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Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 5:40 pm
by klin brightaxe
Ok time for my two cents.
I can understand why people want the war for rp reasons. Personally I have two characters in guilds that are such low level I can’t be part of the war without dieing. I do understand that being a member of a guild makes me consent to pvp, though I don’t think its very fair that a 40th level character in one guild could walk up to a 10th level character and kill him outright without any rp involved.
To quote tropicofCancer "If you spend 99% of your time looking for xp and loot and the other 1% selling it at Vogons how the hell do you expect DM or God interaction?"

if one sits in town and interacts with dm's all the time, I really cant see dm's giving that much xp to level, so one almost has to go kill things to gain levels and gear to survive the nastier stuff and the high level people that have already achieved level 40. One must find a happy middle I guess :).
see I personally don’t want my two low level characters in the war... so I wont be playing them the day it happens... granted that doesn’t mean I don’t intend to throw my own monkywrench into the entire situation .

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:07 pm
by DM_eaze
I'm going to say this one last time.

I started this because I wanted to:
  • Encourage the RP
    Improve the RP
    Bring some of the old Blackstone feeling back
    See new guilds rise (=more rp)
Send all screenshots of any OOC drama regarding this to me.

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 5:20 am
by ST_DM_Myle
I do not like server wars.


I support the server wars.

The problem with the server wars is that they are hard to avoid for people who prefer to RP and do not enjoy combat. This is why I understand Arwaine_Sunstar's position on this. I think she SHOULD have every right not to participate, but the problem is that so many characters are involved that it literally puts her in the position that her character would have to shove her head in the sand to avoid the RP.

The other problem with server wars are those who use it as a case to be bullies or force RP down the PvP route. ... This is something that should be reported to a DM. While it can sometimes be hard for a DM to declare a 'war related death' to be a 'baseless attack' and we may not be able to give you the resolution you want ( and likely should get) - such reported incidents does give us a heads up. If we get multiple reports of Player-X being a PvP bully; it makes it easier for us to decide how to deal with it.

I support the server wars because some of the best RP comes from the debates, monologues, sneaking and schemeing that take place in action to support such a conflict. I have seen several players (who do not get along) playing their characters in the Keep and interacting on matters affiliated with these kinds of goings on. In the 'ideal situation' - players will put the 'server/world RP' first and put their fueds on the back burner since they are both involved with so many mutual or shared RP's related to the primary one taking place.

It is important to note that despite the difference between the 'rp crowd' and the 'PvP crowd'... these two game style can exist together and produce great fun. The key is for players to communicate OOC in a friendly manner and not let the IC hostile situations between characters be misunderstood as cruel or intentional OOC meanness. I realise many of you like to say "this is just a game", but not everyone is as detached. It would not hurt to learn which of your co-players need a comforting pat on the back or friendly word so that they can associate the suffering of their character as a shared experience toward a goal meant to eventually be fun ... rather than a lonely nerve-racking panicfest.

As for Gryph.... hehe... you did a good job on that Kazra/Vor RP. However, what I think Arwaine_Sunstar was referring to was how that scerio ended and then was quickly followed by serveral other efforts to stir another server war even though there were many who were burned out on that style RP. What she may be worried about is another spiraling series of war followed by war, followed by war followed by... *yawn* another war...

I do think that stiring up war between factions has become the 'cheap ticket' to action. It would be nice if those leading this current effort would stress some focus on setting up a real victory and a scenerio that they could actually win and perhaps 'possess' an area and rule over it. I think giving 'evil' a go at ruling would do a lot for motivating clearer lines and ideas.... and perhaps get some of those who like to sit the fences off their backsides.

In short.... please respect the desires of those who do not want to get dragged into a style of play they do not like.

At the same time, those of you who do not like this style of play - your going to have to accept that your RP will be very handicapped as you try to avoid this situation.... because once you invest in this RP, your in. It is not fair to complain about getting wet if your the one who jumps in the pool.


Re: Pointless War

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 6:18 am
by Axe Madness
...let's get some commas in those paragraphs. You don't wanna end up like Axe Madness. His writing is the equivalent of talking with a sack's worth of marbles in your mouth. You're not there yet, but I don't wanna see you go down that path.
lol ^_^ commas i don't even know how to use em :lol: by that i know where key is , <--see but i dunno where they go ehehe
:oops: and Fyrnn doing good job on the times i read it every time you post something i hardly follow IC threads but that ones good =D>

myle exactly! i like that post =D> specially the last part :twisted:

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 12:13 pm
by tropiofCancer
I would like to clear up a few things before this gets more out of hand than it already has . It has never been my intention to harm other peoples enjoyment of BSK , in fact it is as Eaze said , To encourage and Improve RP on the server . Most of you who play with me know I rarely play an evil character , I've always stuck to the Neutral and good perspective . For some reason though people who I have played with for years are suddenly giving me the cold shoulder ooc . Just because my character is evil now doesnt mean I am , I have always passed on information , buffed , offered forgies when times were hard etc. I will continue to do so as well . I would rather see The Hunters , SOM , and Starkson all RPing how they are going to stop this growing evil than I would to win . I would like to see some New guilds spring up in the wake of this . To any who I have offended I sincerely apologies weither its real or imagined , But my course is set . I really hope everyone takes this for what it is , a chance for the server to grow as a whole .

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 1:08 pm
by Arwaine_Sunstar
ST_DM_Myle wrote:I do not like server wars.


I support the server wars.

The problem with the server wars is that they are hard to avoid for people who prefer to RP and do not enjoy combat. This is why I understand Arwaine_Sunstar's position on this. I think she SHOULD have every right not to participate, but the problem is that so many characters are involved that it literally puts her in the position that her character would have to shove her head in the sand to avoid the RP.

The other problem with server wars are those who use it as a case to be bullies or force RP down the PvP route. ... This is something that should be reported to a DM. While it can sometimes be hard for a DM to declare a 'war related death' to be a 'baseless attack' and we may not be able to give you the resolution you want ( and likely should get) - such reported incidents does give us a heads up. If we get multiple reports of Player-X being a PvP bully; it makes it easier for us to decide how to deal with it.

I support the server wars because some of the best RP comes from the debates, monologues, sneaking and scheming that take place in action to support such a conflict. I have seen several players (who do not get along) playing their characters in the Keep and interacting on matters affiliated with these kinds of goings on. In the 'ideal situation' - players will put the 'server/world RP' first and put their feuds on the back burner since they are both involved with so many mutual or shared RP's related to the primary one taking place.

It is important to note that despite the difference between the 'rp crowd' and the 'PvP crowd'... these two game style can exist together and produce great fun. The key is for players to communicate OOC in a friendly manner and not let the IC hostile situations between characters be misunderstood as cruel or intentional OOC meanness. I realise many of you like to say "this is just a game", but not everyone is as detached. It would not hurt to learn which of your co-players need a comforting pat on the back or friendly word so that they can associate the suffering of their character as a shared experience toward a goal meant to eventually be fun ... rather than a lonely nerve-racking panic fest.

As for Gryph.... hehe... you did a good job on that Kazra/Vor RP. However, what I think Arwaine_Sunstar was referring to was how that scenario ended and then was quickly followed by several other efforts to stir another server war even though there were many who were burned out on that style RP. What she may be worried about is another spiraling series of war followed by war, followed by war followed by... *yawn* another war...

I do think that stirring up war between factions has become the 'cheap ticket' to action. It would be nice if those leading this current effort would stress some focus on setting up a real victory and a scenario that they could actually win and perhaps 'possess' an area and rule over it. I think giving 'evil' a go at ruling would do a lot for motivating clearer lines and ideas.... and perhaps get some of those who like to sit the fences off their backsides.

In short.... please respect the desires of those who do not want to get dragged into a style of play they do not like.

At the same time, those of you who do not like this style of play - your going to have to accept that your RP will be very handicapped as you try to avoid this situation.... because once you invest in this RP, your in. It is not fair to complain about getting wet if your the one who jumps in the pool.


thank you Myle it's nice to see that i have some support on this whole war situation.... and as the owner of the SOM in game they will not be getting involved with this war it is a monks order which means a peaceful order and i intend for it to stay that way... as for the other guilds i have no say over what they do and how they do it but please do not bother my order in this war most of the monks do not even follow Vor or Kazra most follow Eon or by the end of this will most of them will due to not wanting to be involved in this whole thing.....

now as for the comment towards me to use comma's one should not be picked on for not having very good grammer... it would not have been taken in a bad way had it been sent in a PM and not said out in the open where everyone can see it..... not everyone is an english major.... so from now on when it comes to doing a post and it is going to cause a person to take offence to what you are saying please do it in a PM.

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 4:31 pm
by Hordack
sneaking and schemeing that take place in action to support such a conflict

Myles SSHHH! people find out what I am up too if you keep pointing out "sneaking and schemeing"

Hate say this but if you want run a guild here you will have to accept the fact of somebody attacking you either PvP or CvC this a given ... There is no one speacial guild on BSK that can say we are neutral and we dont consent to PvP ... server rules are very clear on this ... if you want be a neutral guild and not get attack by either side *coughs* join the "Merchants Guild" *coughs* (yeah there a joke to that someplace I think 8) )

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 6:04 pm
by Arwaine_Sunstar
ST_DM_Myle wrote:The problem with the server wars is that they are hard to avoid for people who prefer to RP and do not enjoy combat. This is why I understand Arwaine_Sunstar's position on this. I think she SHOULD have every right not to participate, but the problem is that so many characters are involved that it literally puts her in the position that her character would have to shove her head in the sand to avoid the RP.

In short.... please respect the desires of those who do not want to get dragged into a style of play they do not like.


Hey Hordack read the above Quote from Myle

just because i am in a guild and the leader of said guild i have the right to say MY ORDER is NEUTRAL and WILL NOT be a part of this war that is my right as a player on this server to NOT be FORCED into any type of RP, PvP, or CvC if any of the RP, PvP, or CvC is related to SAID war... if anyone wishes to RP, PvP, or CvC with the SOM in a fashion not relating to the war feel free to do so i have nothing against the guild interacting with others as long as it is not forcing us into a war that means nothing in my order since when all the members entered into said order were all told directly from the leader herself that their gods and goddess's meant nothing in the order.... and on a side note hordack who are you to tell anyone what they have to do when it comes to the guilds Myle stated clearly that we have the right to be neutral and not be dragged into this war and i am willing to accept the fact that RP will be limited since most of the server is involved in said war that i could careless about that means more time for training and less dealing with this pointless war IMHO.... now since i have said what was needed to say i am going to go back to training my characters since i wont be rping until this war is done and over with.... happy gaming and have a good day

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 6:22 pm
by wdpepsiman
i respect your decison not to be involved, however there is one matter that needs to be addressed and that is the agreement you signed with the Hunters and said agreement has been in place since the beggining of SOM and renewed upon your taking leadership. you are obligated to assist the Hunters as we are obligated to assist you. if you desire not to be involved then all i ask is that you rp out of the agreement.

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 8:00 pm
by Alamore-Threepwood
Hordack wrote:
sneaking and schemeing that take place in action to support such a conflict

Myles SSHHH! people find out what I am up too if you keep pointing out "sneaking and schemeing"

Hate say this but if you want run a guild here you will have to accept the fact of somebody attacking you either PvP or CvC this a given ... There is no one speacial guild on BSK that can say we are neutral and we dont consent to PvP ... server rules are very clear on this ... if you want be a neutral guild and not get attack by either side *coughs* join the "Merchants Guild" *coughs* (yeah there a joke to that someplace I think 8) )
As you said Hordack, server rules are very clear, so lets say a certain dwarf doesn't like how the "Merchant Guild" runs their business, I have complete and total consent to PK all members in the guild, cause it is a guild, and you DO give consent... I'll be seeing you on the battle field =D

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 8:36 pm
by Arwaine_Sunstar
wdpepsiman name a place and time and this rp can be carried out i have no issues with this happening and i will see to it that this is done IC and rped our correctly thank you for your understanding and to clearify my earlier statement about being in a guild and leader of a guild yes i still own the SOM it was passed down in rp to Seri's aunt and therefore means i am still the owner and leader of said guild just not as Seri... and btw Go Alamore teach him that even he has to follow server rules and cant use the excuse i am not allowed to PvP because of guild rules sorry but server rules overwrite guild rules :lol:

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 12:32 am
by tropiofCancer
Arwaine_Sunstar wrote:wdpepsiman name a place and time and this rp can be carried out i have no issues with this happening and i will see to it that this is done IC and rped our correctly thank you for your understanding and to clearify my earlier statement about being in a guild and leader of a guild yes i still own the SOM it was passed down in rp to Seri's aunt and therefore means i am still the owner and leader of said guild just not as Seri... and btw Go Alamore teach him that even he has to follow server rules and cant use the excuse i am not allowed to PvP because of guild rules sorry but server rules overwrite guild rules :lol:
Tell me how SOM is gonna RP their way out of bloodthirsty Kazrites looting , Burning , and defiling a temple that doesnt bow to them . Explain to me the point of SOM if they arent going to interact with the other guilds? This would never happen if Lin Wu (Berforam) was still around..or Kyo or for that matter Qui Chang . If the Hunters fall next stop is Starkson Isle , Do you think Jaz and Orty are going to wave from their battlements and say "No thanks Guys we're a Neutral guild" Kazrites are gonna pile the bodies of the innocent on their doorstep till they engage us which I have no doubt they will . This isnt so I can have my character running around slaughtering folks , This is why You and Jaz , and any other guild sends out ambassadors to each other and form alliances ( ie RP) . I will though allow you to deprive yourself of what is going to be a great event because I was asked to . If Luther shows up with 10-12 Kazrites and we set up shop in the middle of the monastary doing all kinds of nefarious stuff you can stand over in the corner all neutral and I swear no Kazrite will harm you .

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 12:39 am
by Alamore-Threepwood
Knowing Orty and Wine... they will just go to DM's and try to get you banned if you try to RP that out Gabe, they don't PvP, or CvC, they just go to DM's, so show up on Starkson isle, the caste gate is going to be closed, and if you "try" to rp a CvC event... they will just say no and any further conversation is just harassment, way of the Starkson.

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 4:09 am
by Arwaine_Sunstar
tropiofCancer wrote:
Arwaine_Sunstar wrote:wdpepsiman name a place and time and this rp can be carried out i have no issues with this happening and i will see to it that this is done IC and rped our correctly thank you for your understanding and to clearify my earlier statement about being in a guild and leader of a guild yes i still own the SOM it was passed down in rp to Seri's aunt and therefore means i am still the owner and leader of said guild just not as Seri... and btw Go Alamore teach him that even he has to follow server rules and cant use the excuse i am not allowed to PvP because of guild rules sorry but server rules overwrite guild rules :lol:
Tell me how SOM is gonna RP their way out of bloodthirsty Kazrites looting , Burning , and defiling a temple that doesnt bow to them . Explain to me the point of SOM if they arent going to interact with the other guilds? This would never happen if Lin Wu (Berforam) was still around..or Kyo or for that matter Qui Chang . If the Hunters fall next stop is Starkson Isle , Do you think Jaz and Orty are going to wave from their battlements and say "No thanks Guys we're a Neutral guild" Kazrites are gonna pile the bodies of the innocent on their doorstep till they engage us which I have no doubt they will . This isnt so I can have my character running around slaughtering folks , This is why You and Jaz , and any other guild sends out ambassadors to each other and form alliances ( ie RP) . I will though allow you to deprive yourself of what is going to be a great event because I was asked to . If Luther shows up with 10-12 Kazrites and we set up shop in the middle of the monastary doing all kinds of nefarious stuff you can stand over in the corner all neutral and I swear no Kazrite will harm you .

ummm i hate to inform you that by being uninvolved with this war rp that means even the Monastary is off limits to because by doing anything to it would be an act of forcving the guild into a situation that i am not dealing with the leader has her reasons behind wishing to be left the heck alone and that is for the SIMPLE fact that she does not follow Vor, Lia, or Kazra she is a follower of Eon and will not allow her order to be dragged into something that does not concern them if i see anything being done against the monastary or anyone inside of it at any time i will be reporting it to the dms since it is not going to be a part of this war and is to be left alone the rp symbolizing this is going to be carried out in game later today with a DM present as proof of the rp and so they also know that if anything happens to the SOM or anyone inside it will be noted as breaking the rules of NO FORCE RP as myle clearly stated i do not have to be involved in this nor does my order being i am the leader it is my choice to make

Re: Pointless War

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 4:41 am
by tropiofCancer
by ST_DM_Myle on Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:41 am

What that means is that guilds are considered auto-consent with OTHER guilds.

That is the All father DM Myles in his own words spoken On January 15 , 2008 at 7:41 AM..what do you not understand?
I dont want to war with you , as a matter of fact you shouldnt even "own" a guild . I actually dont know anyone on BSK that "owns" a guild . A guild should be created soley for the purpose of character development , interaction with your fellow guild members , Helping newer players aquaint themselves with the server an initiating RP with the server as a whole . You dont "own" a guild . You start a guild to get players together that are like minded in the way the guild is geared , all of them own it . As I stated , I will come to the Monostary whenever we need to and do what we feel we should as the Kazrite louts we are , It is up to you as a Monk to decide how your character will interact . Personally I feel your cheating other players who play monks out of a good RP oppurtunity and I got no problem with you "owning" SOM..Until Berforam , Kyo , or Qui Chang come back and actually run it as it was meant to be years ago . At that time I will file a grievance with the others have since I started this.