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Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:34 am
by Carpe_DM1
alnyndur wrote:
BaskingDemon wrote:Utterly ridiculous rule. What's the point in having eye of akon stones?

Oh yeah here goes i've spotted my mark, i'm moving in on him... here goes my 3 pickpocket shots..

1st attempt 43 gold... hmm

2nd attempt 64 gold

3rd attempt a portal scroll WONDERFUL!

right, on to the next target, shouldnt take THAT long to find someone...

HA there is the oblivious fool, he wont feel my nimble fingers at work

1st attempt 55 gold

2nd attempt 32 gold

3rd attempt a +6 healing kit DOH!!!

Daft ass rule
Yes utterly ridiculous...Why can't people just grief pp someone until they get something they want from that person. In fact why have any rules at all.

Just as a note...I gave a real nice item to one person who actaully RPed the pickpocket they didn't get anything on their own, but I was impressed so they got a valuable forged item...Yes that skill can be used in RP and not just to grab stuff OOC when people are fighting ants and such.
Carpe_DM1 wrote:It is NOT 3 times a reset. It is not to PP any one character 3 times in a 24hr real time period.
Carpe, Driller posted under the rules clarification that it is 3 time per reset.
driller wrote:Griefing is defined as attacking another player unprovoked and/or pick pocketing a single player more than three times per reset.
Griefing can result in a perma ban.
Missed that one, heh. But the ATTEMPT still applies as said before.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:01 am
by Whitewolf
Hello all,

I do have a problem with the Keep being PVP. Most of the time when I am online, there are not many people around. I will have a little adventerer selling items or wondering in the keep... what will prevent assasins from killing me continuously?

I was with BSK many years ago when idiots where rampant. I was slaughterd many times on the road buy a pvp'ing druid. I had to call my buddy with his 40 to put the druid back to nature, face first.

the problem is,, people will die in the keep. and these problems move from outside to inside.

If everyone is upset about mouthy pvp characters. just post the names, set a bounty and try to have fun with the idiots.

and most of all all good people. must ban together and comunicate. this will make BSK a better server for all.


Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:33 am
by ST_DM_Myle
Over 90% of the playable areas are PvP... The Keep and shops are the only non-PvP places of significance. Why is it so unreasonable that there is a place that exists that allows newbies and regulars alike to interact with others without some jerk ruining things?
Some fellow wrote:There's just no way that allowing PvP in the Keep will generate more RP, at least not if pickpocketing is included. On the contrary: it will discourage RP, as people will simply not dare to hang around by the tree anymore.


But there are jerks, as your experience proves. We're not talking about players who have decided their PCs should be evil, *Enlarged for emphasies -Myle*we're talking about players who deliberately spoil the experience of other players. That is, when those people kill other PCs without consent, the victim is not just the PC getting killed but also the player controlling that PC. So it's not just their characters breaking the rules of the Keep or the World, it's also the players themselves breaking the rules of conduct of the server. There are already proper proceedings to deal with such incidents (take screenshots, tell a DM etc). Dealing with such things in game would probably just encourage them.



What makes you think Driller has any say over who his DM's are?
k9mouse wrote:
Roland Deschain wrote:
viobane wrote: K9... That just makes no sense. DMs will know much better than any player who is able to handle such a responsibility without abusing it. Heck, you might as well say that players should vote on the next DM! It's not a popularity contest.
Once again K9 look at this post real good and read the last two lines a few times.
are we going to talk or are you going to try to flame me :?:
~cooks a hot dog on your flame~
now can we get back to our talk :?:

not all players are dumb, they know a few good people also.....

edited to put in the full quote....
The truth is, the PLAYERS DO CHOOSE who their DM's are. The selection of DM's is made from the playerbase. Anyone of you who have not already proven beyond use, could be the next DM and the choice is completely YOURS.

Your ethics, your choices, the quality of your play, the dedication you show to the success of the server.

While true, Driller has appointed a few DM's for mysterious reasons known only to him, the vast majority of DM's have become DM's because their own choices and actions show them worthy of having the trust of the position extended to them.

Sometimes it ends up as a bad match, usually we end up witha good match.

But YOU as players have complete control over who the DM's will be. It is just that the only person you can vote for, is yourself, by your own choices.

BaskingDemon wrote: p.s. I would quite like to make a robbing bastard of a highwayman. You know the Dick Turpin style (without the horse). Kind of" stand and deliver, your money or your life" bandit... except it would be more like "stand and deliver, your money or... well first you have to agree to let me kill you,,, then when I do, I raise you back... ok?"

And you CAN do this.... Driller has actually stated that this kind of RP is fine by him, but that abuse ties the hands of fun.

Exactly HOW do you do this, you aks?
-Establish your character's RP
-Contact a DM
-Request allowance for your troll to claim a bridge, bandit to claim an ambush zone, etc.... with a DM.
-Let the DM's discuss it
-If approved, we can actually post a forum waver for "x" character and "y" player to have certian criminal liberties open to them.
-Excerise your new liberties with due consideration that things are not over done and cause more trouble that it is worth.

The only problem here... is such an applicant would have to have a reputation that the DM's trusted them not to abuse the waver.

As DM's..... we can get together and make admendiums to the rules if we as peers think it will better the server.


HelloBSK wrote:
LordofUndeath wrote:My beef against PvP in the keep is the fact that thieves will run amok and pick pockets till the end times!
Stop your whining!!! There are ways to avoid thieves just like in real life. USE THEM!

Last night two idiots came on and ran around BSK in the nude spilling obsinities at people and just acting like fouls. I should have been able to kill them both for just being stupid. They were there for only one purpose and that is to get on everyones nerves. We should be able to protect BSK from this sort of behavior and you know what, we should be able to use our skills, spells and feats wherever we go.

Oh and before anyone flames me for not being able to spell I tell you all now, get over it, I suck at spelling!!!

Love you all and I am sure this will upset some, but it needs to be said for all our good. Keep playing and having fun!!!
Actually there is not way to stop a theif and it was not uncommon when the Keep was PvP for PP players to target a player and strip them of their Akon stones over a few minutes with low level PP dupes. After expending the stones, they then log on with their other characters and PP the victim with a high level PP.

High spot ONLY allows your character to see.... not stop... a PP from taking place.

The only useful foil to a PP is to fill your inventory with a bunch of bullets or other crap and even then, your relying solely on the luck of percentages to stop the PP from taking anythink of significant value. The NWN mechanic for PP does not allow ANY way to protect yourself from a PP attempt in multiplayer. It was not designed as a MP skill.

As for those nake obecene people....

Do you have screenshots? If not, why not?... If your able and willing to PvP a pair of nake obcene guys, what keep you from following the prescribed rules and taking SS's for the DM's?


What makes you think that killing them will help? If their desire is to cause trouble and unrest, they will not care if you PvP them, they will just lay there and curse you or respawn and start over.



The PvP "solution" for the Keep is baseless and is easily exposed for what it is.... It is nothing more than the attempt to grant those who want the liberty to use violence at their OWN discression for purposes that fit their OWN definition of how events should unfold.

The current non-PvP settings in the Keep, coupled with the current rules for reporting misconduct are COMPLETELY within the ability of anyone who has been able to type up a request that the Keep be made PvP because of the misplaced idea that players "need" to be able to police the unruly.

There is no NEED for the Keep to be PvP, but there is a long list of benifits to the server that warrent leaving it non-PvP.

A lazy playerbase who will not take the time to report a violation and E-mail screenshots is not suitable justification for the change.


Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:45 pm
by HelloBSK
WOW :?

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:59 pm
by Lunatic-High
ST_DM_Myle wrote:Over 90% of the playable areas are PvP... The Keep and shops are the only non-PvP places of significance. Why is it so unreasonable that there is a place that exists that allows newbies and regulars alike to interact with others without some jerk ruining things?
*claps hands*

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:34 pm
by GoVols
ST_DM_Myle wrote: The PvP "solution" for the Keep is baseless and is easily exposed for what it is.... It is nothing more than the attempt to grant those who want the liberty to use violence at their OWN discression for purposes that fit their OWN definition of how events should unfold.
Baseless? That is your opinion, which as I see it counts as 1 opinion still. Times were more fun when the keep was PvP, that's my opinion. Some of us use violence when necessary. It's part of life, and part of this game. Your statement is simply your opinion nothing more. Your attempt to make everyone that didn't mind PvP in the keep appear as people who would kill and PP everyone around until the server died is ridiculous.
ST_DM_Myle wrote: The current non-PvP settings in the Keep, coupled with the current rules for reporting misconduct are COMPLETELY within the ability of anyone who has been able to type up a request that the Keep be made PvP because of the misplaced idea that players "need" to be able to police the unruly.
Again, tks for your opinion. The only problem with your posts are you come across like you are saying what's what, but in reality you are only posting 1 person's opinion.

If the current settings and rules are fine, then why have people been able to run around recently quite a few times and stir up trouble without anything happening to them? Are you offerring to post your MSN or other instant messenger info so people can contact you anytime they need a mother or father.......sorry DM to come help them out?

ST_DM_Myle wrote: There is no NEED for the Keep to be PvP, but there is a long list of benifits to the server that warrent leaving it non-PvP.

A lazy playerbase who will not take the time to report a violation and E-mail screenshots is not suitable justification for the change.

The point of PvP in the keep is not to be able to deal with problem players. That would just be one benefit. The point is to keep things stirred up, and to be more action based.

Watching two people duke it out in town always breeds excitement. Even if you just stand back and watch it does spur lots of conversation. People want to know what's going on and why, etc. Warlock vs. Ann was always a fun way to keep up with what's going on between evil groups, even if you weren't involved.

Some other benefits are people not talking so much trash while in the keep, and people joining guilds who offer protection from these things.

Just because YOU disagree doesn't mean it's a bad thing. This "long lists of benefits" you mention would include what? Please elaborate. Let's discuss the positives and negatives.

Re: I was one Pk'd w/out just cause

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:08 pm
by eclipse08
k9mouse wrote:
magnus wrote: I also like the idea of having some chars. with temporay boot ability, it may put an end to this type of activity.
please apply for a dm job then.... :wink:
Maybe this is what we DO need. More DMs to cover the times when people are on and when the server is less than full.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:35 pm
by temordae01
Yep. Never a DM on when you need one.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:37 pm
by ValentianNizzle
Yes, let's bitch some more about how oppressed we as players are by the mean DMs. We are all human beings here, unless there's something someone has to tell me, so how about we all just agree that we each have our own opinions? Oh you agree with me there?


Now shut up.


We don't need any DM application thingies. We'll just end up with DM Warlock again, and we all hate him. But mainly because he's a Swede.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:19 pm
by chbtartdat
ValentianNizzle wrote:Yes, let's bitch some more about how oppressed we as players are by the mean DMs. We are all human beings here, unless there's something someone has to tell me, so how about we all just agree that we each have our own opinions? Oh you agree with me there?


Now shut up.


We don't need any DM application thingies. We'll just end up with DM Warlock again, and we all hate him. But mainly because he's a Swede.
So you're saying the amount of DMs on BSK is sufficient? There's always a DM on when you need one?

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:43 pm
by Fenrip
chbtartdat wrote:

There's always a DM on when you need one?
Does such a place exist?

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:49 pm
by eclipse08
Fenrip wrote:
chbtartdat wrote:

There's always a DM on when you need one?
Does such a place exist?
I have a dream that BSK could be such a place? :D

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:08 pm
by GoVols
I have a dream that BSK could exist without any DM's. An event would be fun sometimes, but the players can make up the RP.

Other than that it's like having to have a parent around all the time. I can hear the children now, "Daddy, there's a bully in the street calling me names. Will you go remove them from the Keep?".

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:23 am
by ValentianNizzle
chbtartdat wrote:
ValentianNizzle wrote:Yes, let's bitch some more about how oppressed we as players are by the mean DMs. We are all human beings here, unless there's something someone has to tell me, so how about we all just agree that we each have our own opinions? Oh you agree with me there?


Now shut up.


We don't need any DM application thingies. We'll just end up with DM Warlock again, and we all hate him. But mainly because he's a Swede.
So you're saying the amount of DMs on BSK is sufficient? There's always a DM on when you need one?
Yup. But then again, you need to consider how much I am 'on'. But does BSK really need babysitters? We have DM's. We don't need 24 hour babysitters just because regular old Bob is bored and can't think up some old exciting RP himself.

That's what I'm saying.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:54 am
by ST_DM_Myle
Aside from being a single person with an opinion, I am also a person with extensive experience on this server as a player, as a past Head-DM, as the dominate forum moderator and currently as a parttime DM.

In addition I have played many other servers and many styles of servers and manage my own server besides.

However "singular" one may wish to designate my opinion, the weight of experience, the understanding of the server populace, and how various matters impact the server allows me to offer a firm foundation for any stance I take.

Other than the occassional fistacuffs that would bring back such wonderfully moving experiences as Warlocks random massacres, Ann's random massacres, Xillow's spamming of newbie death and untold party comments from Kazarites, "G**D**M I am bored! How long to we have to talk to these guys before we just kill them? I mean, we are going to kill them right?"
(Yeah, thanks for the quote Hordy. Prime stuff.)

I fail to see what gains could offest the allowance of old problems.

However the benifits of NOT having random massacres, uncontrolled PP parties, obliterated newbies, and "Staged RP' for the excuse to drum up a *valid excuse* to pk people is something that is easily measured.

So while I am "just one person".. .

However.... I am... Myle
