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Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:49 pm
by viobane
Elendel grinned and pulled his bow from his back, beginning the process of restringing the weapon. "We can handle this, Kel!" he talked with an exuberance that the warrior had not seen in the elf before. "After all, it's a white dragon, and I've been practicing those fireball arrows. That will take the beast down in no time."

Kel continued to frown. "I'm pretty sure it won't be as easy as all that, elf," he slid his sword slightly out of its sheath, making sure the blade was ready for quick use. The satisfying clink as he completely sheathed the weapon boosted his confidence slightly. "But that bugbear was quite a pushover. As long as you don't make me take point on this one, maybe we actually CAN succeed. And the pay does seem rather tempting."

The duo walked out of the village of Bordermarch, sticking to the trail. A number of polar bears worried themselves over the corpse of a deer in the distance while some bugbears appeared to concern themselves over some bizarre ritual near a pile of stones.

Their way was uneventful as they walked up a small slope onto an area with a portal gate. A small, dark entryway between the trees led on into a icy cavern. Without a word, Elendel looked to Kellion and bowed before stalking into the cavernous region.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:48 pm
by viobane
The cavern was dark. Various hills of ice and snow created overhangs, precipices, and canyons that made the region seem quite precarious. The overcast cloud cover began to darken as evening began to settle in and Kel knew that the slight warmth he felt now would probably drain away as it got later.

They both walked along, Elendel with his bow casually held at arms length, Kel with his hand on his sword hilt and his shield adjusted onto his arm.

As they rounded a corner, a white wolf jumped at them.

An arrow from the elf's quiver came to the bow as if it had a mind of its own. Kel's sword was pulled from its sheath as the fighter advanced on the wolf.

As the arrow flew and the fighter jumped, the wolf raised its hackles and howled. The sound from its throat was not the customary roar often feared in the wild. It was a chilling, throaty rasp that projected a cone of icy air at the two adventurers.

Elendel's arrow was frozen and fell in mid-glide. Kellion's rush was slowed as the he was barely able to maintain his grip on his sword.

Their movements continued at the same time a lumbering beast that was twice taller than Kel appeared out of the darkness. It swung its club like arms at Kel, who had enough reflex and alertness in him to duck and roll under the beast's fist.

Elendel readied another arrow and as the wolf took in a deep breath, the elf shot again, this time piercing the wolf's midsection. The wolf coughed as it fell to the ground dead and Elendel refocused on the monster attacking Kel

The fighter easily danced around the slow beast's attacks. As Elendel drew his bowstring back to let fly another arrow, the beast turned its eyes on the elf.

Elendel's eyes widened in horror at the stare. The beast's eyes were pure black, but the elf saw endless emptiness in them. His arrow dropped to the ground as he turned and ran from the beast, conscious thought deserting him in an instant.

Kel noticed Elendel running. He didn't understand why, but didn't have time to think long on it as he sliced at the beast. It did not get out of the way in time, and it roared heartily as a spout of blood fell to the ground, instantly bringing steam from the ice.

The beast grabbed at Kel and glanced the warrior's shield arm. Kel was ready this time, though. His arm had been pulverized enough that he was prepared for the blow and moved his arm with its force.

The monster seemed slightly surprised as Kel jabbed his sword at its belly, disemboweling the foul creature. It fell on its knees before toppling over. Kel easily avoided being crushed and turned to look toward the fleeing elf, who stood by the chasm, numbly looking into its depths.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:49 pm
by viobane
"Elendel?" Kel walked closer. "Elendel? What's going on?"

The elf continued to stare into the chasm. With the sky getting darker, Kel could not see the bottom. He wondered if he'd be able to see the bottom in daylight?

"Hey! You're acting like this is your first battle," Kel nudged Elendel, who jumped slightly and turned to face him. "That's better!"

"No, it's not," Elendel's eyes looked haunted. "I couldn't see the bottom, Kel."

Kel nodded. "I can't either. It's quite a chasm. They should put up a fence or something."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about. That monster. When it stared at me, I felt like I was looking into my own soul, and all I could see was a black pit."

Kel shrugged. "So, you got spooked. It happens to us all. What's the big deal, anyway?"

"It's not about being spooked, this was more serious. I think we need to think about what it is we're doing here."

"We're going to kill the freaking, dragon, Elendel. You're the one that volunteered us for this little quest and now we are going to follow through with it."

"Not HERE, Kel," Elendel made a motion with both his hands, encompassing the entire area. "I mean, here. Around the Keep. There's something wrong in this area. It feels like all life is getting sucked away when you stop to really feel the surroundings."

Kel shrugged a second time. "All this from a monster? Come on, Elendel. You're stronger than this. Pull yourself together!"

"I think there's something more brewing, and we need to find out what."

Kel shook his head. Idealism was something his brothers and father were interested in. Not he. The pay was all he was concerned about. He stopped himself. Well, and of course Eon. He was blessing him in ways he had not considered possible.

"Fine, fine," the warrior sheathed his sword and pulled his friend away from the chasm. "But let's finish this first."

Elendel slowly nodded, but the excitement that had shown on his face just minutes before was gone, replaced by something darker.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:23 am
by viobane
The remainder of the walk through the canyon was uneventful.

Night came over the land, and Kel was surprised that the moon's light shined onto the iced mountains making the visibility higher than it normally would be in addition to creating an eerie bluish gray glow to their surroundings.

They heard occasional coughing howls of the white wolves, and saw some in the distance, but the lupines were keeping their distance. The hulking dark eyed beasts did not reappear.

There were several twists and turns, and at one point, Kel was sure they would be lost, but somehow Elendel was able to lead them ever forward as if he were being led by a destiny beyond his control.

Eventually, they saw a spiked fortress nearby that seemed quite intimidating. "Is that it?" Kel wondered out loud. His not talking in some time resulted in his lips cracking, causing pain and a small bit of blood to enter his mouth.

"No, it's not," the elf sighed as if his spirit was lessened in this dark place. "Dragons don't normally live in fortresses, Kel. I'm sure it's some sort of stronghold for someone, but we don't need to find out who right now."

As they walked down a snow covered path, the path abruptly changed to a hard granite surface with claw-like scratches in its surface. It led into a cave that had a cold mist emanating out from its depths.

"I don't need to ask if we're here," Kel stated as he readjusted his shield. He shivered slightly at the upcoming battle, and called to Eon for assistance. A small cracking sound arose from the nearby mountain followed by a dark creature who stalked nearby, just out of vision. "I'm sure we'll be needing all the help we can get. Eon will bless this battle!"

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:29 pm
by viobane
Elendel readied his longbow, whispering an incantation over an arrow while Kel drank a potion for strength. He had another potion that had been listed as druidic in nature. Some sort of elixir that was supposed to make your skin as hard as wood. He hadn't tried one before, but figured now was the time.

He shrugged and quaffed the potion in one gulp. He instantly felt different. In the cold, he did not have any exposed skin, but he felt slightly rigid in his movements and felt warmer somehow. If he would have known about that he would have drank the potion much sooner than this.

The cave opening was intimidating. It was apparent that the dragon was well adjusted to its lair, more so as Kel glanced toward the otherworldly creature Eon had sent to protect him. As he peered closer to the wall of the cave, he noticed something out of place.

Walking closer, Kel made out something that looked strange against the ice and rock of the surrounding area. He carefully pulled off one of his gloves. He wore a ring that glowed slightly, providing some light as he looked to the cave wall.

He was horrified to see a hand in the wall.

Suddenly it dawned on him. This white dragon was capable of freezing the very air with its breath! Some poor soul had been encased in ice as he or she attempted to enter.

What had the air brained elf gotten him into? He glanced at Elendel and noticed that he, too, was drinking potions in preparation.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:22 pm
by viobane
Kel walked forward, Elendel close at his side. The shadowy minion walked out of the shadows to follow them and as it neared, Kel's nose picked up a scent reminiscent of decaying meat and char, like an old unattended campfire.

The creature was all claws and antennae and resembled a standing insect. Kel shrunk inwardly at the sight of the beast. Eon had granted him THAT? As a protector? It was far from the mount of a paladin, and he began to wonder what was going on in the astral planes. What sort of fates looked upon him?

Elendel recoiled and aimed his bow at the creature. "A Vrock?!?" He drew back his bowstring, prepared to fire. The demonic beast shook its claws and clicked its jaws impatiently, but looked toward Kel as if awaiting orders.

Kel hesitated. The thing did not look to be a threat, other than the fact that it was definitely not something Vor would approve of. Vor was the deity of justice, though. Not Eon. He shrugged at Elendel.

"It's on our side. We're about ready to fight a dragon, it'll be nice for the help, no matter where it's from."

Elendel frowned. "I thought you were a paladin of Eon, Kellion?"

Kellion lowered his head. "I don't know what's going on, but we're not going to be able to solve it now. Let's get this over with. I could use another few pints of ale."

With that, the warrior walked directly into the cave, The Vrock followed, its feet clicking on the icy granite.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:50 pm
by viobane
The inside of the cave was as gory as the outside. In fact it was worse, as the outdoor elements covered over the frozen would-be infiltrators. The inside looked like a trophy room.

All sorts of warriors, spellcasters, clerics and rogues were in various states of battle and flight. Their final stares of horror were a haunting tribute to the evil power of the wyrm within.

As they walked into the larger part of the cave, Kel was amazed that the room seemed relatively well lit. It appeared that the cavern had an opening to the sky, and moonlight shone throughout the chamber.

The dragon lay on its side, facing the trio. It appeared to be bored, turning a wagon over and over with its small arms, occasionally shaking it as if looking for hidden treats.

Its scales were snow-white, reflecting the muted evening moon in an almost ethereal fashion. Its claws were long, and the ends were brownish red, as if recently they had torn apart some helpless soul.

When it noticed the adventurers, Kel gulped, Elendel gasped and the Vrock made no discernible sound but a snap of its jaws. The dragon seemed to smile, if its jaws were capable of the movement. It stopped what it was doing, and dropped the wagon to the floor, which crashed. Pieces of the wagon fell off, and one of the wheels careened off into a distant corner.

"Ah, more from Bordermarch," the dragon rumbled in a grumbling sweet voice. Kel was reminded slightly of the mage that had hated him from his father's castle. "And just when I was getting bored. You know, that place is a wonderful source of red meat."

And with speed like quicksilver, the dragon rose from its perch and attacked.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:34 pm
by viobane
Caos was order of the evening as the battle commenced.

The Vrock clicked its way to the front, sweeping madly with its evil claws. The dragon seemed nonplussed at the attack, but showed slight interest in the outsider.

Elendel shot an arrow at the wyrm. He laughed slightly as a red-hot fireball erupted around the dragon, who roared with might.

Kellion ran in behind the fireball, hoping to see destruction of dragon on the other side. The only thing he discovered were the remnants of the Vrock, which imploded into darkness and sank into the earth as the dragon turned its attention on him

The dragon's previously snow white scales were slightly blackened, and some of them hung askew. But the dragon was very much whole, and now very angry.

Kel dodged a swipe of the beast's tail and followed through with a swing of his sword. The blade hit one of the slightly dislodged scales, which was scraped out with Kel's blow.

The dragon seemed to wince in pain, and Elendel noticed the new chink in the dragon's armor. He aimed another arrow at the dragon's exposed hide, but before he could do so, the great white breathed a stream of cold fury at the elf.

Elendel had enough time to duck to the side, but not before his arrow went flying harmlessly to the ceiling of the cave.

Kel, being closer to the monster was not able to dodge entirely out of the way of the breath weapon, and felt his right arm instantly go numb and tingly in an unnatural cold.

His sword arm damaged, Kel swung again, and almost laughed at the sensation of forcing his arm to move, but not feeling it.

The dragon slashed at Kel with its claws. The claws, long as a scimitar, hit Kel's sword, breaking its tip off, which went clattering into the distance.

Elendel was able to recover enough to aim another arrow at the dragon, but now Kellion was in his way. He couldn't launch another fireball arrow and now the exposed side was facing away from the elf.

Kel looked to his sword and frowned. He had paid good money for the blade, and was frustrated to now have to get another. He looked at the dragon's head and began to roar in anger.

But the dragon's eyes were large and vast with age and intelligence. Kel now understood what Elendel had seen earlier in the bottomless depths of the shadowy beast.

The warrior panicked. If the dragon could break his sword with such ease, how was he to defeat it? And with his newfound doubt in his position as a paladin of Eon, he was utterly uncertain of himself and his future.

Kel had no reason left in his mind. The dragon could not be defeated. He felt hopelessness and in his mind's eye he saw red hot flames and an unnatural laugh as he ran away, his sword dropped and forgotten behind him.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:46 pm
by viobane
The elf saw Kellion running and knew what had happened. The dragon's fear had dug deep into the warrior's soul. It was now certain that Kel was not a paladin. He had heard tales of these knights never backing down and never being in fear of anything.

But now he had a clear shot toward the dragon, and he took it.

Another fireball erupted at the dragon's head. It again roared in protest, but ignored Elendel in favor of the running fighter.

Elendel readied another arrow, hoping to draw the wyrm away from his companion. The arrow flew and stuck in the dragon's wing. It continued to ignore him.

Kellion reached one of the crystalline walls and smacked into it headlong. He was obviously beyond reason and care. Elendel grew more desperate and put his bow behind his back, pulling out his hereditary blade.

He called upon its powers, which flung magics at the dragon in force. But such powers were no match for an adult dragon.

Kel was getting up from the wall, and turned toward the dragon. He raised his arms to ward off blows. He large shield hid his face from view as the dragon blew out its icy breath, covering Kellion in its embrace.

Elendel's heart stopped. What had happened to Kel? As the icy mist cleared, the dragon turned its attention again on the elf.

But Elendel was beyond comprehension. Kellion was standing where he had been. But now he was encapsulated in the ice as the other victims, unmoving and covered in an icy crystal tomb.

Elendel swore to Eon and all the gods as he charged the dragon.

The dragon cackled in laughter as another magical burst erupted from the sword. Elendel was not a proper swordman. He was unsure how to attack with finesse, so he attempted to make up for it in pure rage.

He hit at the dragon's leg, and the blade glanced off. The dragon continued to laugh. "Puny elf. You will meet your doom the same as your friend this night."

Elendel attempted to draw more magic from the sword, but it had expended its energies. He looked at it, incredulous as the dragon took it out of his hands in a quick swipe.

"I do so hate getting things stuck in my throat."

And Elendel was able to look up in time to see the dragon's jaws come down around his head, until he saw no more.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:51 pm
by viobane

From: Lord Alurious Norrington

To: Knights of the Crystal Order

Re: Retrieval and Rescue of Kellion Norrington


Knights, I plead to you to locate my son, who has left our lands against my will. We were able to determine by a returning mercantile fleet that he escaped by stowing away on a ship bound for the mysterious Blackstone Keep.

I implore you to search those lands for him, and convince him to return. I fear he has misunderstood my intentions for him and has fled as a response.

If you find that he has perished in those barbaric lands, please return his remains so that they may be properly buried in the family plot.


Lord Alurious Norrington

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:02 pm
by viobane
The Crystal Order was a formal band of professional warriors. They knew their duty and who they served. They were tasked with a mission to retrieve the Lord's son, and they took it seriously.

They entered the Keep in a rush. The guards of the Keep showed little interest in their search, and offered no help. They demanded to speak to the Lord of the realms, but were only greeted by a Warden who asked for their assistance, which they were unwilling to give.

Their trek outwards unto the land was efficient and comprehensive. They asked many questions of Kellion, and discovered information on his travels with the elf, Elendel Wood.

They were excellent trackers, and were also superior information gatherers. They eventually winded their way through the snowy paths to Bordermarch and descended on the small village.

The mayor of the town informed them of the dragon, who had yet to be defeated, and they left immediately even though they were offered the comforts of Lagnar's Inn.

Their battle with the dragon was swift and brutal. They were a professional organization, and were used to battle with any number of beasts, dragons included.

They discovered Kellion's frozen remains in the ice and spent the better part of two days chipping at the ice removing his body. There was some treasure about, but they paid it no heed. They noticed a large blade in one corner, and one of the battalion noted its similarity to the sword their Lord kept above his throne, but they were not there to find treasures.

Once they had freed the deceased warrior, they noticed that his face was not frozen in a grimace of fear. Strangely, Kellion Norrington appeared to be laughing.


These adventures will continue. The story remains. PM me for more details, as this tale has been told.