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Taking other's kills

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:45 pm
by Shadow_Nightfall
All right, I finally got enough time on my hands to post this, as was asked of me. Here is the scenerio, told from a neutral point of veiw, leaving nothing out:

There was a person running up and down a bridge of doom, as we all know, to summon a certain beneficial creature that gives a nice pretty stone. I asked him what he was doing, then I said I needed the creature too, so i went to another bridge to do the same thing... He did not respond after my last comment, telling me no, or that he did not need my help, nothing. After a bit, the creature came about, and I went at it with fury, attempting to bring it down. The other person then shows up and starts his own wacking at it. We beat the creature down, he gets the kill and xp, though it cannot be much, but i didn't need it (lvl 40). He then tells me I should be careful not to take other people's kills. It got me upset and confused... it was my kill, i attacked first! but he is mad at ME! whos kill was it, then? was it his simply because he was there on the bridge slightly longer than me?

Re: Taking other's kills

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:59 pm
by k9mouse
IMHO, kill stealing never make sense to me.. there are inf number of monsters and loot ... either team up and share the loot or go to a different area until the first area is not so full.... just some peep's are just looking for a reason to get upset about something .. to determan who kill it is...i go by who have the most hits, gaveing more weight to the last hit....

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:03 pm
by chbtartdat
Rather rude. It's not a quest...perse. I'd probably determine there's no real way to tell who actually did the summoning, but regardless of who killed it the joint journey to where the thing led should have been a no-brainer. Just join up and ride the magic ring ride to the hovel and whoopie!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:20 pm
by Ishamael
The other person there doesn't always want to go right away. They may save it for later or sell it.

It is in my opinion that you were in the right. You obviously tried to communicate that you were helping him. The only communication he did was expressing his unjustified anger.

Killstealing is where you bring a monster to say, near death, and suddenly a player from nowhere comes and kills it, getting the xp. This has happened to me a couple times, once during the Gorgo quest (and the person didn't have the quest so I had to kill him again!). It can be frustrating and I will kill anyone who killsteals from me!

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:23 pm
by ValentianNizzle
Well, topic-related, let me say this; If you killed it, but left the loot. You might not find the loot where it was when you come back for it.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:32 pm
by Wing--Zero
Who did it summon for? You or him?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:51 am
by chbtartdat
Wing--Zero wrote:Who did it summon for? You or him?
How can you tell?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:13 am
by Queen Naga II
I believe only the summoner get the message "You hear stomping in the distance.." In this instance it would be actually the case you went to a totally different bridge to try summon it.

Whether or not the script fires again and then notices the guardian is already present and does not summon a second one, hence the late arrival of the other. Think we need that to be clarified by Driller.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:39 am
by Shadow_Nightfall
chbtartdat wrote: Just join up and ride the magic ring ride to the hovel and whoopie!
We both did end up going to Akons, and I believe that was his intent the whole time, that he was not planning on saving it, for he willingly went. I did grab the stone though, so there would be no 'misconduct'. We both needed it. And we both entered.
I don't recall seeing the words 'you hear stompin in the distance' so he may have summoned it. But I saw it first and attacked first, I didn't even know anyone fought the thing for its xp, just the stone!

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:08 pm
by ValentianNizzle
Queen Naga II wrote:I believe only the summoner get the message "You hear stomping in the distance.." In this instance it would be actually the case you went to a totally different bridge to try summon it.

Whether or not the script fires again and then notices the guardian is already present and does not summon a second one, hence the late arrival of the other. Think we need that to be clarified by Driller.
Or we could just play it out ala survival of the fittest.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:37 pm
by Jazelle
It announces to all around the area not just the summoner.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:42 pm
by Capt Cliff
The same happened to me ... I summoned the creature and killed the golem but this other person with monk speed zipped in and took the stone. I almost attacked ... but they did offer to let me come, with my stone from my kill. Had another experience out in the ant farm. Was herding a bunch of ants picking at them with my bow when up come someone and kills all the ants, takes the treasure and walks off. I was alone and not in party which is probably why they did it. I was so discussed I logged off. This PC I had partied with with another toon so I sort of new their lvl ... PvP was out of the question since they was in partyand would have called for help. The kill stealing is getting to be a big problem.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:00 pm
by k9mouse
Capt Cliff wrote:The kill stealing is getting to be a big problem.
just go somewhere else to hunt or rp in the den and/or by the big tree... or stay, but it might take longer, but they are infinite number of monsters to kill
yes players should show more respect, but there are ways to work around them

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:50 pm
by DM_Mystic
As to the first point about the golem: Just realize that some people can be idiotic. It sounds like you were pretty much in the right, but hey, life isn't fair all the time.

As far as the larger issue of kill stealing goes: Well, it's always going to be somewhat of a judgement call. As others have eluded to, most of the time it's just not a can of worms worth opening. If it's a clear cut case of kill stealing, you have the 'go ahead' for PvP, but it is really worth it? Not always. Also keep in mind that just because you are allowed to PvP, it doesn't mean you'll win.

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:09 pm
by Shadow_Nightfall
[quote="Capt Cliff"] The same happened to me ... I summoned the creature and killed the golem but this other person with monk speed zipped in and took the stone. I almost attacked ... but they did offer to let me come, with my stone from my kill. [quote]

Uhhhh... funny thing... I might see where our trouble originates..yes, our trouble... see, i was the monk, but maybe you didn't see me already there, attacking the golem before you showed up? I can assure you, I was. didn't you realize that our stories matched perfectly? like I said, I left nothing out, no small detail. You thought you were there first. heh, I don't know how you could think that you were there first, because as I was fighting it, I remember knocking it down, and then you came up and hit it while it was on the ground, kneeling. and I was fighting the whole time... hmmmm