High Level Party Etiquette

General Discussion is for anything related to Blackstone not covered in the other forums.

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Post by DM_Mystic »

But again, I think you're missing the point: These chars have the right to be there, and they have the right to be bullies, disruptive, whatever. Now, if you ask the players behind the chars, then we have a different scenario. I think if it were me (as one of my chars), and somone sent me a tell similar to:

" Hi, I realize you don't have to move or anything, but this is a low level char, and I really need to get some training in. Any chance you can let me hunt here a while?"

I'd most likey either grant your request, or even just remain there and keep an eye out for you. I don't know which players/chars are loitering over there, but they're probably doing so because they're bored. Also keep this in mind: The char(s) can be as evil as the day is long, but in most cases, the players behind them are not.
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Post by Doofy Britches »


You know... I rolled a dual dwarven war axe weilding character this weekend.. and I completed the wolf quest.. and then.. went to BSK road to nail some skellies and such. I was lvl 2.

As I'm heading back to town to sell my wares.. right before the entrance point to BSK road/hamlet- a high level char with a very nice sword walks up and in one hit.. takes out my dwarf.

I go into tell mode.. and say.. "umm... excuse me.. you PK'ed with no RP whatsoever.. kind of against the rules here". To which the response was "I kill anything that doesn't worship evil". I said.. "how would you know what I worshiped.. if you strike first and tell later?"
He said- "Who's your God?" I responded with "Krom"... and he told me to wait one while he got a scroll...

Suffice to say server reset was in 2 minutes.. and that happened before he came back with the scroll. We all reset.. we were all there, on the road again.. only this guy had a friend. In their chatting.. the guy that PK'd me mouthed off to his friend, OCC... that "he was on the road hunting noobs". To which his friend told him to curtail it immediately, and to go in tells as this was an RP server/

This guy gave me $3k gold to buy a scroll... so in the end... no problem-

But when high levels (this character was 18th lvl) hang in BSK road... and blast lowbies...it ruins gameplay for others. When I have a high level char there... and lowbies come along.. I usually help them.. or move off further down so they can hunt closer to town. I have portals and scrolls- they don't.

For my LE Blackguard characters.. I don't go to BSK road to hunt noobs.. or.. to let my alignment dictate that my character should go to where I know noobs train to give them a hard time... I go to other places.

Its just common courtesy to allow others to be able to play at their pace and level... no matter WHERE you are on the server. In the game of golf.. you let let faster players... "play through"... you don't stand there and beat them with your drivers when they tee off either....

It just courteous... no matter the char/alignment- that high levels allow the lowbies to play through in the first few maps. Not saying you can't kill mobs there.. but do you need to smack down TS and Meteor swarm (might be fun if completely alone) to kill zombies.. when other players (and more than likely low level) are around?

If you must be evil/gangster bully- and you must pick on players and chars well, well below your level.. be willing to be screen shotted given to the DM's for judgement.

You don't need a reason to be or play anywhere.... but be courteous to other players no matter where you are.
A Master role player is one who is willing and able to bend their character concept to make the game more enjoyable for all involved. To assist the DM in making the game fun, and to not sow discord. - Gary Gygax
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Post by viobane »

Perhaps the assassin 'quest' needs to be turned off? It does encourage PK, although it does state some rules, I think those who don't read the details may think it's okay to hunt ANY adventurers.

I do like the way the assassination requirements are to RP and work it out that way, but I think it is heavily misinterpreted.
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Post by Doofy Britches »


In this particular case.. the character had 18lvls of Cleric... no Assassin..it comes right back to the main point of thread... ettiquete across the board...and consideration for other players
A Master role player is one who is willing and able to bend their character concept to make the game more enjoyable for all involved. To assist the DM in making the game fun, and to not sow discord. - Gary Gygax
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Post by Rami_Ahmed »

It's funny, some time ago I experienced a quite similiar thing.

I was on BSK road, killing zombies with a irl friend. We were both low levels (4 and 9), when some high level cleric (~20 I think) came through. He stopped, looking at us. We just carried on, when he killed us both in an implosion, with no zombies around. Then some level 2 came up the road, she got PKed too, out of the blue. The guy didn't even say a thing. There was no DM, and the other girl said that she was taking screen shot and sending to DM. So I logged on my 40, and killed the dude and raised the 2 dead people. I know it was probably wrong, but I so needed revenge. And that guy had it coming. :oops:
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Post by T'banyin »

People involved in PVP without concent, automatically are giving concent to be metagamed and killed themselves by as many people around them if I understand it :P As well as being banned if their activities continue.
In otherwords, Idiots beware :)
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Post by Doofy Britches »

Eh? Well.. I WANTED to metagame.. Sugroth would have run the guy through... but that wouldn't have taught him anything. Just makes players like that more onry than they were to begin with.

I decided to try to talk first and take action second, and in this case.. it seemed to work fine. I didn't have to threaten anything.. and only cost 5 minutes of my playing time. Whoever it was calmed down when their friend showed up and was there... so...

I'm sure it doesn't always work out that way... so.. its good to have fallback..but..still prefer to try diplomacy first.

I have many characters who are EVIL to the core. I don't have inter-player issues.

Had a situation where I found a dead character in the Oasis this weekend. The char I had on, was evil.. and wouldn't (IG) do a raise. So I chatted to the dead player.. and whaddaya know.. they were AFK. I RP'ed my char praying to his God.. to ask for guidance.. and then exited the area... no raise. I logged and brought in a "good" char to resurrect the player... and just RP'd it out...
The character never knew that it was me that did it... but I was able to help a player out, and get some quality RP too...

Again.. just courtesy. So many players have been cool to me.. and have given me a raise when I needed it.. or a DM helping out.. no reason not to look for good ways to pass that back around.
A Master role player is one who is willing and able to bend their character concept to make the game more enjoyable for all involved. To assist the DM in making the game fun, and to not sow discord. - Gary Gygax