What do you love/hate about Blackstone?

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What do you love/hate about Blackstone?

Post by driller »

Post you love/hates. This will influence what BSK2 will be like.

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Pretty Fly White Guy
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Post by Pretty Fly White Guy »

the players.
The varied enemies.
The ease of use of the server etc.

Erm, well, ummmmmmm...
My only Irk is that all the action takes place American time, which is hard for me. but that's not gonna do anything is it :P
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Post by FOXY LADY790 »

Pretty Fly White Guy wrote:Likes:
the players.
The varied enemies.
The ease of use of the server etc.

Erm, well, ummmmmmm...
My only Irk is that all the action takes place American time, which is hard for me. but that's not gonna do anything is it :P
Shame when BSK is taken off line its been fun playing on one of the best severs :D

Yep all PFWG put BSK is my 2rd home to me so i love been around alot of peeeps who i can have a laugh :D
Last edited by FOXY LADY790 on Thu Nov 23, 2006 8:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Pretty Fly White Guy »

Well, it wasn't all that i put, but it's the general idea, I suppose. ;)
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Post by jackybaby »


AC/AB balance. Not perfect, but quite close.
It's Easy to start new character of any class.
Quest system.
Forging system.


Vogon's clean-up script.
PP in the arena.
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Post by Caesius »


Customizable equipment via forge and sockets.

Not too hardcore. Gaining levels is not too difficult.

The lands were designed in a relatively linear fashion which increases the chances of player encounters on the roads and aids RP.

A vibrant community.

Some melee monsters use knockdown too much. (Could be an AI issue. Fortunately there's a druid spell in NWN2 that can counter that now)

Forge/socket systems encourage "Kitchen Sink" mentality of trying to put everything on items. I think it would be better if an item was limited to no more than 4 properties which would force players to pick and choose the benefits rather than simply forge everything onto it including the kitchen sink. It's not as bad for weapons. But this becomes more apparent when it comes to armor, shields and accessories.

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Post by Difas »

everything... havent found a thing i dont like...

dislikes: nothing

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Post by Abraxas »

I played for a short while a few months back and I think you've done a terrific job. I stopped playing because of the new version coming out and because I'm more PvP oriented. I personally would like it more if this was a two faction game, Kingdom A vs Kingdom B, but that is only a personal preference and says nothing about the game as it is, which obviously caters to a different style. I will be back when NW2 is implemented here and see what wonderful things you come up with, because I know it will be great, even if not exactly my prefered style.

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Post by Berforam »

Hates :
1- High saves, so that makes many spells useless and classes like shifters, druids and clerics caster based builds useless.
2- WINGS ! that must be RP reward or DM allowed only. if u wish to build a char with wings u must get a permission first. (in my point of view). Extender usage must be DM allowed only. (only extra tatoos collors must be allowed for PCs without asking permission first)
3- Having 10000 DMs inactive and 2 or 3 active.

Loves :
1- Many anti-dupe / anti-cheating scripts
2- Server position about adding guild halls acording to players needs.
3- Scripted subraces
4- Deities interacting with PCs
5- everything else.
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Post by Doofy Britches »

-starting at lvl 1.
- module balance. Questing, mob placement and occurrence.. especially early on.. all balanced so that all classes have a good shot at earning early levels, not too easy for the fighters, not too hard for the mages.
-Module design. Lots of interesting areas, lot of little "secret places" to discover. Still some things I haven't seen after 11 months playing!
- safe zone from PP/PvP in the keep. Balances things out for those that do not want to PvP.
- Arena- its fun!
-Forge- great thing and adds great reason to adventure.
- Server open to all forms of gameplay.. PvP or solo...
- Very, very few class restrictions.
-Great DM participation and interaction.
-DM's who are fair, and judicious.. from all I've seen. (and I've had my encounters good and bad!)
-Design team who listens to player community, and does implement suggestions and ideas that they make.

Random Encounters- there are none. Would be nice to come into an area and spawns would be random, within a lvl range.. and in number. Example- 3-6 skellies, 1-3 orcs, or 3-7 goblins. Some should be area set.. some should be random. This would keep you on your toes, and provide you differnent challenges everytime you went there. Also.. random encounters lets the builder "build it" once.. and the players get something new to play every time.
Forge- awesome thing, but maybe a bit overpowered. Ultra-Uber gear means more reliance on gear, and less on character class traits/abilities. Why would you need to outthink how to beat a mob, if...you can just smash it to bit with your sword of utlra-ness. Maybe reduce the amount of things (abilites) that can be added to armour or equipment.
Forge- Some mobs can only be attempted/beaten by some classes with items that have to be forged. This ties forge to mobs traits/balance- maybe too strongly.. maybe not.
Potions/Scrolls- more selections that can be bought in bulk.
Arrows- more variation on types of arrows that can be bought.
Bows- better selection of bows/crossbows
AB balance.. - a 40th lvl Barbarian with a +20AB battle axe and a 42 STR, and buffed.. SHOULD be able to hit any mob on the server, more consistently than a 20+ on a d20.
Pick Pocketing- its good.. if people were fair.. and never, ever cheated. A little more tightening as scripting and coding will allow... to support the rules already in place...would be helpful. If you don't want forgies lifted.. should have the script fire correctly.. but its not a perfect world. But with NwN2 having 1 slot for every item...(a greatsword is 1 slot)- how will this be adressed now?
Crafting- I dislike NOT having this now.. but.. but it might be nice to have a very small/easy crafting system for mining, skinning, plants/herbs. I'd like to see more Sr. mages making and selling scrolls, and potions and such.. and it might be cool for those classes to have another way to earn income or generate items.
Last edited by Doofy Britches on Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:50 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by ValentianNizzle »

jackybaby wrote:Loves:

AC/AB balance. Not perfect, but quite close.
It's Easy to start new character of any class.
Quest system.
Forging system.


Vogon's clean-up script.
PP in the arena.
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Post by Lady Tray'o Curs-ed Song »


- Mostly everything except


- lack of scheduled campaigns. Thosw are fun
- inconsistant periods of rp
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Post by oPlayer »

Drillers time and dedication to making it all these good things.

After 3 years of keeping mah nose clean and enjoying BSK on an almost daily basis then recently getting more involved with guilds and the rp of the keep, these are my likes and dislikes.

But before i give my lists I'd like to say i think i enjoyed myself more when i kept my head down, making chars, building wealth, crafting, Helping others craft. But during my two years of doing this i never once encountered 1 DM. Giving up mostly all my time for the players of the keep, giving away countless forgies, gold and items just for the sake of being helpful as Felonious. Because when you have experience and know what you are doing.. everyone wants your help and i have always loved helping where i could. Cause i know the value of good help personally.

But once you begin to rp.. once you begin to get to into rp with people.. Deep rp.. factions, plots, stories .. no matter where you stand you find allies and enemies.. naturally of course.

And before i give my list of dislikes i want to say i know this wont please many people and might even come down on me a bit. But we were asked for our opinion. And this is mine.

Too many DM's

Seemingly Most rp has to be approved or is not legit if a dm is not involved.

Who cares about power? I dont.. but Dm's apparently do.. they have a lock on most guilds as players themselves and most of the guilds activities.. and most rp. I think just about everyone knows how many Dm's are related to one another.. how tight they all are. Watch them all come together as players and bully with their rp to snuff out what i can only conclude to be things they see as some sort of threat..

So as a player who's never asked for anything.. or complained about anything.. i see BSK as a DM's server. A server for DM's. The rest are seemingly sheep.

Players have fun at BSK this is true.. and mostly because the old addage "Ignorance is bliss" is very applicable here. But once your rp starts getting heavy or in the slightest bit controversial.. You are either tamed or snuffed out.

If my character, a sorc, has an apprentice.. why would a dm feel the need to share ooc comments to my apprentice saying they are 'nothing' with out me? This is one of many examples. Things like this just make me wish these DM's would just come out and say.. "hey.. we are watching your everymove cause we are looking for any excuse to ban you so you might as well leave now."

Too many times i have found DM's porting people.. (women i have played with in the past) off some where secluded, for no reason.. just to talk to them... or hanging out around them.. giving them "special" attention.. all to often finding myself saying.." wow.. must be nice. I have not talked to a dm, EVER... You must be special" Just noting a DM.. using DM powers.. to perpetuate their own social agenda with the opposite sex.

In all fairness i will say that the DM's at most of the other servers are just out right jerks. Bsk still has some of the best around.

I probably should have waited to get to the house before posting this and not spit this out off the top of my head as fast as my fingers can move while still being at work. That being said i have to boogie. BSK as a module is the best i have ever played. Bar none. Thanks for the countless hours of fun.
-Juzaum (A.K.A. Felonious- Master Crafter)
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Post by XStorm »


Pure colors available
Most of the players
Ease to LVL
the module in general itself balance of monster etc


the forge - the players are way too strong
the very spotty RP - people constantly arguing OOC/lack of consistent RP
the arena layout is horrible ... no room to move around

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Post by shaggy1971 »

oplayer...from what i can see with your dislike to many DM's i thing you are wrong...the DM team do a great job and help a lot of new players find their feet by answering questions asked...

But then again could you be on about the nasty little spat your RP partner spouted out in ooc chat and yup i have seen the screenies cos one of the insulted players was my wife...

I say to the DM's and Driller who have made BSK what it is today ...

Well done for a fantastic job and may BSK keep going to be one of THE best servers around :thumbsup: :D
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