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Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 4:23 pm
by HelloBSK
There used to be a printable map for the Underworld (I have one :wink: )

I would love to see various maps and was wondering if there was an update at this point?

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:05 pm
by viobane
It's still being worked on. The beginner areas are being fleshed out (BStone road, pasture, Bstone crypts), and some of the midpoints are done around the shadow devil's lair, troll caves and minotaur/6th shrine area. It's going to take awhile. Let me know when you want more updates and I'll post as they come.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:45 pm
by T'banyin
Just the outside areas would be cool. :)
I doubt many people get lost on the insides of dungeons, except for areas like the underdark.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:56 am
by DM_Mystic

It's not that hard to find your way around! At least in the aboveground. Underground maybe I can understand, but otherwise. just ask around...

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:48 am
by wdpepsiman
i second that

it always amazes me how people never want a challenge

OMG how did the old school guys survive without maps

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:44 am
by Pretty Fly White Guy
We just RPed until someone said they'd take us somewhere ;)

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:40 am
by ValentianNizzle
Pretty Fly White Guy wrote:We just RPed until someone said they'd take us somewhere ;)
What this RP you all babble about!? I want some Hack-n-Slash! Ugh, yeah!

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:29 am
by viobane
I remember playing the first Bard's Tale with a stack of graph paper. Does that age me a bit? *sigh* I'm just doing it because I like maps... If anyone shares my enjoyment of the drawn location finders, so be it =) Maybe it'll even help line my pockets! <eg>

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 11:40 am
by HelloBSK
viobane wrote:It's still being worked on. The beginner areas are being fleshed out (BStone road, pasture, Bstone crypts), and some of the midpoints are done around the shadow devil's lair, troll caves and minotaur/6th shrine area. It's going to take awhile. Let me know when you want more updates and I'll post as they come.
Wow, I was talking more like that above ground areas. Like how to walk from the keep to the waste to the swamp. Or a map of the Dark Forest. I didn't realize you were doing the low level stuff that is self explanitory.

Oh, and I have been playing here for a long time. I have figured out how to get around. I am sure however, there are places I have not found, but for the most part I know how to get everywhere I need to.

I am looking for these maps to help me find shorter ways to get from one place to another. And maybe I will find a place on the map I didn't know existed.

Anyway, maps have been around for ever. And even PnP adventures had maps. I just thought the idea was interesting and was courious to see what would be the outcome.

Like anything else, if you don't have a need or use for it, then don't involve youself with it. I for one was curious about what would be developed.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 12:37 pm
by wildpirate
maps were a major part of most cultures history. Cartographers they were called "i think" and were in high demand. Not all of us want to be a Cartographer :P

It would be nice to have maps or a place to purchase maps. I am sure those high levels that have been playing on the server for a long time have no use for them.

The NWN game gives the auto-mapper option but sadly everythime BSK resets we lose those maps. You can of course take screen shots then go into the NWN folder etc etc long process and not fun.

I have limited time to play as well its VERY frustating for me to wander aimlessly around.

It would be a nice add on, the cost of a map would be relevant of course to the areas difficulty, it would be nice.

A seer shop would be great and add some atmosphere to the game. I recall in old 1st edition that someone could go to a seer/sage for info from what kills a troll "yes at one time in some game worlds trolls were a mystery" to info on a location of a PC.

my 1.3545342354324233423 cents worth.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:12 pm
by DM_Mystic
Can always try being in a party. More likey than not, somone of a suitable level knows their way around.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:16 am
by T'banyin
I dont think, the people wanting maps, 'want them' to ruin thier game play, or figure things out ahead of time, I think the ones that have been there before wanna see a map, as a visual representation.

I enjoy maps.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:46 pm
by viobane
I think I've found a way to compromise a bit on this topic... I will have sets of maps which all have notes, but all the notes will be in RUNES. If a character wants to buy a particular set of maps he/she will either have to try to translate them on their own, or can buy the key codes (at a slightly higher price than the maps).

This way, the maps will look like something that might be an "in game" kind of tool, but will also keep the people who don't want all the answers and still want to explore a chance to either translate parts of the maps, or every single one for fun.

I'm going to add to a topic I brought up in another thread and pay a bit of homage to the ULTIMAte RPGs as well... And I'm not talking about UO, either!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 2:44 pm
by sgtshin
You could all just do what I did, which takes relatively little time..

And that is pull out a piece of graph paper.. and walk the land.. and map as you go, PnP style.

I love to architect and design things, and I love to explore.. Driller and team we're cool enough to invent and design plenty of cool areas, with lots of little things thrown in that you'll easily miss if you just run by. One of my goals from the start was to survey the server, and see for myself where things were, what areas I couldn't get too until exp, allowed, and how to naviagate the lands without the use of portals. I did that.. but I never offered to sell themt.. I just RP with what I know, and help folks out...who may be lost...

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 2:51 pm
by viobane
I think that the old PnP maps are great! I just like the medium of the NWN embedded maps, and am doing this for my own enjoyment, and as a part of rp for my characters to sell the maps. I would also offer directions to anyone IC while in BSK.

Since it won't be something offered to everyone when they first come on to the server, people don't HAVE to purchase the maps, and in fact can go through the entire world without being swayed to use a map.

It's just an extra bit of info for those cartography nuts out there who want it. ANd it gives me an extra thing to do while I'm stolling around BSK.