The Newcastle Server

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Post by driller »

A bit melodramatic don't you think? I love how viobane uses a few player's opinions to attack BSK as a whole. True colors indeed.

viobane wrote:Ah, Myle. Always a voice of reason. I was just thinking that there would be a case for driller to come up with a lawsuit to Origin Systems for their use of his concept to the Runes and either them or EA for their blatant use of the name Skara Brae in their games. The audacity!!!

And can you believe that other games shamelessly use portals to other parts of the world?

I know there are COUNTLESS games that have stolen that idea from driller. Jeez, and need we mention the number of people who have shamelessly stolen the ideas of CRAFTING weapons and armor to make them more powerful?!? My GOD, this is just terrible! Plagiarism at its absolute worst!!

So, I'm going to have to throw in my support of all of you who are so adamant to say that Newcastle is a copy of BSK. My only thought on the issue is to leave the little fish to fry.

Driller, you should immediately contact a lawyer and start suing the big boys. My goodness, it is absolutely ridiculous that they can get away with such things.

*rolls eyes* Come on people, GROW UP! You don't like it, fine. You think you were mistreated? If you're whining about it so profusely, you probably deserved your bans. Suck it up and go elsewhere with your precious individuality and your need to develop your 733T skills of powergaming and your perfect RP that NEVER is wrong.

I do have to say, this thread and many others since the announcement of BSK's demise have shed a lot of light on the true colors of BSK. The petty crap, the out of control drama and the need to attack and insult others. It makes me sick.
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Post by ST_DM_Myle »

*Hands Viobane an old fish*

Go ahead, smack yourself with it. You earned it with that one.

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Post by Nizzle »

I love how this is like kindergarten and all the grown ups act like children. This is like the Brady Bunch on wacky tobaccy!
I have a rendezvous with Death
At some disputed barricade,
It may be he shall take my hand
Lead me into his dark land
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Post by Fenrip »

ST_DM_Myle wrote: But every server has the option to invite or refuse anybody, for any reason, be that reason real or imagined.

Thank you Myle. I have seen this statement every time someone whines about BSK and driller and was waiting to see if anyone would note the sentiment here.

I made some great friends here and am sad to see how this is all going down. Fact is, BSK lost a lot of luster for me when I posted in this thread (sorry, don't know how to link right to my post). viewtopic.php?t=905&start=0 If Jack and Jen did not come back I was going to pack it up long ago.

I've been to many servers but always came back here. I was very treated well on Windhill but did not stay long. It was too hard to split my limited time.

I agree with vio's sentiments (less just a touch of the sarcasm). If I described a server as large, with portals, gods, towns, stores, and a forge to improve gear how many would that cover? Come off it people!!!

Going down the petty trail: Newcastle has horses, about 15 subraces available to all, more active DMs (not intended in any way as a slam), different socket system to include keen, haste, etc, a priestess that provides buffs for gold instead of waiting for friends to log in and out, a deleveller for those oopsies, an NPC that will tell you what level an item is for those of us who are toolset inept, a bank account by CD key for ease of use between characters, customizable animal companions and familiars, an HP maximizer, free crafting, and bonus feats for classes. Clearly a knock off!!!

So, before my BLAH BLAH BLAH begins to sound like your BLAH BLAH BLAH ... BSK has been a great experience for me.

I thank driller for creating such a nice place to spend my time and all the folks who made it so much fun. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and we are almost there. I'll still log on and whack a few umgah in hopes of finding that rare forgie.

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Post by Carpe_DM1 »

My opinion as a DM is, to each their own and let bygones be bygones.

My personal opinion is however, everyone go stand in a corner and smarten up.

I have the luck of having been a player, DM and also worked on/helped on several mods on the NWN vault as well as working on building a server for online gaming.

What I have come to discover is very rarely are ideas truly original, they all get modified somehow or other to be just different enough. I've visited several servers in my time and noticed that they all have similarities. Driller is a great coder and has made his own version of gate systems and forging work for his server, but that has no bearing on if any other place has something similar. Myle said it before, immitation is the highest form of flattery. Now, on that point also, if certain aspects of another server are almost exact in look, light effects, sound effects ,script etc, and then if they were indeed impressed with how it worked on a different server and implemented it on their own, they SHOULD at least credit where they got the idea. "Gate design and effects inspired by those made by So&So of Chickenman server" is a nice way to say thanks and keep everything civil.

As for various admin on whichever server choosing to ban someone right off the bat, that is their choice. Period. However on basic examination of certain elements of this thread, I see that a couple of players were swept into DM zone and told to leave based on crap that happened 2 years ago. That, I disagree with, as it makes it personal. HOWEVER, like I said before, it is their server, so enough said. What bothers me more is that the four people involved (admin and the 2 banned players) are all adults and yet, holding grudges for 2 years on BOTH sides of the fence is tacky and childish. They said this, they did that. People, to quote loosely from Pumbaa in the Lion King... "You gotta put your behind in the past" and I do mean that literally and figuratively. Leave your crap behind and move forward.

As for certain player/poster behaviours, I'm familiar with all parties involved. I am aware of player personalities and I've seen some of the more infamous ones (yes Hordack take a bow) actually develop from an insensitive and selfish player whom many didnt like due to past events actually grow into a better player in the time I've known them. Sure certain personality traits remain the same but that is what brings flavour to certain characters. I have seen nothing overly destructive or disruptive from either of these so called banned players since I've played as player or DM on this server. This is a game and people play the way they play.

I can understand auto ban if these people had been banned before or displayed continuous disregard for the whole server population or God forbid, a real menace, such as cyber stalkers, pedophiles or hackers. But that is not the case here. This is a case of a silly grudge from several YEARS ago.

Even for my future plans if I put on a server I too, Like Myle and Jaz, and Hordy and Panacea, have a list of people to watch. Troublemakers, or even just in general, asshats. But to watch only. IF they cause problems then yes, goodbye don't let the door hit you where the Good Lord.... you know. We only have one person who will be banned on sight/login and that is for documented signs of harassment and cyber stalking.

Ultimately this is a game and it is supposed to be our form of fun. You have a bad experience? Go elsewhere, that place is not for you, whether you agree with the management or not or whether the situation is right or not. That is their home, they do have the right to say no thanks. *shrugs* If you do wish to go play there, then as the admin obviously have an issue with you, then suck it up, be the better person and ask nicely if you can go. If they still choose to say no, then you tried and can feel better knowing you did the right thing. Remember, YOU may not think you were a jerk or whatnot, but OTHERS may perceive something different. If it comes down to petty bickering like this has, it would be best to all just agree to disagree and go your separate ways and such. I have seen their ban list on their forums and they have screens of why they banned certain players. And ironically, the two players indicated on this thread (unless they used a login I don't know) are not on that list... yet.

Who knows? Perhaps a peace may be reached. Until then, EVERYONE please, make your own choices but stop with the childish finger pointing. I'm running out of corners to put people in. *grins evilly*

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Post by viobane »

driller wrote:A bit melodramatic don't you think? I love how viobane uses a few player's opinions to attack BSK as a whole. True colors indeed.

Meh. My true colors have always been there, I suppose, as are everyone else's. My sarcasm should not come as a surprise.

And Fenrip was much more diplomatic, and I agree with him. I met a lot of good people here, and some not so good. These threads bring out the things I dislike about BSK, and I forget the good things.

And, as much as I hate to admit it, you're right driller. That post of mine was pretty melodromatic. Oh well. This place has been a soap opera, why not join in?
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Post by driller »

A server is only as good as it's worst player.

viobane wrote:
driller wrote:A bit melodramatic don't you think? I love how viobane uses a few player's opinions to attack BSK as a whole. True colors indeed.

Meh. My true colors have always been there, I suppose, as are everyone else's. My sarcasm should not come as a surprise.

And Fenrip was much more diplomatic, and I agree with him. I met a lot of good people here, and some not so good. These threads bring out the things I dislike about BSK, and I forget the good things.

And, as much as I hate to admit it, you're right driller. That post of mine was pretty melodromatic. Oh well. This place has been a soap opera, why not join in?
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Post by viobane »

driller wrote:A server is only as good as it's worst player.

And the opinion of "worst" is so subjective, it is almost impossible to debate intelligently and without emotion getting in the way. And, so this thread, and many recent threads, boil down to this debate and this problem.
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Post by driller »

I think you missed my point.

viobane wrote:
driller wrote:A server is only as good as it's worst player.

And the opinion of "worst" is so subjective, it is almost impossible to debate intelligently and without emotion getting in the way. And, so this thread, and many recent threads, boil down to this debate and this problem.
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Post by viobane »

Very well, then please clarify.
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Post by driller »

No viobane, you are going to have to think.

viobane wrote:Very well, then please clarify.
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Post by Fenrip »

driller wrote:A server is only as good as it's worst player.

driller wrote:A bit melodramatic don't you think? I love how viobane uses a few player's opinions to attack BSK as a whole. True colors indeed.

Help me understand this. An entire server is only as good as its worst player but vio can be cited as a jerkie because he uses the opinions of a few of those same players?

You either can make an assessment about a server based on a select few people or you cannot. I prefer to think the asshats are the exception to the rule.
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Post by Hordack »

*Puts on badge of honor as BSK's best IC/RP pick pocket and worst hated Rogue in BSK*

Sometimes to be loved and hated is better not to be loved at all. If I am to be banned because I was good at what I did so be it.

But I will take those who are not loved over at NewCastle, the misfits, trouble maker's and those just banned because Ry'gar(Dorrian) and Lady Lilia (Shimmer) who have a personal grudge against them just because they attack the Whiterose or stuck their sticky finger's into their pockets.

Come my fellow RPer's of BSK no door will be shut in your face you have home with Hordack 8)

And Gibby your right I should make amends for the occly things I did so to the few I had little problems with I am sorry but with that. I am not sorry for stealing gold, items, dragon slippers or anything else I got my hands on ... cause I am thief and why would I make amends for doing my RP as a thief and assassin.


PS *holds up Natasha's panties* For sale one pair only 500,000 gold anyone? Nizzle? Viobane? :shock:
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Post by driller »

But put the posts in the context of which they where written and who they where written to and why.

Fenrip wrote:
driller wrote:A server is only as good as it's worst player.

driller wrote:A bit melodramatic don't you think? I love how viobane uses a few player's opinions to attack BSK as a whole. True colors indeed.

Help me understand this. An entire server is only as good as its worst player but vio can be cited as a jerkie because he uses the opinions of a few of those same players?

You either can make an assessment about a server based on a select few people or you cannot. I prefer to think the asshats are the exception to the rule.
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Post by Fenrip »

Weren't both to vio in response to his ... observations?
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