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Re: More items in town shops

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 2:51 pm
by Roland Deschain
twin_snakes wrote:
Something needs to be noted about NWN2, it's already balanced big time. Many items that existed in nwn1 do not exist in nwn2. Most don't. There isn't an over power of items. This server right now is way more hardcore that most out there. It's very tough to level etc..... The biggest misconception with nwn2 is that it's like nwn1. it isn't. Not at all. Nwn1 was designed to be a video game that is easy for everyone. Nwn2 is designed to be much more like the pencil and paper game with much less power requiring much more skill. Give it a fair try with what comes default I say then go from there. This is during the testing period anyways. Need to see what will work and what won't. What the server needs is active DM's that engage in RP and police the server. Proper control will ensure nothing is abused.
What will DM's be policing as far as items are concerned ?

Define "What comes default" please. ( do you mean the OC items? )

Also, nwn2 is not that well balanced, granted they fixed some of the balance issues nwn1 had but they created others.

Re: More items in town shops

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 3:34 pm
by twin_snakes
Roland Deschain wrote:
twin_snakes wrote:
Something needs to be noted about NWN2, it's already balanced big time. Many items that existed in nwn1 do not exist in nwn2. Most don't. There isn't an over power of items. This server right now is way more hardcore that most out there. It's very tough to level etc..... The biggest misconception with nwn2 is that it's like nwn1. it isn't. Not at all. Nwn1 was designed to be a video game that is easy for everyone. Nwn2 is designed to be much more like the pencil and paper game with much less power requiring much more skill. Give it a fair try with what comes default I say then go from there. This is during the testing period anyways. Need to see what will work and what won't. What the server needs is active DM's that engage in RP and police the server. Proper control will ensure nothing is abused.
What will DM's be policing as far as items are concerned ?

Define "What comes default" please. ( do you mean the OC items? )

Also, nwn2 is not that well balanced, granted they fixed some of the balance issues nwn1 had but they created others.
Default as in preloaded items whatever they be. Then just go through what's there and start taking out the over powered items. The biggest issue I see is the style of play on the server vs the impression it gives. Bsk to me was never an rp server. Was always pvp. The feel of the server now is that it's a full on rp server. Slow progression is something rp servers all have.

Re: More items in town shops

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 8:45 pm
by salmonius8
It should be a deep mix of rp and pvp in my opinion , and just because its rp doesnt mean that there shouldnt be a lot of items or they should be low powered ect....items give diversity among classes ....if items are low then fighters ect (not clerics and whatnot) are aswell for now. My suggestions on max ac / enchantment are +6 , +6 being extremely hard to find and hidden in party type bosses or only craftable, like in old bsk , by a lvl 30 powerful crafter. Max abilities should be +7 in my opinion , giving them the ability to have 7 extra points of one stat at most , or 6. The way I describe wont overpower ac/ab , it will put in just enough for high diversity and will be best for all builds, as i can make a build based on about +7/8 ac and +8 ability increase that beats all others with the same armor/weapon type , but with this ac it does not make it , and probably wont for many (powerbuilds) , not that anyone has had much of a chance to arena in nwn2 since there are almost no server for it. This would make the server a mix of rp and pvp more in my opinion , and if certain new areas were added driller , the server would have pvp players turning rp if it was done right , because of the (pull) theserver would give , not only style wise like it already does , but a sick rp influence. :twisted: :D ....but ofcourse you need to concentrate on building your vision of it first as it is very time consuming with this new toolset as ive seen so far compared to the old.

Re: More items in town shops

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 9:12 pm
by Caesius
I do agree that equipment shouldn't be allowed to become a "great equalizer" for builds to rely on. Gear that duplicates class abilities and items that give immunity to special attacks (knockdown, mind effects, death, poison) should generally be avoided.

That said, I think that people should be allowed to purchase up to +3 items in stores(Except Akon's). Anything beyond that should be left to the high level artisans.

If this seems too "Monty Haul", then I would alternatively recommend that the monsters be adjusted to better reflect the low magic nature of such a server.

Re: More items in town shops

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 2:37 am
by M-A-D
Without the abilitly do buy or make descent weapons and armors there will be 95% cleric or casters and the fighters will be pesants. A cleric will hit better, better Ac, be hasted and got defencive and attack magics.

So no easy solution on this problem really :(

I started a wiz build to see the fancy effects in NWN2 and noticed that a caster based wizard that do not melee cant do anything, 2-4 kills and 100-150 XP for three hours wait.

Solution would be items with spellslots to help and/or perhaps remove restlimit for the first 5 levels atleast or so.

Just a thought all my dear BSK friends


Re: More items in town shops

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:11 pm
by Doofy Britches

Lots of GREAT comments on this one. Having spent about 100 hours on the server, this is what I would recommend:

- add ability to craft items for characters.. in the keep
- add more low level items to shops (and if you are so inclined- MORE SHOPS- with better and better items in each)
- give a little more incentive (any way you can see fit too) to non melee class character to have an equal chance to level
{{ I've about 12 characters on the server of various classes and lvls}}

- A couple more merchants in places where they used to be.. with items they used to carry (graduated based on xp. and lvl to get there in the first place) would be G-R-E-A-T.
- add place to buy heal kits for fighter types.. would be nice
- would love to see drops include: Magic weapons, armor, items, etc.
- would like drop rate increased (a little bit) and include more than anything. more gold.
- the flavor is heavily hack n slash.. would like to see a slight shift to magic.. just slightly...

- don't unblance things by adding to many immunity items
- don't make this BSK 1 where crafting items was the key to PWNing everyone

Loving life here by the way..


Re: More items in town shops

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:51 pm
by twin_snakes
Doofy Britches wrote:Driller,

Lots of GREAT comments on this one. Having spent about 100 hours on the server, this is what I would recommend:

- add ability to craft items for characters.. in the keep
- add more low level items to shops (and if you are so inclined- MORE SHOPS- with better and better items in each)
- give a little more incentive (any way you can see fit too) to non melee class character to have an equal chance to level
{{ I've about 12 characters on the server of various classes and lvls}}

- A couple more merchants in places where they used to be.. with items they used to carry (graduated based on xp. and lvl to get there in the first place) would be G-R-E-A-T.
- add place to buy heal kits for fighter types.. would be nice
- would love to see drops include: Magic weapons, armor, items, etc.
- would like drop rate increased (a little bit) and include more than anything. more gold.
- the flavor is heavily hack n slash.. would like to see a slight shift to magic.. just slightly...

- don't unblance things by adding to many immunity items
- don't make this BSK 1 where crafting items was the key to PWNing everyone

Loving life here by the way..

Well said. I concur.

Re: More items in town shops

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:55 pm
by Richard Larkinson
I just want to see more equipment for sale other than +1 or +2. There really isnt much on offer, and for those that dont have buffs or a party buffer on hand to help, then they arent arent going to progress very far through the server at a satisfactory speed which will just make them log off from it being cripplingly slow to level.

Re: More items in town shops

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:18 pm
by tlantl
I have cooled on the imbuing stone and enchantment stone method of enchanting. The process is wasteful and frustrating. the stones usually create useless things with a meaningless 5% protection vs elemental damage that none of the monsters use. There is no way to choose the effect you want to put on an item. Some times the imbuing stone you are using has no effect on an item yet is expended as though it had.

If the only way to craft magic is like shooting a shotgun in the direction of your target and praying you get something you can use, then it is useless to the majority of us. I don't see any leather goods such as belts to enchant and there is no way to enchant the gloves and boots available.

My characters need certain goods to increase their ability to survive in the outer areas where a 31 ac is laughable. Using a short sword against a monster with 300 hp is very slow work the longer I have to spend fighting them the more likely the monster will score a crit and take 35 of my 85 hp away and these creatures get 2 or 3 attacks a round. Even partied I have to hang back and use heals on the others. If I attack even once I will suffer certain death, and this is with a 14th level character.

So yes we likely need more gear in the shops. Especially after fighting for weeks to reach Bordermarch only to discover that there was nothing useful there. Akon too.

Re: More items in town shops

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:33 pm
by StarChild
diversity is more of the issue than power. I dont suggest for or against adding +2 +3 items. I do suggest getting creative with items. Go back to the thread where the question was asked what types of items would we like to see in the game. If they are fairly balanced then we'll make the decision what we are willing to sacrifice in order to wear one item over another. As of now we dont have this choice.

Re: More items in town shops

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:23 am
by shadowflame
For me crafting on bsk1 was what i kept coming back for!! man i loved visiting the forge and creating new gear. the socket system was unique and very satisfying,

I dont hink the crafting system as it is now has enough depth, i mean its a simple case of just trying to add +5 with an imbue stone then add the enchant stone for more useless random immunity your likely not to need.

Im a firm believer that crafters should be the only characters on a server able to create high end items. more diversaty is needed here & its imperative the crafter should have complete control of his creations and remove the randomness.

More stones is the answer here i believe, each stone could add a different property according to its colour. and of course the properties that these stones add should be kept secret, so the only way to find out what colours add is to use trial and error.

And i agree we do need to see a more diverse selection of items in stores, but limit the values to say +3 on weapons and armour and add some more low magic items to compensate for things that are broke in nwn2 (Belts for 1). i dont mean slap a new +3 store in the keep, it could be the end reward for a long and difficult repeatable quest.