What do you guys think of this?

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What do you guys think of this?

Post by driller »

http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Sc ... il&id=3441

I think it is pretty neat stuff. Would you like it implemented here?

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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by Roland Deschain »

I think it would be alright, except for maybe the losing str as you lose HP.
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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by ST_DM_Myle »

I have looked this over for my own use....

Some changes I would suggest...

Change the injury effect to apply to all damage done, regardless of source... once receiving 16 points of damage. Otherwise, this sysem would make IGMS so much more powerful that mages would leap light years ahead of other classes in power... much further than intended - and this coming from someone who supports the idea of mage supremecy.

Why 16 points?... because of weapon buffs like Flame Weapon, Divine Favor, etc... Such spells usually have to max a crit to deal that much damage and having a buff==auto injury seems a bet overboard for a RP-lite server.

Overall, I like the concept, but the application would create other challenges that would need to be addressed...

Such as XP... leveling will become suddenly more deadly and much slower.... very much slower than BSK has traditionally offered. While I know some people dislike the ease of leveling here compared to more restrictive servers, this is also part of BSK's charm and appeal. It would be a shame to undo that.

How XP was issued would have to be addressed.

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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by Cybermagi »

system has some nice possibilities.
might be a bit more than folks here would be used to.
maybe a little better critical hit/fumble system?
say.. critical hit has some chance. 1% of doing some random thing
like "hurt arm -1 STR" until.. rest/heal/restore
or on fumble "opps you tripped" get knocked down or hit party member in range?..etc
loved the old Critical Hit/Fumble system in PnP.

just an idea

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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by Axe Madness »

well if where randomly gana die from head shot then we should restore Dev crit :mrgreen: might as well right? lol.
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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by Andrun »

One thing I would like to speak out about is the flat rate of when this would crop up on the server. I shall state an example.
mremustard wrote:Injuries occur when attacks exceed a minimum damage of 10 (adjustable)
Now, let us consider my two clerics.

Andrun #2 (once he's level 40) - Caster Cleric

Eldrun - Melee Cleric


Let us say that we set the trigger of this at say... 40hp. A nice solid thwack.

If Andrun is struck, that is approximately 8.369% of his total hp.
If Eldrun is struck, that is approximately 5.533% of his total hp.

To Andrun, 40hp is much more of a solid blow than it is to Eldrun. Yet if both are hit equally as often, Eldrun's greater pool of hit points would mean he would suffer more than Andrun, and thereby suffer more of the ill effects of the large blows.

-- Head wound (10% chance) - 50% chance that wound is fatal, otherwise daze effect applied. Instant death is optional
-- Chest wound (%30 chance) - 50% chance that chest wound is fatal, otherwise Con drops by 2 with no limit. Instant death is optional
-- Right arm wound (15% chance) - 33.33% chance that it disarms and prevents usage of an arm- the mangled effect. Reduces Dex by 1 to a max of 3 If mangled, max reduction is applied
-- Left arm wound (15% chance) - 33.33% chance that it disarms and prevents usage of an arm. Reduces Dex by 1 to a max of 3, if mangled then max reduction applied
-- Leg wound (%30 chance) - Applies slow effect and has a 33.33% chance of causing knockdown

Using the 'instant death' options in the Head Wound and Chest Wound, that would mean that whenever either cleric is hit with 40 or more points of damage, there's a 20% chance that they would fall over dead. Granted, both suffer from the same percentage, however now let us look at their ACs (will fully forged gear).

(please keep in mind these are theoretical, and I will not know their true ACs with certainty until I get what I need)
Andrun - 79 AC, 89 with Improved Expertise
Eldrun - 46 AC

Eldrun is going to be struck a LOT more often than Andrun. Yet he is designed to be a soaker of damage (he gets hit a lot, but when you buff to 1050hp with 15/- DR, who cares?). Why should the build of Eldrun be put at a greater disadvantage (In PvM) than Andrun just because he opted for more hp rather than a high AC?

This is not meant to be argumentative, and honestly, I would like to see something like this implemented onto the server sans the insta-death, double-rest to remove (1 only please considering how we can only rest once every two in-game hours), and maybe instead of a flat hit-point trigger, ie- my earlier example of 40hp, it could be worked to be a percentage of the character's maximum health, maybe like 8% to 12%.
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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by Axe Madness »

how does it decide what attack is considered to hit where?
is improved expertise automanticly going to make it harder for fatal shot?
is a roll of 20 but not a crit be able to give a fatal shot since that is last ditch effort to hit say umgah mage?

this could be good idea long as heal scrolls/clerics can heal you since that is in there job description hey Andrun you might be able open a mid evil hospital $_$ lol Dr Andrun/Eldrun ya i can see that happening for some reason. .
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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by Alamore-Threepwood »

I dunno if I would like this too much... just see this as a too fast of dying... becoming more of luck rather then who has better gear / build... and would make the higher ac builds WAY more effective, and you wouldn't want this for the same reason you wouldn't want DEV crit... just causes too much problems... this idea to me is much like communism, cool on paper, bad in practice, but hey, may just be me XD. But I do like Pan's idea of putten in the random effect on auto failure such as smacking your self, dropping your weapon in your back pack, or randomly rolling to attack to a random person say within 5 - 10 feet against their flat footed ac with you haven say like - 5 to 10 to hit.
Yes, I know, you think all of my suggestion are stupid, but you know what, there is nothing wrong with adding an action server feeling to a role playing server.

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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by Douglas Thurman »

Well here's a question on the low AC/High HP/High DR build. If the minimum damage needed to cause a wound is less than a character's DR does it take effect? I mean the whole point of DR is to get rid of damage. So if the insanely high damage potentials here on BSK always result in wounds and chances of death with each blow using this system will that necessitate lowering something or other to compensate? Not to mention that two rests to get rid of the effects is easy enough to do here. I dunno.
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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by driller »

Obviously guys the system would have to be scaled to the damage levels on BSK and the injuries would work against the monsters too. But, I think Alamore-Threepwood is right though. It looks neat, but probably wouldn't be from a player's point of view.

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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by Andrun »

Axe Madness wrote:hthis could be good idea long as heal scrolls/clerics can heal you since that is in there job description hey Andrun you might be able open a mid evil hospital $_$ lol Dr Andrun/Eldrun ya i can see that happening for some reason. .
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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by DM_Mystic »

I think it sounds like something worth at least giving a shot. I'm sure there will need to be some adjustments made along the way, but that's no different than anything else that's been added. If you can tolerate all the pissing and whining that will surely be par for the course, then I'm all for it.
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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by Thanatos »

Axe Madness wrote:well if where randomly gana die from head shot then we should restore Dev crit :mrgreen: might as well right? lol.
That's actually a valid argument. Not that I wanna see Dev Crit here, given the opportunities for abuse, but it would almost be the same if you ask me.

I'm thinking things would get pretty mess around here.

Oh, and Axe...let's get some punctuation in there, eh? :P
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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by Axe Madness »

by that you want me type all pretty like? #-o #-o
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Re: What do you guys think of this?

Post by Morgan »

This system sounds interesting, but I can see how the shine would quickly fade after the umpteenth time dying with 3/4's of your life intact while fighting melees- Not much different from Dev Crit or weapons with OnHit Implosion.

As a finishing note, if you add this system it might be wise to expand the size of the temple and add some cots- There's going to be alot of people porting just to sleep off their injuries :P