to contact me in game or in a pm i would be glad to discuss anything you like.
anything that the Starkson can do to help SOM gain its feet again we will be happy to assist with. i'll drop you a PM soon and we can chat there.


Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:25 pm
by Jazelle
AT some point I'm sure Orty will be putting Wine in the old Driud home... Folks can talk to either Wine or Orty in game. I have been dealing with moving and other rl stuff so not on as much as I would like to be right now but as with Pharo you can pm me here to set up a time in game to see Orty. No I wil not get on just for pvp sorry Orty is not interested in challenges I am in rpg.

Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:13 pm
by Pharo_IK
:?: why are there demons and drow amoung the citizens of Starkson? aren't they evil?
:arrow: some of them are evil, yes.
for you to undertand why we have citizens and even members of the Militia who belong to traditionally evil groups, you have to understand the ideals of the Starkson. just about anyone who is in good standing and willing to hold to our laws and values can be part of our nation.

one of the greatest advantages that Starkson has is that our society is designed to allow demons and paladins to co-exist within a framework of general respect. do not mistake this for them 'getting along'. it is not uncommon for our demonic and paladin members to be confrontational with eachother - but violence on the part of either against the other will not be accepted.

it is hard, sometimes, for such different individuals to interact for long and you will find that they generally avoid eachother.

as long as our citizens do not breach our laws and values, then it does not matter if they tend toward one extreme set of ideals or another.
i can also tell you that on the rare occassion when we have had to defend ourselves or others - when Starkson is able to field groups that are made up of combinations like demons and paladins who fight side-by-side for the same cause - the effect is striking and very potent.

within the beliefs and values of the Starkson Protectorate we are able to welcome many kinds of peoples in a society founded on respect and individuality.

Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:07 am
by Pharo_IK
The following was added to the thread for the Blackstone Keep: Guild Directory
March 2008 wrote:RL Notice: Sometimes I may not be in game for extended times due to my work, family and other obligations.
If you need to contact me I can be reached through the PM's here, through PM's on LoT (who host our guild forums) or you can e-mail me at:
i am sorry that some of you have tried to contact me and were not able to come across me in game. if you have a regular time that your on and would like me to schedule to meet up with you, send me a message and we will set something up. i know the hit and miss thing can be frustrating sometimes, this is why i am putting so much effort into answering questions and providing contact information.

please keep sending in questions if you have any that have not been covered.


Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:52 am
by Pharo_IK
:?: your sig says your a daughter of Lia? what gives?
:arrow: an important note on this - the DM's have historically run the gods of BSK as RP avatars. a handful of players were recuited or granted permission to play children of some of these gods. niether person (Driller or Luceran) have ever stated a clear approval or disapproval. the closest Driller came to it in my recollection was something to the effect of not really caring as long as it did not lead to any abuse or bully behavior.

there are a handful of 'god-children'. my character, Winesa, had her RP changed during a Dm event. her RP had stated that she was born to a very human man and woman in a far off land. during an on going DM event involving Alolia and the 'Red Blades', it was 'revealed' to Winesa that she was a daughter of Lia.

some players have RP'd various demi-god abilities, but i have not adopted any RP'd aura, ability to manifest energy, or anything super-human (beyond the abilities allowed her through her class choices.) the only 'power' she has, if you will, is that she has managed to maintain a working relationship with all the gods and has been able to draw on their blessings in an RP context.

she is one of a very few characters who can carry on a dialogue with members of all faiths and understand the merits and flaws without prejudice.... and one of very few whom no religious leader can correctly accuse of heresy or use faith as justification for hostilities. that is not to say that false accusations have not been leveled, they have, sadly.

as for anyone who may wish to RP as a child of one of the deities - it is not up to you. you need one of the DM's to approve it and the DM's have shyed away from that since before a few poor choices were made in mid-2006, so do not count on it.

as for the other titles in my sig, they are all earned RP titles from various RP events/actions. recounting them all would be a pain and since none of them have the likelyhood of being controversial (like the mention of being a daughter of Lia would) in routine RP, i will just savor those historic badges of honor and address them if they come up in RP in game.

:?: in some places your name is listed as Winesa Kenders and in others it says L'Talausathia Nailo, so which is it?
:arrow: both... she was born L'Talausathia Nailo, but due to events in her past, she changed her name to Winesa Kenders so she could start over. she has shared her birth name with those she feels she needs to, but she prefers to go by her adopted name.

:?: how do you say L'Talausathia Nailo?
:arrow: La'TAH-law-sah-THee-ah Nah-EYE-low .. do not feel bad if that is a mouthful for you. if i think about it when i try to say it, i still mess it up. i only pronounce it correctly when i do not worry about hitting the right accents and *i* have been playing this character since 2003. :D

:?: why is her nic-name 'Wine'?
:arrow: alot of questions about Wine this time. okay, well, it was once joked that she was sweet as 'strawberry wine' in honor of her strawberry red-blonde hair and polite mannerism when she was younger. the nic-name of 'Wine' stuck. count the name as yet another RP badge of honor.

i harbour a secret certainty that everyone was just too lazy to add the -sa at the end of Winesa and the quick adoption of the nic-name had more to do with that laziness than how sweet she was/is.


Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:31 pm
by Jazelle
Ortelassa uses Wine because Winesa started shorting the Drowess's name to Orty to get at her. Ortelassa means Prayer in Drow, shorting her name is a pun for doing a "Short Prayer". So Orty has always said Wine when addressing the Lady of Starkson.

Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:06 am
by Pharo_IK
:?: Is Starkson dead or (insert whatever other dumb crap people are preaching) ?
:arrow: No.
Lets go over some facts:
1.) Has anyone ever PM'd me on the BSK forums and not gotten a response within 2 or 3 days? ... No.
2.) Has anyone ever e-mailed me at and not gotten a responce within 48 hours? ... No.
3.) Has anyone ever PM'd me on the LoT forums and not gotten a response within a few days? ... No.
4.) How often to I log in? ... At least once every two weeks. More like once a week if the average is taken.
5.) How often does Ortel log in? ... Not sure, but I would guess about twice as much as I do.
6.) How many Citizens do we have? ... About 20. AND this is without counting members of other guilds who are also citizens or eve our own veteren members of Starkson who have mostly relocated to other servers and only visit BSK from time to time. (In fact, I have given the list to one of the DM's just to prove my point.)
7.) Do we have unused space? ... Sure do, but it is space within our allotment as a guild. Also, please note: The servers Admins are fully aware of all things Starkson. Probibly know more than they care to. If there is a problem, neither of the Admins are shy. I am certain they will address matters as it suits them.
8.) What about the 'open areas'? ... What about it? Starkson Island is one of the, if not 'the', most beautiful places in the server. There have been several weddings, a few tourniments and many individual RP's using those areas... Just as intended. Is the area in 'constant use'? Nope.. and why should it be. There is no inherent draw to the island other than the beauty and utility of it. People go there when they want to get away from the rest of the server and have some peace, just relax or dodge the 'emote morons' by the tree in the Keep.

Starkson was never meant to draw people from the mainland in large numbers. If lots of people showed up, it would ruin the peaceful atmosphere.

:?: Is there anything that can be done about the losers who keep stirring up imaginary trouble?
:arrow: Yeah... I have rearranged my schedule, both personal and professional. Luckly, I have a few co-workers who are also gammers and one who happens to play here also. They have helped me shift things around. I have also taken a step back from some of my activities on other projects.

Starting this weekend I will be in game around about midnight Friday, Saturday and Sunday Nights EST every other weekend for a few hours. I will also be in game Thursday nights all through May. If your in need of me at a specific time, send me a message to let me know. I will do my best to get online with you.

My hope is to interact with our existing members and find at least one... hopefully three... who are in touch enough with the Starkson ideals that I can promote them to the Council Level and let them activily run things when I have to return to my routine schedule. There are some husband and wife teams on as players that already seem ideal. We'll just have to see.

:!: I want to apologize to most of you. Some of you were put off enough as it is by the antics of a sub-group here on BSK who seem to have made it their mission to annoy, harrass and seek to affirm the destruction of anything others have successfully built. When I lit into them like I did in another thread, it just increased how upset you already were. Let me try to readdress the matter in a more artful and specific way:

Starkson is not nearly as active or prominent as it once was. This is true and I am sure some of our detracters are gleefully rubbing their hands at such a statement. The truth is, however, that BSK itself is not as it once was. None of the guilds are anywhere close to the point they were in the past. BSK was down for a long time and is only just now really starting to come back to life and mostly because of the efforts of a few DM's.

The least effected guild has been the Hunters. They have the benifit of most of them knowing eachother in real life..... and MORE important... they found the secret of extended character loyalty a long, long time ago. As many characters as the players of the Hunters may have, they have not abandoned or completely moved on from their Hunter characters. Even when most of their members were deep into other characters and other RP, when it boiled down to it, Raven could call a meeting and the others would show. Whatever anyone may say about the Hunters - you have to give them their props on the dependecy of their players to be loyal to their characters.

Hunter props aside, Starkson has never.... and I mean never.... had membership drop below the expectations of the server. I know many of you wonder how this can be, but the simplest answer is that with all the harrassment laid on our members, many stopped playing their characters, some players even completely changed their signon name or left the server to get away from the harriers.... but most of our members stopped wearing the Starkson colors or symbols and just quietly went about their business.

It used to be required of Starkson members to wear the Blue and Black colors and don the shield with the open gaunlet with the eye, but I stopped expecting that due to the hassles that our members got.

... and why were our members hassled?
Because the majority of us don't like PvP or even have a clue how to effectivily build for power. Most of our members just wanted to log on, RP their character development and tried to avoid all the stupid 'guild wars' that manifested for absolutely no valid RP reason other than a few powergamer mongrels wanted to crack some heads. In short, people wanted 'bragging rights' for having bested the 'mighty Starkson'.


That is the heart of it. Lame.

But for some reason they persist. They change their chant, but it is essentually the same and amounts to them trying to justify some claim on Starkson.

Nevermind that they only need 20 million, 5 regular players and a bit of RP to open their own guild hall.
Nevermind that Free Folk Isle is unquestionably abandoned and the guild there publically closed up shop.
Nevermind that Starkson is inherently neutral and there is absolutely no reasonable or justifiable reason for any animosity on behalf of 99.9% of the characters from the Mainland.

None of the facts matter. They just want to feed some pointless urge to give Starkson a blackeye. It is the same game, mostly the same people, and oddly enough it does not seem to matter whether I am active or not on the server. Only... the more active I am, the harder they try to draw me into a PvP conflict.

So. I apologize to those of you who have been caught up in this. I wish I had a simple answer for how to resolve the behavior of others, but I don't. I do hope that my review of just where the guild is (and the fact that it is doing just fine, thank you very much, when compared to the larger picture or even other guilds) will settle some of your worries.

Starkson is doing just fine.
Starkson will be just fine.

With any luck, the naysayers and harriers will quit and put their energy to a more positive use.


p.s. If anyone still has questions, concerns or comments: my PM box is open as always. I would be happy to clear up anything I have not yet touched on.

Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:33 pm
by Andrun
Pharo_IK wrote:... just relax or dodge the 'emote morons' by the tree in the Keep ... :?: Is there anything that can be done about the losers who keep stirring up imaginary trouble ... With any luck, the naysayers and harriers will quit and put their energy to a more positive use.
I would ask that you please keep your opinions of those so-called "emote morons, losers, naysayers and harriers" in Blackstone to yourself and let those who might be interested in joining you form their own opinions of those of us who gather at the Tree. This thread is supposed to be about the Starkson Protectorate and Citizenry, not of your opinions of other players.
Pharo_IK wrote:None of the facts matter. They just want to feed some pointless urge to give Starkson a blackeye.
The present reason why Andrun, a citizen of Starkson, wants to see some serious changes.... He just found out yesterday that there is an assassin after his hide in the employ of Starkson and the Hunters.

Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:53 pm
by wdpepsiman
.First of all let me make this very clear: yes the Hunters have an assassin and maybe the Starkson do to for all i know, but the Hunter assassin is a member of our guild and is not employed for hire.

2. The assassin is not used to take out the likes of you or any other citizen for that matter.

3. The Hunters have not taken out a hit on you or anybody else and whoever is telling you that is totally misinformed. And i can say with confidence the Starkson have not done so either.

4. Whoever is telling you or any other player this is trying to stir up trouble........all i can say is be careful what you wish for.

Re: The Starkson Protectorate - Update

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:13 pm
by Jazelle
// Starkson does not have any assasin employed, member or guest. Anyone saying so is pulling your leg totally. If anyone is acting as such that is easy to fix I'll put a wanted poster on their ass and kill them a few times. Please note this comment is ooc not ic.