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Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:23 pm
by Axe Madness
lmao very nice :lol: :lol:
=D> =D>

Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:46 pm
by Doofy Britches
The real joke is on ....Myle... who posted his "april fool's" joke on...

March 31st....

but good try Myle.. very inventive...

Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:54 pm
by Thanatos
ST_DM_Myle wrote:
Thanatos wrote:
Lloyd_Strife wrote:ive been tricked mocked and made the joke of the server bravo, way to kick a man while hes down now if youll excuse me im off to play a video game without people making my life a living hell k?
If you can't laugh at yourself, lighten up...or do some heavier drugs.
Come on folks... Don't be too hard on the guy. Not everyone is familiar with the tradition of April's Fools Day.

Hey, I was just giving the guy a sound justification to use some drugs :D

Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:09 pm
by Lloyd_Strife
Myles..i appreciate you apologizing but lets be honest. your a dm you set out to do what you wanted to do. The more it happens the more im told its just a joke or it was just that server. At first i thought people make mistakes some are jerks, so i give a little. then i gave a little more and a little more and now here i am baned on servers for things like winning battles, for not paying bribes for not allowing people to have my items for free. And yet heres is the abuse and mockery i just got on the rise of honor server. the dm who baned me fallow me to humiliate me here and on that same day he shows you guys do all this to me. I can appreciate a joke but its never wise to poke a cornered animal. now your hunters mock me for my ideals of freedom for everyone that they are not gods that dms are not gods to punish and do w/e they want on a whim. But im here to tell you your DEAD wrong. And i will always be here and i will always mistrust and scrutinize EVERY single thing your kind does. You can ban me sure plenty have for saying this but in the end youll only prove me right. Im not afraid of you.

Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:58 pm
by Ferros Bernath
Hehehe Ya know.. If you woulda said.. "Dang that was funny you guys got me, good one" No one woulda said much more about it But instead you gotta get all Butthurt. Spend 15 Post trying to threaten DM's and redeem yourself. In the long run its just makin ya look ... well .. Dumb. Just let it go man. Don’t get yer Panties in a bunch. :wink:

OOh yea and Myle - Hehe good one. Almost had me. ALMOST

Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:02 pm
by Andrun
Lloyd_Strife wrote:Myles..i appreciate you apologizing but lets be honest. your a dm you set out to do what you wanted to do. The more it happens the more im told its just a joke or it was just that server. At first i thought people make mistakes some are jerks, so i give a little. then i gave a little more and a little more and now here i am baned on servers for things like winning battles, for not paying bribes for not allowing people to have my items for free. And yet heres is the abuse and mockery i just got on the rise of honor server. the dm who baned me fallow me to humiliate me here and on that same day he shows you guys do all this to me. I can appreciate a joke but its never wise to poke a cornered animal. now your hunters mock me for my ideals of freedom for everyone that they are not gods that dms are not gods to punish and do w/e they want on a whim. But im here to tell you your DEAD wrong. And i will always be here and i will always mistrust and scrutinize EVERY single thing your kind does. You can ban me sure plenty have for saying this but in the end youll only prove me right. Im not afraid of you.
All this for an April Fool's joke?? ](*,)

Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:22 pm
by Lloyd_Strife
No the joke was funny he did get me. Im just saying that people have drawn this out and mocked me really gets on my nerves.

Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:46 pm
by driller
Keeps waiting on Lloyd to say April fools...


Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:03 pm
by Roland Deschain
driller wrote:Keeps waiting on Lloyd to say April fools...

I hope you are right lol....... if not, then boy oh boy...........

Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:06 pm
by Jazelle
Geez some people have issues with everything. Lighten up man... it was a joke not a social satire. Ok Myle will do social satires... now if I could get him to do them in a kilt and high heels now that would be worth watching... well ok not for some of you... Well maybe some of you.

Basically just enjoy the joke. Hey at least he said it was a joke somewhere in there. Just stop spoiling the fun this was suppose to be and learn to just shrug and laugh. If more folks just let things be less problems would never become epic. Hell I remember a time one DM (to remain nameless... ok Myle) spent most of the night removing the clothes off my char and putting on her ah rather reveling outfit. I spent most of the time hidding her behind the tree while folks kept trying to get a view. Ok it was a rp and we all had a very good laugh over it. I was a good sport and just played it to the hilt. We all had fun, it was a great story and move along. I never took it personal and later got even with the dm by punning them until they cried wolf.... ok I do get my revenge in the end.... hehehehehe.

Basically I can tell you have a ton of issues and this just lit them all up. Suggestion is take it to the DMs in pms and let us all have our good laugh over Myle... and imaging him wearing a kilt and high heels saying all that he posted to start this off. Some how that gives it all a very different view point... one I'm sure he's going to kill me over later.

Happy April Fools everyone. Now go play the game. -Jaz

Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:33 pm
by ST_DM_Myle
Jazelle wrote:Geez some people have issues with everything. Lighten up man... it was a joke not a social satire. Ok Myle will do social satires... now if I could get him to do them in a kilt and high heels now that would be worth watching... well ok not for some of you... Well maybe some of you.

Basically just enjoy the joke. Hey at least he said it was a joke somewhere in there. Just stop spoiling the fun this was suppose to be and learn to just shrug and laugh. If more folks just let things be less problems would never become epic. Hell I remember a time one DM (to remain nameless... ok Myle) spent most of the night removing the clothes off my char and putting on her ah rather reveling outfit. I spent most of the time hidding her behind the tree while folks kept trying to get a view. Ok it was a rp and we all had a very good laugh over it. I was a good sport and just played it to the hilt. We all had fun, it was a great story and move along. I never took it personal and later got even with the dm by punning them until they cried wolf.... ok I do get my revenge in the end.... hehehehehe.

Basically I can tell you have a ton of issues and this just lit them all up. Suggestion is take it to the DMs in pms and let us all have our good laugh over Myle... and imaging him wearing a kilt and high heels saying all that he posted to start this off. Some how that gives it all a very different view point... one I'm sure he's going to kill me over later.

Happy April Fools everyone. Now go play the game. -Jaz
Wow, Jaz... That discription of events does not do me any favors, but thanks for the try.... I guess.


Folks, Just because Lloyd is taking this personal offense thing a bit too far, would it be too much for you all to give the guy some breathing room? He is new. He has obviously had a rough go of it elsewhere. He would probibly take a little ribbing from the community a bit better if he had time to feel like part of the community.

Yes... I got him good. I had a good chuckle. I still have one from time to time.... (my own fault, sometimes I am easily entertained) I think it is time to let this one go.

We have our own issues around here, but don't each of you pride yourselves that this server does have a newbie friendly reputation? While I do not think that Lloyd's frustration will effect that reputation.... it is a reputation that was forged one person at a time over years. Let's cut the guy some slack and give him a fresh start.


Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:52 pm
by Lloyd_Strife
Well i was gonna wait until midnight to do this but...I GOT YA! XD I cant believe so many people believed i came back to the server a complete opposite. Yeah ive had a rough go else where yeah im not part of the community here but its only a game lol. Thanks for standing up for me but i wanted to lead everyone on and i had every dm and player on the server buying it completely. Id......i promised myself i wouldn't cry :? I like to thank mystic drakin and eaze for without who id never get this stunt off the ground, id like to thank my wonderful producer my...*band starts playing* OK well in closing i don't hate dms i don't hate the hunters but i had to push a prank threw. At first on the first day me and mystic clashed yeah i was on a extremely bad day, but after myles prank got me i saw a golden opportunity. Im sorry for anyone hurt but i had to out do myles when i got hit with my pants down.

Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:49 pm
by ST_DM_Myle

Option one: Myle actually cared and took a personal interst.
Option two: Myle was wearing the 'customer service' hat out of obligation to the interests of the server.
Option three: Myle actually had much harsher and more naturally honest comments, but rewrote his responses several times before hitting 'submit' and trying to be a positive example.

Three guesses to select the right one.

Either way, yes.... I guess you got me in a fashion. My mistake for letting my humanity seep to the surface.

lol.... whatever... =D>

I still got that 9000 prop and to post my own link... :D
Either way, I win.


Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:50 pm
by ST_DM_Myle
btw..... came back to the server?

Who are you again?

Lloyd_Strife wrote:Well i was gonna wait until midnight to do this but...I GOT YA! XD I cant believe so many people believed i came back to the server a complete opposite. Yeah ive had a rough go else where yeah im not part of the community here but its only a game lol. Thanks for standing up for me but i wanted to lead everyone on and i had every dm and player on the server buying it completely. Id......i promised myself i wouldn't cry :? I like to thank mystic drakin and eaze for without who id never get this stunt off the ground, id like to thank my wonderful producer my...*band starts playing* OK well in closing i don't hate dms i don't hate the hunters but i had to push a prank threw. At first on the first day me and mystic clashed yeah i was on a extremely bad day, but after myles prank got me i saw a golden opportunity. Im sorry for anyone hurt but i had to out do myles when i got hit with my pants down.

Re: Notice regarding changes to take place in May

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:02 am
by Lloyd_Strife
*screams in terror* double post!!!!

well i wasn't on the first time very long no one really notices Lloyd it seems. :(