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Blaarg... On Blaarg

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:12 am
by halfogre0520
The BSK Show!

BSK: Here we are once again interviewing an up and coming star of Blackstone Keep. His name is Blaarg and he’s a Barbarian. *turns to Blaarg* Well Blaarg, how are you today?

BLAARG: Me okeedokee. How you be? *grins toothily*

BSK: Oh I’m fine thanks for asking. Now Blaarg, how have your first few seasons here in the lands been? We’re all wanting to know.

BLAARG: Oh dey fine. Me kills stuffs, an’ den me kills some more. Me like dis neat ring dat da purty lady gimme fer shinies. *waves to the camera* Howdies purty lady!

BSK: *laughs* That’s great Blaarg. So who is Blaarg? What makes you…well, you?

BLAARG: Welp, Blaarg be compumlikated feller. Me not all smash an squish youse knowed. Me gots feelins an stuffs from me babytime dat not been good. Most peeples jus use Blaarg as…wot dat word…oh yeah, “meatshieldâ€