The Fate of Blackstone

General Discussion is for anything related to Blackstone not covered in the other forums.

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Post by Capt Cliff »

dark-777 wrote: .. and Dan :roll: Lmao, I'm sure they have a surgery that will remove your lips from Dorrians posterior... Unless of course you fused them there yourself.. and from the sound of your comment.. that is exactly what you did. So good luck with that, my advice to you. Nose plugs.. you'll need em.
That kind of comment about Dan is uncalled for ... dorrian is so friendly it freaks people out ... especially if they come from an unfriendly server ... so lighten up ... Shsst ....

Again ... adios BSK

P.S. now it would ne ice to have a last act of the Wild Bunch type ending for BSK ... a Total free for all ....
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Post by Dan8145 »

Good idea Cliff. Toman has some scores to settle.

Had to add this...bad form for sending people over to disrupt the server. Just proves you (you know who you are) don't care about the game...just the power. Now I see why the DM's caused lots of probs...cause Driller let em.
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Post by Thanatos »

Cappy Cliff's idea is a good one. I will miss you BSK. Maybe some will come over, maybe they won't. But it was, as the TOC put it, a good run.

Thanks to everyone for the fun. I'll probably be in on the 12th to bid her farewell.
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Post by Chrisgopher »

A real shame that it had to end this way, Driller. But it has been fun and I've got a lot of good memories. One day when I get NWN 2 I'll be sure to look you guys up.
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Post by Cybermagi »

sad to see it go.. but i won't be joining bsk 2 for a long while..
running nwn2 on my current hardware is unplayable


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Post by Shadow_Nightfall »

HECK NO.... *screams* HECK NOOO!!!! ARE you serious? I spent all my time on this server, got my characters all super ubber, and have been playing two (meb and amanda) AWESOME CHARS!!!! Driller, please... cant blackstone remain running without help (I know nothing of servers, if this isn't the case) or cant... ( I dont wanna sound bad, just BSK is too cool) you give it to another trustful person? OR KEEP IT UP YOURSELF??? everyone knows NWN 2 sucks, and they have a rash hope that expansions or updates will make it better... I CANT KNOW THIS FOR FACT!!! I NEED MY TIME WITH BSK!!! Its like crack, once addicted, you cant get off without serious withdraws!!!! OMG, I'd better at least save my cahracters to a local vault.... *cry* BSK was sooo cool.... driller, despite all the hardships, and I know they were numerous and indescribable, and I know many have said this, but, you rock, and you've made the best server on NWN... just many people in it weren't the best people in NWN (including my horrable attempt at RP).... We definately needed more RP (I would have forced RP as a requirement, maybe that would have changed some things, or maybe not).... Good luck with NWN 2, I'm never going to buy it unless I hear something good about it in my life time... see ya... I probably should check out newcastle... but BSK will always be remembered, and none can campare, ever...
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Post by driller »

Come join BSK2.

Shadow_Nightfall wrote:HECK NO.... *screams* HECK NOOO!!!! ARE you serious? I spent all my time on this server, got my characters all super ubber, and have been playing two (meb and amanda) AWESOME CHARS!!!! Driller, please... cant blackstone remain running without help (I know nothing of servers, if this isn't the case) or cant... ( I dont wanna sound bad, just BSK is too cool) you give it to another trustful person? OR KEEP IT UP YOURSELF??? everyone knows NWN 2 sucks, and they have a rash hope that expansions or updates will make it better... I CANT KNOW THIS FOR FACT!!! I NEED MY TIME WITH BSK!!! Its like crack, once addicted, you cant get off without serious withdraws!!!! OMG, I'd better at least save my cahracters to a local vault.... *cry* BSK was sooo cool.... driller, despite all the hardships, and I know they were numerous and indescribable, and I know many have said this, but, you rock, and you've made the best server on NWN... just many people in it weren't the best people in NWN (including my horrable attempt at RP).... We definately needed more RP (I would have forced RP as a requirement, maybe that would have changed some things, or maybe not).... Good luck with NWN 2, I'm never going to buy it unless I hear something good about it in my life time... see ya... I probably should check out newcastle... but BSK will always be remembered, and none can campare, ever...
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Post by Jazelle »

Here I got get a new job and all hell breaks loose. Never heard of this other server ah well I have my own to work on anyway.

Sorry to hear your putting down BSK1 I know I have been busy of late and could only get on for a few times a week but still it was nice. If there is anything I can do to help you out great. Send me a pm. Other than that LoT is still up and going and will be as a NWN1 server for years to come.

I'll try to have Orty on for a little before BSK goes down. Nice knowing you Driller keep in touch. Sorry I have no intrests in NWN2 so won't be on BSK2.
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Post by Axe Madness »

:shock: gana miss it! had alot of good times on bsk and some of my best chars are on there ^.^ if i ever get nwn2 i'll go to bsk2 but i gotta start hearing good things about nwn2 before i think about buying it, but if it turns out i'll see ya on bsk2!

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Post by Alamore-Threepwood »

All I hear is gay things about NWN 2, so I say, don't bother with it until its not so gay *nod nod* KEEP BSK 1 *cries*
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Post by viobane »

Bye BSK. :-({|=
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Post by BabydollJennifer »

Dang! I'm a bit in shock. Jack and I have been taking a break from gaming for a few weeks, preparing for winter and such... I didn't expect to not have BSK 1 to come back to. I fear it's going to be a long long winter now.

But that said... thank you to Driller for the lovely gaming. You're server was a cozy home for my toons. I'll miss it.

To all of my gaming buddies: I'll have life long memories of late nights gaming... waking the house laughing.
There are so many of you peeps I will miss dearly... I hope our paths cross again some day.
*teary smiles and big big hugs* Be safe in your journeys.

Thanks again Driller.
Last edited by BabydollJennifer on Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dreadlord69 »

Hello everyone, Most of you might know me as Dread, some may not know who i am. I am a bsk vet and have played Blackstone for many many years. It has had its ups and downs throughout the years. I stood by it nevertheless threw the unpopuler times and the good times. I will miss bsk as we all will. It has fileld a whole in our life with enjoyment and fun. I wish drilelr all the best for blackstone two.

Since the closeing of Blackstonekeep i have played the server mentioned. "Trails of Newcastle" This server has all the same funfilled poeple that bsk does and is very enjoyable. So i do invite you all to come play here there are alot of faces from bsk here and many more. I hope you do try it out. You will not be unsatisfied.

Here is a few details of the server.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The campaign setting for the Trials of Newcastle is a world named Gardethia. Gardethia is not part of the traditional Advanced Dungeons & Dragons multi-verse. It does however exist upon an alternate Prime Material Plane. Consequently some things function in a unique way.

Gardethia has three Gods: Hais, Dalor and Barzak. Other deities do not exist within the realm - there is however an Arch-Demon named Verret who sometimes tries to trick adventurers into believing he is a deity.

Set in the surrounds of the dockside city-state Newcastle, the story begins to unfold as adventurers come to help the local cemetary caretaker, Mach, with a wee difficulty... As their adventures progress they will find that perhaps poor Mach had more to worry about than he first expected.

Who is the secret organisation of Shrine Priests and what are they trying to hide? What is... The Cabal... ? How can your character help to reveal the truth?

A persistant world with regular updates based on player feedback, interested DMs and the ability to cater to different needs.

RP-Lite Server for levels 1-40

- Socketed Items System
- Forge System
- FREE CEP Crafting
- FREE Weapon Visual Effect Crafting
- FREE Cloak Appearance Crafting
- Character Appearance Customization System
- Interactive Deity System
- Approximately 50 scripted quests
- Approximately 30 subraces
- Portal Systems
- Landgates System
- Rune of Recall System
- Subrace System
- Rideable Horses
- XP for Unlocking Doors
- Prison and PvP Bounty System
- Addiction System
- A definate main plot with multiple sub plots
- Hit Points Maximizer Machine
- Character Re-Level Machine (Max. last 2 levels)
- Ability to delete characters you no longer want ingame by yourself
- Dynamic Arena (No DM needed, NPC to book PvP matches or start PvM matches)
- Persistant Arena Scoreboard


PS- Hope to see you there. It has been fun driller.
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Post by Carpe_DM1 »

*sighs and cracks his knuckles* It was good while it lasted. Now who will I smite? *Goes looking for mischief*
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Post by Lukas_Mandingo »

NOOOOOO!!!! :( i just found out yesterday...this is terrible! now i have to play on stupid aerelith! i hope i get nwn2 soon
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