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PvP in the keep

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:37 pm
by Roland Deschain
Ok yday a few friends and I were in the arena watching fights. Two people decide walk in and attack myself and one other person in my party. (which was fine because consent to pvp is given just be stepping into the arena.) So we retaliate, the two start losing the fight so they try to run, we pursue, one is killed the other makes it out of the arena. this happened outside of the arena "bowl" (?) So the guy couldnt respawn without the penalties. I told him I would raise him if he promised to be good and let us watch the fights. He gets up and attcks someone in my party and runs, I kill him again.
He then is raised by somene else and gets out of the arena. we wait on them to come back with their hit and run tactics but they never do .

instead they decide to go wait in the tavern and attack people. They killed a total of 5-6 people and then they ran to the keep and taunted us by spamming the laugh voice set option because we couldnt kill them. This prevented me from doing my JOB of bringing them to justice. So I tended to the wounded and made sure they got to a safe area.

If PvP was allowed in the keep myself and my friends couldve stopped these two from getting away with murder unpunished. Why give murderers a place to be safe from justice like the keep? They can attack in the tavern and a few other areas inside the keep and then let the no pvp rules protect them. an yes I know that pvp in the keep is a double sided sword but it is needed to keep trouble makers from being such a nuisance and It WILL generate more RP.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:44 pm
by Eldora Blackwood
I agree totally .... I've been asked for help so many times when chars have been attacked .... the ones attacking seem to know that nothing can be done inside the Keep ... let there be pvp in the Keep ... please .... then we can sort the idiots out who find it funny to ruin everyone's game.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:55 pm
by trailofthedead
I fell victim to one of the protagonists who PKed me about 5 seconds after I logged in, in the main room at the inn completely unprovoked. (think i got a screen capture to prove it)

Im not a whippersnapper and have enough life experience to let this go without too much consternation, but as someone who only joined this world 3/4 days ago I can see how this sort of behaviour could put new players off completely.

Luckily there was a band of payers who were quick to come to my assistance and offer commiserations and restore my faith that there are a lot of good people about - the 2 people posting above me in the thread included.

Look forward to seeing what dveelops with this, bullying shouldnt be tolerated in any format virtual fantasy world or not

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:55 pm
by Fenrip
These guys have names?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:58 pm
by Cajin
I for one believe in judging by your own hand.

Today two of my party members where PK'd in the tavern without being asked for consent. I was contacted on this and made my way into the tavern to smack down the culprit but not till after using words (which YES were harsh).

instead of talking with me OC (and I sure used the // to bring up OC conversation) he started to buff up (so I did as well) and casted a harm on me and struck me down, good for him, I bet he got quite aroused on that but he wrecked it for 3 players on that moment.

His account name? : Beorningwarrior if I am correct, and if I am correct AGAIN he was banned before.

PvP in the keep can solve this yes, you can chase the "insert random other word for one's behind here" down and whack him silly BUT, this would bring mayhem in the keep as well (griefing ala creme).

I say, if you can solve it on the spot, do it. (and grief killing or not, I do believe in smiting him back, or her, it's a perfectly normal human reaction) I am curious what other's think about pvp in the keep on this note?


Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:02 pm
by viobane
PvP in the keep will be a major assist to the characters who don't play by the rules and see RP as who's got the 733t gear. I've been pretty disillusioned by the atmosphere on BSK recently. I used to think it would be fun, but there's enough disruption going on by people that I don't think it's such a great idea anymore.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:10 pm
by Roland Deschain
Yes if the wards were taken off the keep it probably would bring about more chaos at times, but at other times the trouble makers would actually have consequences for their actions. It can be hard to catch someone outside the keep when they know if they leave they will be killed.

As I said before i know this has its ups and its downs , but I believe that more RP will be generated this way and the murderers wont have a place to hide and taunt after they rampage .

This is 2 different sets of murders in 2 days bringing the count up to close to 10 people I would say. 2 of the muderers got away duo to the pvp rules. My point is if people want to kill someone they will do it regardless of where it is. If they have to go the the Hamlet or the Tavern they will more than likely be preying on newbs or new characters. But if they deicide to take it to the keep then they will have the guards to deal with along with any high level PC that happens to be standing by the tree waiting for rp.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:14 pm
by Queen Naga II
Looks like the amnesty Driller gave is coming to the end for a few of those previously banned.

I have mentioned this before, rather than going to make the keep all PvP. Allow some trusted players to have a boot/temp ban wand for when there are no DM's available.

These wands are like the DM wand/token for booting players until the next reset or longer as desired. Only to used by players that have proved over the years to Driller and his team they will act responsible with them.

Use of the wand will be recorded on the server log along with details of who was booted, the trusted players can then send in supporting screen shots so the whole thing can be monitored. Thus perma bans only still done by Driller and his admin team.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:19 pm
by Carpe_DM1
Until such a day occurs... take screenshots and inform the dm team. PM us if you have questions, complaints or concerns. Been a bit busy myself, but hey it's summer. Keep track of idiot behavior and let us know.

*grins evilly* :twisted:

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:30 pm
by Roland Deschain
Carpe_DM1 wrote:Until such a day occurs... take screenshots and inform the dm team. PM us if you have questions, complaints or concerns. Been a bit busy myself, but hey it's summer. Keep track of idiot behavior and let us know.

*grins evilly* :twisted:
Well i guess I will have to start taking more screenies, I prefer to just kill the idioits and leave them like they planned on doing to the innocents they murder, but hey what can ya do when they can hide within no pvp areas.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:34 pm
by Qui Chang
Hmm. Not sure if this belongs here or in the suggestion area. Either one I suppose. Yes allow pvp in the keep. Or maybe anywhere perhaps.

Cause I was wondering, if it is possible without haks, to have an item given to all characters that simply allow you to activate or deactivate pvp. So maybe if you activate it you can't attack anyone or be attacked. And when not activated you can attack or be attacked. Then all players will have the simple choice and it could solve all kinda problems maybe. Rp'ers can rp anywhere without fear of being pk'd. This would actually force rp kills too cause the person you want to kill would have to agree to change their setting before you could attack them. And all those power building pk'n fools can run around the keep killing each other to their hearts content:?:

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:36 pm
by k9mouse
i do thank player(s) will -try- to enforce the rules, i think the dm's should do that, not players, since they (the dm's) know the rules better then the players and they can talk with the big boss man (driller) more easier then the players can, thus they understand the in and outs of the rules better then the players and they can save more hard feelings then a player who does not know them as well, i trust their word better then an old hat player (their is some reason they (the old hat) are NOT a dm in the first place....

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:38 pm
by k9mouse
Qui Chang wrote:Hmm. Not sure if this belongs here or in the suggestion area. Either one I suppose. Yes allow pvp in the keep. Or maybe anywhere perhaps.

Cause I was wondering, if it is possible without haks, to have an item given to all characters that simply allow you to activate or deactivate pvp. So maybe if you activate it you can't attack anyone or be attacked. And when not activated you can attack or be attacked. Then all players will have the simple choice and it could solve all kinda problems maybe. Rp'ers can rp anywhere without fear of being pk'd. This would actually force rp kills too cause the person you want to kill would have to agree to change their setting before you could attack them. And all those power building pk'n fools can run around the keep killing each other to their hearts content:?:
i only i know hos this might work, is to us ethe "like" and "dislike" on the player list.... (may be :?: )

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:39 pm
by Roland Deschain
Qui Chang wrote:Hmm. Not sure if this belongs here or in the suggestion area. Either one I suppose. Yes allow pvp in the keep. Or maybe anywhere perhaps.

Cause I was wondering, if it is possible without haks, to have an item given to all characters that simply allow you to activate or deactivate pvp. So maybe if you activate it you can't attack anyone or be attacked. And when not activated you can attack or be attacked. Then all players will have the simple choice and it could solve all kinda problems maybe. Rp'ers can rp anywhere without fear of being pk'd. This would actually force rp kills too cause the person you want to kill would have to agree to change their setting before you could attack them. And all those power building pk'n fools can run around the keep killing each other to their hearts content:?:
The problem with that is what do you do with the clowns who do not realize that there are (contrary to popular belief) consequences for your words and actions? They will run their mouths and keep pvp turned off.

I was one Pk'd w/out just cause

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:40 pm
by magnus
Today July 6


was the log in name of the one who killed me an another as we stepped up to buy goods in the Playful Maiden.
There was no RPG ing, no consent....

He was also responsible for an attack yesterday which a group of us helped those who were striken.

Rumor has it he was banned before, looks as though another banning is needed. I also like the idea of having some chars. with temporay boot ability, it may put an end to this type of activity.

thanks to those who helped me out today...