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The Fate of Blackstone

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:04 pm
by driller
To whom it may concern.

Blackstone I will be shutting down after Oct 12th and I will be working full time on Blackstone for NWN2.

I have put up Blackstone v1.0 for NWN2 as placeholder until I get all the MOTB content added and the areas changed to a more wide open layout. I am going to move away from the linear design of BSK1.

Direct Connect ->
This will change to the standard port 5121 after Oct 12th.

Get the PWC file here -> pwc

There is no reason to keep BSK1 running since most of the players have left for

A server made by ex players that which is uncannily similar to BSK1 from what I hear.

If you want to play NWN1 in a BSK-like world, then that is your best option.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:43 pm
by Dan8145
It's not the server, it's the people. BSK is, and always will be, uber. But the people make it what it is. Very little DM interaction here anymore. Are you suprised people have lost interest? I hope BSK II fares better for you. Take care, and thanks for the good times.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:03 pm
by driller
That is true. But, in my experience, the DMs have been the source of most of the problems I have had.

I will not have DMs per se on BSK2. I will set it up to be ran by the players and their imaginations.

That is one reason why it will be more open ended. Once the player count reaches a certain number, players will be able to vote for one of them to be the storyteller.

The player that wins this vote will be granted DM-Like powers for that session. Maybe a little experimental, but worth a try to see if it works.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:05 pm
by Capt Cliff
Good luck with BSK II ... it's been fun ... I hope they (Bioware) patch NWN2 to make it as viable and fun as NWN1 is. Adios!

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:41 pm
by tropiofCancer
Well it was a damn good run Driller, hopefully the kinks will be worked out on NWN2 and we can all play there . You know I have heard alot of complaints about the DM's on your server but it is of little consequence to me anyway . The DMs there are only concerned w/ pwning you in the arena with the exception of Carpe . I think its very inventive of you to run your new server as you posted you would . I will definitely give it a go . Thanks for dedicating so much time and interest in BSK over the years , regardless of the complaints you get its the best server I have encountered on online gaming . Thanks for the Good Times .

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:57 pm
by dark-777
I couldn't agree more with TropicOfCancer, this was by far the best server online, I've had the time of my life at that server. And yes, Driller... side-stepping the DMs is a hell of an idea. I will definitely re-install when BSK2 is up and running. .. and Dan :roll: Lmao, I'm sure they have a surgery that will remove your lips from Dorrians posterior... Unless of course you fused them there yourself.. and from the sound of your comment.. that is exactly what you did. So good luck with that, my advice to you. Nose plugs.. you'll need em.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:58 pm
by tropiofCancer

bye bye BSK1

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:59 pm
by Hordack
Well I will miss good old BSK1 ... and I am sure to stop by on BSK2 when it gets up and running ... It's been fun .

Anyone looking for a good Nwn1 home can check out


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:13 pm
by Dan8145
Erm Tela?? Not too sure what you mean? I go where the players are...I began to lose interest in BSK...why do you think I got to 40, and made more? Not much else to events, little RP ( and I aint no RP'er BTW ) and people (no names) being petty and juvenile. Great server, some great people ( you know who you are ) and, well, a lot of idiots.

*I'm probably classed as one of the idiots*

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:25 pm
by Nizzle
Dan8145 wrote:*I'm probably classed as one of the idiots*
I'd have to concur.

But mockeries aside, this hurts to hear even though I will be excited about ze NWN2 BSK. Or rather, BSK2.

Trials of New Castle should get their asses copyright infringed. Excuse ze mentioning of posterior, but it's just plain copycatting. Despicable if you ask me. Especially since they beat me to it.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:49 pm
by Caesius
Let's see... BSK went down for about a month around this time of the year in 2005 so driller could spend more time with the wife and also to take Quake 4 out for a spin IIRC.

Then in 2006, it was put on a backburner but not shut down while driller experimented with a very rough-around-the-edges release of NWN2 and the prototype for BSK2.

Here we are in 2007. Once again, the venerable BSK project will once again go on hiatus while BSKII gets another go with the release of the expansion. Will this be the last we see of the original BSK? Who knows.

As for Trials of Newcastle, I can say the basic cosmology(Good God, Bad God, Neutral God) and balancing (socket and forge system) feels similar to BSK. But the geography and other small details are noticeably different.

No matter how you cut it, whether you are an NWN1 or an NWN2 player, I think there will be something for everyone. Either way, I want to thank Driller for a number of years of solid gameplay and enjoyment.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:53 pm
by Sierante
Glad to hear that BSK2 is coming back, it was lots of fun the first time around, and let's not forget the beautiful environment. I'm looking forward to see more of it! And I hope to see lots of BSK1 people on there as well...? 8-[

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:25 pm
by hang_on
Well I was supposed to leave yesterday, but the job corps people at the Curlew are stupid. . . Still a bummer though. I'm gonna miss BSK1

F*** Newcastle! :evil:

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 5:52 pm
by Dan8145
Oh hears a though....don't blame newcastle for peeps leaving...blame the peeps. OMG, go figure. And still you wonder why.....

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 6:38 pm
by Pretty Fly White Guy
I may pop in on BSKII every now and then.

I may be there on the 12th, to say goodbye. i think it's only fitting.