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Black Stone Keep Funnies

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:24 am
by dmcclain
Tensions have been high around here lately so lets lighten things up a bit. POST THE FUNNIEST THINGS YOU'VE SEEN ON THE SERVER!! I'll start it off.

Last night I witnessed one of the funniest things I've seen while playing in the keep.

Jaylor was talking to Xamalia and Derrick and fawning all over their new twins when Jaylor decided to take leave.

Xamalia, being the lovely person she is, said good bye and *waved*.

On screen, Xamalia ran behind the bench with the baby and waved the baby back and forth in the air...and then sent and ooc NOOOOOOOO!!!

It was just so funny, I still laugh everytime I picture it in my head.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:31 am
by ValentianNizzle
My character Jonathan Pryce was having relations with Scarlet in the Starksons Tower and in the middle of it all, whom chooses to pop up... Natasha (Gibbo) and Kretch, and considering I had just spoken to Gibbo in tells all the while, it came across as quite the embarrassing scene when I discovered that Gibbo didn't know that we were actually up there and he had just strolled by unknowingly.

Red faces everywhere, wizards all uncomfortable and me accusing Gibbo of knowing in tells and Gibbo just laughing his Maryland butt off.

Which reminds me, when you least expect it Gibbo...

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:44 am
by Gibbo
That was hilarious.

I stopped counting how many times I've 'walked in' on people doing their forbidden dances.

Hmm.. a funny time in ol' BSK... let's see.

Ah! Here's a story from the Blood Goddess campaign. The set up is that Unicorn was running a campaign were these B.A.M.F. vampires were running around trying to collect enough souls for their goddess. The most-elite of these was simply called the "Undying" and at the time was undefeated by any character. Looked like a soul sucker ODing on steroids, so you have that mental image.

At time time, Eclipse Solanova was acting as a traveling companion for my Natasha character. Eclipse, at the time, was a mute and could not speak. Instead her pixie familiar Lumi would speak for her in any dialog.

Anyway, the Undying decided to pick on Natasha and Eclipse. Lumi stepped up to verbally scold the Undying and tell it to back off or else. The Undying used some sort of multicolored ray attack and the pixie very literally ZOMG'PLOSION! There were fairy-guts all over the streets as it exploded into a red spray.

... the noise it made was priceless.

But! enough of the morbid stuff. Eclipse was upset that her companion got turned into a fine mist, and twirled out the uniquely designed Solar Twinblade sword. After about 5 rounds, Eclipse criticals against the undead and does over 1500 damage in one hit!

It was amazing. And I was laughing so hard by the end of it. Seeing Uni's best tromped by a vengeful mute.. hah! I wish I still had the screen shot.. it was amazing.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:46 am
by dmcclain
wish I'd thought to screen shot the waving baby

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:33 pm
by Thanatos
Tough choice on this one. I'm gonna have to either go with the Pink Pony Boat Incident...or the great Snort Debate. Usually everyone else is laughing at my misfortune though.

But I think I"ll go with the Snort one anyhow.

I had my mage out and was in the Minotaurs. I had my familiar with me(those of you who know my mage, know about my stupid pseudo-dragon). I was layin some smackdown on a couple mino's when I start lookin around and notice my familiar's gone AWOL. I finish the two mino's off just in time to see her bee-lining for me, with Snort in tail.

Now, at this point, I didn't have a portal book. And I had been running around so long in the area that the exits were blocked off by baddies.

So, I did the only thing I could think of...I tried to negotiate with Snort, hoping a DM would notice and save my arse. And so I ran around whilst stopping occasionally to quickly type out some dialogue. It went something like this:

Me: What're you all huffy about?
Snort: *snorts*
Me: What? They attacked me first?
Snort: *snorts*
Me: Well maybe if they weren't so weak, they might've had an easier time chewing what they bit off, eh?
Snort: *snorts*
Me: Seriously, you're being kind of a baby about all this.

It was at that time, I wasn't paying good enough attention and he caught up with me, dropping me to the ground in one fell swoop. When I looked back at the ridiculousness of it all, I couldn't stop laughing.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:10 pm
by Caesius
Gibbo wrote:That was hilarious.

I stopped counting how many times I've 'walked in' on people doing their forbidden dances.

Hmm.. a funny time in ol' BSK... let's see.

Ah! Here's a story from the Blood Goddess campaign. The set up is that Unicorn was running a campaign were these B.A.M.F. vampires were running around trying to collect enough souls for their goddess. The most-elite of these was simply called the "Undying" and at the time was undefeated by any character. Looked like a soul sucker ODing on steroids, so you have that mental image.

At time time, Eclipse Solanova was acting as a traveling companion for my Natasha character. Eclipse, at the time, was a mute and could not speak. Instead her pixie familiar Lumi would speak for her in any dialog.

Anyway, the Undying decided to pick on Natasha and Eclipse. Lumi stepped up to verbally scold the Undying and tell it to back off or else. The Undying used some sort of multicolored ray attack and the pixie very literally ZOMG'PLOSION! There were fairy-guts all over the streets as it exploded into a red spray.

... the noise it made was priceless.

But! enough of the morbid stuff. Eclipse was upset that her companion got turned into a fine mist, and twirled out the uniquely designed Solar Twinblade sword. After about 5 rounds, Eclipse criticals against the undead and does over 1500 damage in one hit!

It was amazing. And I was laughing so hard by the end of it. Seeing Uni's best tromped by a vengeful mute.. hah! I wish I still had the screen shot.. it was amazing.
Ah memories... though for some reason, I thought it was more like 3000 damage on the Devastating Critical... oh well. If only I had taken a screenshot...

Still, it was one of the rare instances where Eclipse got really mad and actually drove away a DM controlled avatar with thousands of HP. Still, it took over a game year to gather up all the scattered pixie dust and grow a new incarnation of Lumière from it.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:26 pm
by Gibbo
I didn't want to over exaggerate the story. =P 3000 it is!
Caesius wrote:
Ah memories... though for some reason, I thought it was more like 3000 damage on the Devastating Critical... oh well. If only I had taken a screenshot...

Still, it was one of the rare instances where Eclipse got really mad and actually drove away a DM controlled avatar with thousands of HP. Still, it took over a game year to gather up all the scattered pixie dust and grow a new incarnation of Lumière from it.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:31 pm
by DM_Mystic
We had a little Blackstone band a few years back. My char was playing guitar, another on bass, a drummer, fiddle player, etc. We decided to perform a parody of Devil Went Down to Georgia, changing Georgia to Blackstone. I was changing the words on the fly for the situation.

Well, the fiddle player was an RDD, and we got the the part where it says: "Well the dragon opened up his case and said 'I'll start this show' / And fire flew from his fingertips as he rosined up that bow..."

At that, he blew fire and toasted the drum set, destroying the individual drums. The drummer was left swinging his sticks in the air,


Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:23 pm
by Berforam
Newbie Paladin : What´s a good place to hunt... ? I´m tired of bashing ettins
Logan Moonrise : Rah Om Mu Beh
Newbie Paladin : *Detects evil and runs to the rune portal* Thanks *Looks to logan just the way apaldin does*
Logan : Anytime *grins*

A few minutes l8er.... Logan gets a tell msg... :"Damn you i got destroyed"

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:15 am
by Trudes
One of the funniest things I ever saw was a video clip Warlock made of his char in jail, it had me in stitches haha!

Wonder if anyone still has it? :?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:25 am
by Pretty Fly White Guy
Haha, i remember that video.

I remember a thread like this before, actually. I had quite a few funnies, but Myle had one i found hilarious. Maybe it'll be posted.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:20 am
by warlock
Trudes wrote:One of the funniest things I ever saw was a video clip Warlock made of his char in jail, it had me in stitches haha!

Wonder if anyone still has it? :?
I knew someone would mention that.
Too bad that I didn't save the video clip :'(

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:53 am
by Thanatos
Okay, I"ve decided to post this one up, cause I still snicker about it. Now, I wasn't actually there to witness the events, but the dialogue that came across the party chat line was enough to keep me in stitches, after picturing it all.

It involves one of Roland's chars, probably on a rebuild. And the dialogue looked something like this:


"All right, I'll brb, I'm gonna go start new char."
*time lapse*
"Allright, I'm back, and thanks for the invite"
Note: He's carrying the Pink Pony Flag at this point
"Oh great, there's a newb standing at the boat portal"
"What the hel- another one just popped in"
*few moments time lapse*
"Damnit, another one just popped in...where are they coming from?"
"Oh NO he didn't."
"That little *#@($&@ just cut me in line."
*bit of silence here - no confirmation on actual events that transpire, but we assume that he's killed the newb on the boat*
"Well that problem's fixed"

"Finally, all right, I"m headed to the Kobolds"
*Couple minutes time lapse*
"Oh for crying out loud..."
"There's one newb in the Kobolds right now, with 2 more standing there, waiting in line."

I'm rolling on the floor at this point. Roland, one of the toughest players on the server, carrying his Pink Pony flag, stifled by the swarm of newbs, and forced to wait in line everywhere he goes.

I could practically see the vein in his neck bulging with anger as he lashed out at, what is probably, some 12 year old kid who is just so excited to play NWN for the first time that he accidentally gets anxious and jumps in front of our intrepid hero on the boat.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:53 am
by dmcclain
sorry...still laughing at the drummer with just his sticks (toasted drum) and the waving brown paper baby LOL

These stories are great!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:17 am
by Pretty Fly White Guy
Currently, i'm finding the whole Kajun thing pretty hilarious.