Quests and Parties

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Quests and Parties

Post by Gahani »

I have had people angry with me for turning in quests while in a party because it messes up other player's journals. Now, I have had a player angry for not turning in a quest while in party, supposedly denying him the XP. Needless to say I am confused.

A brief search of the forums shows me that it has been accepted practice to drop party when turning in quests. This makes some sense. Most of the time I have no idea what effect doing it in party would have on other players.

My question is this...
Are there some quests which allow party experience and some which don't? Are there some quests which can safely be completed in party and some which will cause problems? Is there any advantage to deviating from the accepted practice of dropping party? Is there any consistency at all?

I have run into players who "know" how this all works and I really have no idea whether this is coming from experience on this server or some prior experience elsewhere. My policy to date has been to tell players ahead of time that I will drop party to turn in quests and then warn them before doing so. This has gotten me into trouble. A little clarification please.....

Thank you.
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Post by Caesius »

If a member in your party is not actually helping with the questing, I don't see how they can feel entitled to getting a reward. There are social parties and questing parties. Sometimes there are both types of players in the same party though it is generally less confusing if the two types are kept seperate.

If I am in a party for social reasons, any xp that happens to drop in my lap while friends are questing I think of it as nothing more than a bonus. Still taking a moment to get everyone's input will help you determine whether you and your fellow adventurers will need to form your own party just for questing without affecting the journals (or even alignments) of those who would not be doing any questing.

If I am actively questing then I'll make sure I get my fair share by being a part of the questing party.
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Post by Pretty Fly White Guy »

you should only hand in quests with people that WANT the reward. if there is someone that doesnt want it, one of you should leave.

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Post by Capt Cliff »

Got that right! I now have completed the Drow Queen Headress, but I did nothing! :? I now know there's no Santa!!! :(
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Post by ValentianNizzle »

Capt Cliff wrote:Got that right! I now have completed the Drow Queen Headress, but I did nothing! :? I now know there's no Santa!!! :(
And here students, this is a man whom is entirely delusional from playing way too much BSK. We'll need to observe him more closely in future, but notice how he gets upset over something his character probably didn't even know what was.. Interesting.
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Qui Chang
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Post by Qui Chang »

Just to add a little bit to that Gahani. The reason some get angry if you turn in a quest item while in a party is that it will update all party members journals(unless they already did the quest) saying that they copleted the quest as well. So lets say the quest item you just turned in was..oh say foxmores 5th quest. Everyones journals In the party will be updated at the same time saying they just completed that 5th quest. However if one or more of the members in the party didnt do the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quest Foxmore will think they did because of that journal update. So those party members miss out on the xp from those other quests they could have done. I know cause I had a few people get angry at me cause I have the memory of a Radio Shack 64k computer with a tape drive and forgot to leave the party before I turned in some items. :wink:
Now about the people who got mad at you for not turing in the item while in party. That's because they are on the same quest and want the xp. But like previously stated, if that person didnt do a lick to help you get that quest item and they get mad at you, you tell them to go to heck!
Hope that helps you!
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Post by Fenrip »

I disagree with the go to heck statement. Asking the party before handing in the quest is only common courtesy. Sending a tell to reinvite takes all of 5 seconds.

Some folks are very careful about the quests in their books and it goes well beyond simple exp. For some it is a part of their RP and for others it is for the quest reward.

I was in a party of 6 over the weekend and someone handed in a quest item. Three of the other people told the person that they did not appreciate it and another told the person to leave the party if handing in quests. No one was rude about it but they were VERY clear.

Only a few minutes later, the person did it again and was bounced from the party. I do not remember the person's name except that it started with A, I think. The party broke up rather quickly after that and there were a couple very upset players.

Interestingly enough, this is the same person that refused to RP to get an answer about crafting. I believe the exact quote was, "I refuse to RP for a one word answer." In this case the person simply had to ask someone (IDENTIFIED AND ALREADY IN THE PARTY) IC for the information.

So, the moral of the story is be polite and realize that while RP-lite, there are many that will only give up info through RP.
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Post by winteraven »

Indeed I actually agree with almost everyone here. When questing, if you are doing so alone, then when with a party it is common courtesy to drop party for a few moments to receive and hand in quests. Yes, asking if any mind ahead of time is also kind however, party size changes very quickly and without warning quite often and the new person/people may not wish their quests done. Hence informing the party that you are leaving and then requesting an invite back after ward is most expedient.

To address Gahani's question, in all fairness, if someone does not have the quest done or have not even made the effort to do it they should not receive the reward. You, as the quester however, have the option of saying "Hey, I'm questing and if you'd like to get in on the action and reward, come along with me." That does not mean however that it is appropriate of anyone to demand you turn in quests while they did nothing to earn it. This way if you are going to make a day or spend a lot of time questing, you can reform a small questing party, have help and perhaps an interesting RP experience.

As for peoples quest journals I have heard many the complaint after having been gently or even frustratingly asked not to quest in party, "But you're char is 40" or "I thought everyone would have done it" or "It was okay before"
--> 40th chars (many of whom RP their chars) often do not do quests, instead saving them for later as a diversion if they become bored, or that they are waiting until they feel ready to finish them and take on Shalnath and so on. Just because they are 40, do not assume they won't care or that they do not have a reason for not having done said quests.
--> Assumption that can often lead to confusion and frustration, some chars do quests, some do not, some care, some do not. Everyone has their own method of doing things.
--> It may have been "okay before" but that did not include the new people invited to party since that discussion, so asking new people if they mind is polite.
--> Another point is that some people are involved in RP or have other friends or partners who are not playing online at that moment and are waiting until they are around to do more quests.

There are many different reasons hence the propriety of asking before hand or just making it your routine to drop party until ready to return. Players who are simply being lazy and have not done any questing etc who demand the rewards of you or do not make any effort to join you, help, level on their own or do any of the work at all are just that, lazy. You do not have to accept their rantings. This is everyone's game and it's up to you to let others frustrate you. Make it fun for yourself :)

As a post script, Accidents happen. Or someone new did not know about the courtesies of questing. Some people will get angry or annoyed but it is based out of frustration for having it done many times before. It is not always directed at the quester personally, mostly just frustration in general. So as Fenrip said once is a mistake but again is ignorance. Just try to be aware and fess up or apologise. If someone is too harsh on you, then perhaps this is not the party for you. The same applies to the other party members. Yes, it is disappointing if quests are completed for you. Sometimes you get lucky and reset will erase them, but sometimes you dont either and you're stuck. No need to scream or insult or be rude, just express politely that you're not questing and if it continues then leaving yourself may be a solution. Manners and politeness are most often appreciated when dealing with new players or some not used to playing in a mixed party. Again, accidents happen, this is a game, your game, enjoy it but remember that this applies to everyone else as well.

Happy gaming :)
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Post by driller »

The quest code shouldn't complete the quest if you do not have it in progress. If it does, it's a bug.

I will look at it, but I am reluctant to dwelve into it as it is very convoluted.
I might just add a quick drop the PC turning in the quest from the party function.

winteraven wrote:Indeed I actually agree with almost everyone here. When questing, if you are doing so alone, then when with a party it is common courtesy to drop party for a few moments to receive and hand in quests. Yes, asking if any mind ahead of time is also kind however, party size changes very quickly and without warning quite often and the new person/people may not wish their quests done. Hence informing the party that you are leaving and then requesting an invite back after ward is most expedient.

To address Gahani's question, in all fairness, if someone does not have the quest done or have not even made the effort to do it they should not receive the reward. You, as the quester however, have the option of saying "Hey, I'm questing and if you'd like to get in on the action and reward, come along with me." That does not mean however that it is appropriate of anyone to demand you turn in quests while they did nothing to earn it. This way if you are going to make a day or spend a lot of time questing, you can reform a small questing party, have help and perhaps an interesting RP experience.

As for peoples quest journals I have heard many the complaint after having been gently or even frustratingly asked not to quest in party, "But you're char is 40" or "I thought everyone would have done it" or "It was okay before"
--> 40th chars (many of whom RP their chars) often do not do quests, instead saving them for later as a diversion if they become bored, or that they are waiting until they feel ready to finish them and take on Shalnath and so on. Just because they are 40, do not assume they won't care or that they do not have a reason for not having done said quests.
--> Assumption that can often lead to confusion and frustration, some chars do quests, some do not, some care, some do not. Everyone has their own method of doing things.
--> It may have been "okay before" but that did not include the new people invited to party since that discussion, so asking new people if they mind is polite.
--> Another point is that some people are involved in RP or have other friends or partners who are not playing online at that moment and are waiting until they are around to do more quests.

There are many different reasons hence the propriety of asking before hand or just making it your routine to drop party until ready to return. Players who are simply being lazy and have not done any questing etc who demand the rewards of you or do not make any effort to join you, help, level on their own or do any of the work at all are just that, lazy. You do not have to accept their rantings. This is everyone's game and it's up to you to let others frustrate you. Make it fun for yourself :)

As a post script, Accidents happen. Or someone new did not know about the courtesies of questing. Some people will get angry or annoyed but it is based out of frustration for having it done many times before. It is not always directed at the quester personally, mostly just frustration in general. So as Fenrip said once is a mistake but again is ignorance. Just try to be aware and fess up or apologise. If someone is too harsh on you, then perhaps this is not the party for you. The same applies to the other party members. Yes, it is disappointing if quests are completed for you. Sometimes you get lucky and reset will erase them, but sometimes you dont either and you're stuck. No need to scream or insult or be rude, just express politely that you're not questing and if it continues then leaving yourself may be a solution. Manners and politeness are most often appreciated when dealing with new players or some not used to playing in a mixed party. Again, accidents happen, this is a game, your game, enjoy it but remember that this applies to everyone else as well.

Happy gaming :)
Last edited by driller on Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesius »

driller wrote:I might just add a quick drop the PC turning in the quest from the party function.
This could complicate matters if there is more than one person in the group who wishes to partake in the reward. If there were a function that could determine if any party members are not in the same area as the quest NPC then the NPC could inform the players that their entire party is not yet gathered and so they would have to make sure no one but questing adventurers are in the party and are present to collect the reward.
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Post by driller »

You must gather your party before adventuring forth.

Caesius wrote:
driller wrote:I might just add a quick drop the PC turning in the quest from the party function.
This could complicate matters if there is more than one person in the group who wishes to partake in the reward. If there were a function that could determine if any party members are not in the same area as the quest NPC then the NPC could inform the players that their entire party is not yet gathered and so they would have to make sure no one but questing adventurers are in the party and are present to collect the reward.
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Post by ValentianNizzle »

driller wrote:You must gather your party before adventuring forth.

Caesius wrote:
driller wrote:I might just add a quick drop the PC turning in the quest from the party function.
This could complicate matters if there is more than one person in the group who wishes to partake in the reward. If there were a function that could determine if any party members are not in the same area as the quest NPC then the NPC could inform the players that their entire party is not yet gathered and so they would have to make sure no one but questing adventurers are in the party and are present to collect the reward.
Ah, the golden lines from the Baldur's Gate series. Classic.
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Capt Cliff
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Post by Capt Cliff »

ValentianNizzle wrote:
Capt Cliff wrote:Got that right! I now have completed the Drow Queen Headress, but I did nothing! :? I now know there's no Santa!!! :(
And here students, this is a man whom is entirely delusional from playing way too much BSK. We'll need to observe him more closely in future, but notice how he gets upset over something his character probably didn't even know what was.. Interesting.
Woah, a man with no sence of humor. An I thought all the dodo birds were gone. Or are you a Doh-Doh bird? I see your have made a career out of NWN or Bladur's Gate or .... Next time the use of Emoticons might help eliminate any confusion. Like :P or :lol: or 8) but not ..!..
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Post by ValentianNizzle »

Capt Cliff wrote:
ValentianNizzle wrote:
Capt Cliff wrote:Got that right! I now have completed the Drow Queen Headress, but I did nothing! :? I now know there's no Santa!!! :(
And here students, this is a man whom is entirely delusional from playing way too much BSK. We'll need to observe him more closely in future, but notice how he gets upset over something his character probably didn't even know what was.. Interesting.
Woah, a man with no sence of humor. An I thought all the dodo birds were gone. Or are you a Doh-Doh bird? I see your have made a career out of NWN or Bladur's Gate or .... Next time the use of Emoticons might help eliminate any confusion. Like :P or :lol: or 8) but not ..!..
I responded with sarcasm. That's a sense of humor, eh? - Piece of advice. Don't take most of what I say so serious.
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Pretty Fly White Guy
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Post by Pretty Fly White Guy »

and it's spelt "Quests" with a "u"