questions about the server

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questions about the server

Post by Borg »

Could you please tell me a little bit about Blackstone keep server?
I would like to play here but don't know what to expect and what character to choose. I would love to find out on my own but dont have this much time anymore (job, family etc)
If you could answer my questions below (or at least part of them) I would be grateful.

1. Are there items with permanent bonuses like: Haste, Knockdown immunity, Freedom of movement, Death ward, Mind spells immunity,
2. What is the max enhancement bonus for weapons and for armors (AB bonus and AC bonus on item)?
3. How often do you PvP ? Is PvP in arena only? Are there clans / guilds and clan wars?
4. There is a 3% XP penalty on death. Is it possible to loose a level when you die or the penalty is capped to the last level? (example: you have 1,002 xp (2nd level) and you die. Do you loose 30 xp points and drop to level 1 or just loose 2 xp points and stay on lvl 2?)
5. How much attribute bonus from items (more or less) can you obtain on 40 level? Is it common to have +12 bonus to 3 core stats and some more to other stats at lvl 40? Can you distribute it freely throughout items or is it always that nymph cloak gives charisma etc?
6. Is it possible to customize weapons at blacksmith (add +5 ench, keen, damage bonus etc) or you need to loot bosses and weapons are rather random?
7. Can you purchase bludgeoning wepaons (e.g. Warhammer) with keen property or it is not possible on this server that blunt weapons get keen property?
8. Is there anything like undispelability since certain level?
9. Are spells like harm, heal, bigby’s hands, word of power really unchanged? Do they work like in original nwn (no saves check, kill full HP etc)?
10. Is dispelling altered in any way except for Mordenkainens disjunction which dispel all active spells on target?
11. Are summons boosted in any way or only epic summons (epic feat)?
12. Are epic spells (like EMA , epic warding) dispellable? (including mordenkainen disjunction)
13. Does True Seeing boost also listen skill or spot only?
14. Is UMD useful here (items, scrolls etc)?

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Re: questions about the server

Post by driller »

2.Ususally +6 for AC and +20 for AB.
3.There is a PvP arena and guilds. Look at the Events forum.
4.No. You do not lose a level.
5.+6 normally for attributes.
6.Forging is the way to get the best gear and requires a specfic character build to get the best results.
7.Yes can forge keen on a warhammer as silly as that sounds.
8.As in???
9.Some have been changed. I am not adverse to changing stuff if you make a sound argument.
10.No. Mords is currently NWN default.
12.Yes, a high level Paladin with a forged holy sword(not the spell) should be able to dispel any magic, like the original NWN holy sword.
13.Spot and see invisible.
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Re: questions about the server

Post by Cornflower »

More questions answered and perhaps too many spoilers you can find here:
Who wills, can
Who tries, does
Who loves, lives
(Ann McCaffrey)
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