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Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:21 am
by Thanatos
I picked up 4 forgies yesterday. 1 green, 1 black, 1 silver, and 1 crimmie.

The first two dropped within 10 mins of each other, as did the last 2.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:08 pm
by Capt Cliff
Hmmmmm ... From Thanatos and Fenrips comments we might be out of the horse latitudes ... but I am gonna wait for the fat lady to sing!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:10 pm
by halfogre0520
Yesterday I got a green socket gem in the first few seconds of killing zombies. Then about ten minutes later a black forge dropped, then before I left a bronze forge stone. Yeehaw.

No wonder people mule their characters. It's too random a drop system for rare items to plan a character around. Just futz around with minor characters until the forge stones/gems drop that you want and then collect them in one character. *sigh*

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:49 pm
by ST_DM_Myle
halfogre0520 wrote:Yesterday I got a green socket gem in the first few seconds of killing zombies. Then about ten minutes later a black forge dropped, then before I left a bronze forge stone. Yeehaw.

No wonder people mule their characters. It's too random a drop system for rare items to plan a character around. Just futz around with minor characters until the forge stones/gems drop that you want and then collect them in one character. *sigh*
I think you have learned a great secret of life today my young student.

*Nods sagely*

lol... anyways... this is why BSK is listed as an RP-Lite server. We do not expect a single character to be able to accumulate a 'reasonable' amount of anything. If someone manages this, it will not be through grinding mobs, it will be from indepth RP that results in the character gaining such things from others either through friendship, manipulations or commerce.

Hence, we have a player economy that centers on the sockets and forges.

If every character was assured the oppurtunity to gain these commodities in a dependable and predictable, then they would lose their value and their mystery.... They would no longer is a feature, but would become just another staple and expected thing that meant little.

Not sure if that helps, or if it will be viewed as more sarcasm... either way, there it is.


Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:30 pm
by DM_Mystic
To make a counter-point, I have a level 30 something who has been shredding ants, and has found his share of socks and forgies at that level. I guess the moral here = don't be so quick to get down to the Umgahs?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:50 pm
by Gibbo
I'd like to make a counter-point.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:16 pm
by Capt Cliff
DM_Mystic wrote:To make a counter-point, I have a level 30 something who has been shredding ants, and has found his share of socks and forgies at that level. I guess the moral here = don't be so quick to get down to the Umgahs?
Ah but there's the onion ... you run into the CR rating drop system where the higher the CR the better the drops. If you can't find the uber gear buffer's before you level out of the ant farm you have to go to Umgahville or scrap this toon and build another. But then you can't survive down there ... a Catch 22.
If muling is going to be ... ummm "legal" then we all should have a "common" chest where you can exchange items between PC's. Great for giving stuff to your crafter to buff that specical uber weapon or special uber armor. I'd give all my stones to my crafter to keep and use to build specilaty items.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:11 pm
by Queen Naga II
Think you'll find Cliff that just about everyone, anybody, and anyone already does mule and shift gear onto their crafter and back and forth. Lately more so than ever but the reasons for this are previlant within many threads in this forum.

Muling is not illegal on BSK at least not yet :wink:

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:08 pm
by ST_DM_Myle
Muling will not become illegal here. That is a step too far towards the "Hardcore-RP" type servers then we want to take. The server, as is, sits nicely between the more hardcore RP or hardcore Arena style modules and allows players the freedom to enjoy the best attributes of both with the requirement that they be more tolerant of other play styles.

The chances of having a cross-character chest is nil. There are too many exploits with those. Just having a chest that 'supposedly' is specific to a character/player presents a running series of reports on the bugs forum.

I hate to burst the RP'rs bubble, but you have a choice to make...

Either get used to the idea of having a mule (and making friends you can trust to hold your goods for transfer if necessary) or get used to the idea that your never going to get all the stones and gear you want just by grinding.


Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:34 pm
by Gibbo
BSK is full of mules and Democrats.

Note: Democrat is code for 'jackass'. Hee-haw!


Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:47 am
by Thanatos
Heck, roll with Roland's method...2 PC's....2 accounts....double the pleasure, double the fun.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:18 pm
by Pretty Fly White Guy
if you see the account "pee eff dubya gee" log in. that's my alt account, with my mule :)

EDIT: Which was inspired by this hilarity here