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Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:31 am
by Dan8145
May I asked who he is?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:50 am
by driller
He helped with Blackstone at the beginning. He wrote the Foxmore intro dialog and built Marvale. Convinced me to add dieties and subraces.

Dan8145 wrote:May I asked who he is?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:32 pm
by Pretty Fly White Guy
Would be nice to see luceran around here.

As i recall, before the wipe he had only ever posted twice.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:40 pm
by Mer`Zikain
Man, this really sucks. T_T

I finally got a master crafter and another 40th level character and figured some stuff out and now it's gonna go bye bye T_T

But I understand where you're coming from. I wondered why there weren't many people on this week. Thanks for providing a REALLY fun and interesting PW. I enjoyed the hell out of it ^^

It also inspired me on things to do in my own module. I especially loved the portals, sockets, and forge. And of course everything else I've asked you about over the past several months in the scripting forum ^_^

I still have a ton of questions about some of the things you did in BSK. Maybe now that it's going down... >:3


Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 4:59 pm
by Doofy Britches

I'm really going to miss this mod, the DM's and the great folks I met here and was able to game with.

Truly a shame because I think the mod and DMing is fine. I think what was built here could last many, many more years and ve very enjoyable.

Thanks for all the work you put in Driller- and to the other DM's and players who helped me out.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 4:59 pm
by tropiofCancer
Guys..Its time to put NWN in the drawer with Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale . Im telling you BSK2 is reeeaaal swank these days and I haven't felt a drop of lag . I mean..Does anyone here still play a Sega or an Atari?BSK isnt dead Driller just moved it on another platform . Im talking to you, Jack , Jen, Nizzle , Fenrip etc. Come on down :P

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:38 am
by Daris
Agreed Nick the new bsk server is awesome so far hope he adds marvale and the other places like we had.... if not that's fine but people really need to try it out i have played on it several times ... no lag to speak of and any video lag is taken care of on playerside with a tweak so for those who say.... this laggs to much i cant play this..... try changing your settings

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:00 am
by Wzorin
This is so sad! Please keep it ruuning!!! :crybaby:

Re: The Fate of Blackstone

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:36 am
by Mer`Zikain
driller wrote:To whom it may concern.

There is no reason to keep BSK1 running since most of the players have left for

A server made by ex players that which is uncannily similar to BSK1 from what I hear.

If you want to play NWN1 in a BSK-like world, then that is your best option.

Ok I gave that mod a try...

That was in no way a BSK replacement -_-;

And no I'm not tryin to kiss ass or convince you to change your mind, just not satisfied with the quality differences. BSK had a lot of stuff but it presented it in a very smooth manner that didn't leave you confused or overwhelmed. That's something I'm trying to duplicate in the setup of my own mod (something that's taking a crap ton of time to perfect T_T). BSK also had what you called a linear design, but I didn't really feel that was exactly the case. Sure it had one main plot but so what? You had so many other different places to go and things to do, and extra stuff that the players to work toward (such as being a crafter) that the whole thing was rather open ended.

The best thing was that the areas were progressive. When you first start out on a server you shouldn't have to worry about getting your butt handed to you after walking out of the front gate of the city >:/

The further away you get the more difficult the creatures become. If that is linear then I LOVE linear designs. It's frustrating when your "low level" area throws in high level monsters or just monsters that you can't beat one on one at low level. A mob, sure, but one on one? Right out of the gate??

I hope that's not something you're changing in BSK2. Is it?

In closing, I wasn't making those negative comments directed entirely at that server driller linked, those were observations I've made on quite a large number of servers over the years. BSK has been the only server I've consistently returned to because of the fun to difficulty ratio. There was one server I played on for about 6 months and never got past level 4, but the only thing that kept me going back was the crafting system they had in place. It was fun but not enough to keep me there. BSK was awesome and I hope my own mod can be as fun and balanced without being a complete ripoff ^^;

Re: The Fate of Blackstone

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:17 pm
by Andrun
Mer`Zikain wrote:Ok I gave that mod a try...

That was in no way a BSK replacement -_-;

etc, etc, etc.
I need to have BSK remain open so this guy here, Mer`Zikain, can give me a ton of free-crafting. :D

- Andrun Hammertower

Re: The Fate of Blackstone

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:22 pm
by Mer`Zikain
Andrun wrote: I need to have BSK remain open so this guy here, Mer`Zikain, can give me a ton of free-crafting. :D

- Andrun Hammertower
LOL, That's right, Weygram owes Andrun some crafting for helpin him level ^^;

Finally got to level 40 too T_T

Re: The Fate of Blackstone

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:52 pm
by Andrun
Mer`Zikain wrote:LOL, That's right, Weygram owes Andrun some crafting for helpin him level ^^;

Finally got to level 40 too T_T
It wasn't the leveling I was referring to... its the 4 forgies ya got from me apparently obscenely cheap. :lol:

Though I am glad to hear that you made level 40. Grats2u!

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:08 pm
by BabydollJennifer
tropiofCancer wrote:Guys..Its time to put NWN in the drawer with Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale . Im telling you BSK2 is reeeaaal swank these days and I haven't felt a drop of lag . I mean..Does anyone here still play a Sega or an Atari?BSK isnt dead Driller just moved it on another platform . Im talking to you, Jack , Jen, Nizzle , Fenrip etc. Come on down :P
Jack is working on getting the updates and such so we can try out BSK2 again as I speak. Save us a spot in your party *wink*.

Oh, and it may take me some time to get my sea legs...hehehe. So be ready with the res scrolls.
I haven't played NwN2 in many months.

You sure you still want us to come play? *evil grin*

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:22 pm
by Ghost4life
you know, I have to agree with you Nick, it is pretty bad, though I have to keep my NWN1 out for my mod I'm building! I don't think I could start over on NWN2 much less host an NWN2 server! blah... anyway, BSK2 is pretty rockin, and Jen... no res scrolls >.< so BE CAREFUL!

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:01 pm
by driller
Since Blackstone is at it's end. I am going to put up the oldest copy of it I have dated 12/2/2002 to show how far it came. A fitting goodbye.

Enjoy Blackstone's humble beginnings.

Everyone must start at level 1. Yes, I saved your characters.
