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Event - Live in-game auction

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:14 pm
by Queen Naga II
*Cassy Peterson starts placing posters around the Keep*

-----+++++----- AUCTION TO BE HELD ------+++++-----

Following recent acquirements from my suppliers a number of rare items are to be sold off in a live auction.

( OOC: hopefully to held on either Saturday 30th of June or following Saturday 7th July, time to be sorted out as yet )

As a taster, amoungst the sale by auction are the following items...

A celestral plate armour
An Ivory plate armour
one pair of magefist
An amulet of the Avatar
40 heal potions as a single lot
A robe of blending

Many other items too including monk gloves, amulets, bluenaut helms, a few rings, belts fo fire giant strength, a few finely forged weapons too.

A fuller list will follow in due course along with reserve prices and details as appropriate.

( OOC: please do not enter bidding here the point is it is going to be an in-game auction and not on the forum at all, this is just a notice of intent to hold the auction as an event )

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:50 pm
by Fenrip
Is there a listing any where of properties of items?

Some of us (ok maybe just me) are hacks and do not know the properties.

Can't bid if I don't know what I am buying. I'll keep a look out as the auction gets closer.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:35 pm
by wdpepsiman
excellent idea and i always thought the in-game auctions were the best anyways

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:09 am
by Queen Naga II
// OOC: First or part one of the live auction will be held in the keep on Saturday 7th July, in the keep on the first part of the central rampart of the keep, (ie. above and behind the storage chest ) The time of the auction will be shortly after the 4pm server time reset.

That is 9pm GMT.... 4pm EST...

I will in the next few days set up a list here for this first auction, I propose to make it about 12 to 15 items. Two to four will be rare items and the rest a mixture of the interesting and essential just to add some variety for all levels of potential bidders.

I will also set in the list the stats of the items, and their reserve prices.

The bidding increments will be set at a minimum of 5,000 gold, hence character #1 bids 200,000 character #2 must bid at least 205,000, and so on. Nothing stopping character #3 coming in with a bid of 400,000 then character #4 wanting to bid would have to bid a minimum of 405,000.

Am also requesting that amounts bid are kept to round figures, ( ie nearest 1,000 gold) this is just for simplicity and speed. THis is also so it stops the senseless bidding of the likes of 1,001 gold followed by 1,002 etc...

It is my intention for the auction to last no more than an hour it would therefore be appreciated that there be no shapeshifting or other than natural humaniod forms, no unnecessary spell casting, or anything else that may disrupt this event.

I don't have DM support so I am not demanding this I am politely asking that you adhere to this so things can go as smoothly and reasonibly quickly as possible. ///

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:55 pm
by Queen Naga II

First auction on Saturday 7th July at approx shortly after 4pm server time reset ( EST 4pm - GMT 9pm )

Am starting the list here, there are going to be 16 items in this first auction to be sold in the order presented here. (apologies but I have to do this in stages so you'll need to keep coming back to view the list as I add via the edit facility)

It is my intention to have a variety of items to entice those of pre-epic through to 40th season to be interested as well. Though it is fair to say I think that those that do attend will be a players richest characters.

A successful bid requires the item to be traded for the value bid by the highest bidder immediately, as the location I have chose is safe from PP and is no PvP there. So it is only your gold upon your character to bid with.

To be fair to everyone else as well I am not waiting around for someone to log in and out to make bids from a players other characters or other accounts with other characters. If your absent when the final bid is accepted thats your look out, once Cassy delclares item as SOLD that is it no further bids will be accepted for that item.

The reason I ask for that is to save time not having to wait for John Doe to go back and forth to the storage chest or draw more gold out of their accounts with Vogon or log in and out with various characters.

You have a week to get a single character organised with the funds in place on that character. Players who obviously ignore this request could well be ignored by the auctionaire. So please adhere to this request you can do all your inter-character transfers at your convienence at a later time.

It will not be appreciated if someone bids more gold for an item then they actually have on that character. Am just asking you to be sensible in this, if you are outbid due to lack of funds then please do not continue to bid beyond your means at the auction.

No credit will be extended under any circumstances all successful bidders are expected to pay in gold alone.

Format of the list of items here is as follows; Item number, description including stats and any other relevant information, reserve price at which the item will start the bidding from.

In the event of a no sale or offers not meeting the reserve price then said item may reappear at the end of the auction again and/or be included in the following auction as time permits.

Item 1# Lesser magic bag -40% weight reduction to contents, the bag contains a number of mystery items which far exceed the reserve price in value alone only the successful bidder will be aware of the exact contents upon the trade with the auctionaire ( ie. Cassy ) Reserve 45,000 gold

Item 2# Magic bag -60% weight reduction to contents, the bag contains a number of mystery items which far exceed the reserve price in value alone only the successful bidder will be aware of the exact contents upon the trade with the auctionaire ( ie. Cassy ) Reserve 70,000 gold

Item 3# Bag of holding -100% weight reduction to contents, this bag too has mystery items contained fewer but none the less have good value, again only the successful bidder will become aware of the contents upon the trade with the auctionaire (ie Cassy ) Reserve 300,000 gold

Item 4# Periapt of Wisdom, this has +5 to WIS, rare drop which would suit a cleric, druid, monk, or ranger. Ideal as a crafting base item.
Reserve 60,000 gold

Item 5# Blood Fist, attack +1, Bludgeon damage 5, and haste, essentially these are monk gloves useful before to the pre-epic and the benefit of haste makes them a valuable asset even if your not a punching monk.
Reserve 90,000 gold

Item 6# 40 Heal potions, self explanatory really each potion will return you to full health, ideal replacement for mid battle situations where casting or reading from a scroll is too dangerous.
Reserve 85,000 gold

Item 7# Greater Belt of Guiding Light, +4 INT, immunity to Death Magic and Fear, Light (15mts0 purple, Skill bonus's Listen +4 Lore +4 Search +4 and Spot +4. Ideal Item for some of dangerous casting monsters out there and of course the odd dragon fighting, added feature of increased INT could make this an ideal item for the mage.
Reserve 150,000 gold

Item 8# Dwarvern Axe of Pain Bonus Acid damage 1d10, Enhancement +3. A very effective weapon of choice for our Dwarven friends at pre-epic to slice up the trolls in the long passage.
Reserve 80,000 gold

Item 9# Royal plate of Sounding Heavy plate armour, AC+6, On hit Sound Burst level 9, rare piece of armour that resounds upon the enermy if they are fortunate enough to hit you. A kind of sting in the tail if you will.
Reserve 200,000 gold

Item 10# Socketed Longsword heavily crafted, Damage bonus v Good 1d6 Negative energy, other Bonus damages 1d6 fire and 1d6 sonic, Enhancement +5, Holy Avenger, Mass Crits 1d8, On hit Lesser Dispell DC20, On hit Poison Level 6, Only useable Blackguard/Paladin, Spell Resistance 16.
Reserve 350,000 gold

Item 11# A sythe called Blood Rake Bonus damage 1d6 acid, Enhancement +5, Mass Crits 1d8, This item is available in Akon's store for in excess of 590,000 gold but today a decent bid in excess of the reserve will get you it for a fairer price. Excellent starter base for those whom want to forge an epic Sythe.
Reserve 280,000 gold

Item 12# 1 Blue forge stone No need to tell anyone what this is for, any crafter would love to have this.
Reserve 450,000 gold

Item 13# Cruel Arcane Kama of Might (LvL 34 required) attack Bonus +19, INT +3, STR +3, Extra Melee damage Slashing, Mass Crits 2d8, Use magic missle (3) 1use/day, This is a spectacular Kama extremely rare exotic item with mass crits at 2d8 and extra melee damage what monk or exotic weapon user would love to be weilding this.
Reserve 500,000 gold

Item 14# Celestral Plate of the Dragon Heavy Armour, AC+6, 25% slashing immunity, CHA +2, Improved Will Saves +3. For those with a little dragon in their blood or maybe not, this rare armour is a boon to those looking to increase the defense against many of the most frightening monsters in the realms of BSK from Giant Ants and Waste Dragons on to the challenges of the underworld this armour will serve the buyer well and has room enough for forged improvements too.
Reserve 350,000 gold

Item 15# Amulet of the Avatar INT +4, Immunities to Fear and Knockdown, Improved Universal saves +5, Spell Resistance 16. Slightly crafted with more Intelegence but none the less an item that is now extremely rare and much sort after for its benefits. What wizard would be without this, and yet still has room for further improvements through forging.
Reserve 750,000 gold.

Item 16# The Robe of Blending AC+6, INT+4, On Hit Acid Splash level 9, Regeneration +1, Hide +10. Partially crafted this is one of the rarest items in the Realms ideal for the sneaker or the arcane archer specifically but many others would feel the benefit of this robe.
Reserve 900,000 gold

List now complete for first auction, 2nd auction details including dragon slippers will be posted after this first auction has been concluded.

Thanks in advance to those that attend and good luck in the bidding to each and all. //

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:09 am
by Queen Naga II
OOC: Apologies need to bump this as I thought on editting it would highlight as new post ... obviously not //

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:36 pm
by Queen Naga II
// Apologies again now list of first auction is complete am bumping this thread again //

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:24 pm
by Queen Naga II
// Due to a number of requests I will be taking commission bids for the above items of the first auction... These must be presented to my character Cassy Peterson either via PM on the forum or IC in-game, no later than Friday 6th July 9pm GMT server time 4pm EST //

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:10 pm
by Queen Naga II
// Argh !, it has become apparent to me that some don't know what I mean with accepting commision bids.... so a little explaination I think required.

Basically a commission bid is set for those who can not for whatever reason attend the actual auction event. So they can still try and get an item they desire.

The format is that you tell the auctionaire (ie. Cassy ) what the item is and a maximum price you are willing to pay for the said item.

For example we'll say item 17# is a morningstar weapon, (uber stats though unimportant for this example), the reserve is 500,000. You wish to try and buy this item but can not attend the auction itself because you have something else happening in real life means you can't be there.

So you send me a PM here or contact Cassy in-game and inform her/me that you are willing to pay up to (for examples sake) 2 million gold.

At the auction when item 17# comes up, for auction, I will announce a commission bid as the opening reserve price, those at the auction can then bid in as they wish ( minimum raise of 5,000 gold) which in turn will be raised by commission bid by 5,000 gold til the point that either the commsion bid succeeds or the limit set by the commission bidder is exceeded in this case 2 million gold.

Competing Commission bids for the same item will reset the reserve price at the time of the auction to the point where there is only one commission bidder left on my books and it will be open to those in attendance of the auction to out bid the commission bidder as per the previous paragraph.

You can still place a commision bid and attend the auction if you so wish, I will only reveal the number of commision bidders at the time of each item goes under the hammer and not who they are til the item is sold.

I do however expect you to meet the price of a successful bid as soon as is feasibly possible. Am treating your word here as your bond. All such agreements with me or Cassy will be screenshotted. //

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:54 pm
by Queen Naga II
// Just a reminder here one day left to the first auction...

Also last chance to enter a commission bid this evening if you can't make it, see above for details //

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:42 am
by Queen Naga II
// Last reminder .... just over 9 hours til the first live auction event //

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:12 pm
by Queen Naga II
/// First auction has closed and I would like to thank all those that made it a fun event took a little longer than I anticipated. For which you all have my gratitude for your patience too.

For those with an interest on prices paid the Amulet of the Avatar went for a staggering 4.6 million and the Robe of Blending stunned everyone there I think with the winning bid of 18.2 million.

I'll post the list for next weeks auction separately to this thread, but the term and conditions of the auction remain the same. ///

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:14 pm
by Pretty Fly White Guy
// and i would've walked away with it too, if it weren't for that pesky warlock.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:35 pm
by Battlerager_Draco
//I should have known my kobold wouldn't have enough money to bid...//

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:01 pm
by warlock
Pretty Fly White Guy wrote:// and i would've walked away with it too, if it weren't for that pesky warlock.
// hahahaha-ha-ha!