Socket gems were are they ?

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Post by Pretty Fly White Guy »

to solve the Arrow issue, why not just make every bundle of arrows cost 99 times more, and give an item that upgrades the arrows back to a stack of 99 whenever they're used.

But it would also mark the arrows as unsellable, to stop abuse.
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Post by DM_Mystic »

Well, you guys will probably think I'm crazy - most of you do anyway, and you're probably right. But humor me anyway...

There is a principle called the Law of Attraction. Like all laws in the Universe, it works whether you believe in it or not. Gravity is a good example. Whether you believe in gravity or not, likewise if you are ignorant of gravity, if you fall from a high place, gravity still applies.

"The Law of Attraction can be described as the construction or procedure of an energy force acting mutually between particles of matter, between people, and between circumstances, tending to draw them together, and resisting their separation. Attraction is the magnetic relationship existing between things or persons that are drawn together." - Terryll Nemeth

Whether in real life or in our little fantasy world, this principle applies equally. It also tends to work in reverse.

If you continually say or think "I never find forge stones or socket gems" Then guess what? The Universe obeys and you never do. Now, if you think, even say aloud, and truly believe something to the effect of: "I will acquire a red forge stone before the next reset"; imagine yourself at the forge, using it on your chosen weapon, and feeling the joy associated with using this new weapon, and truly believe like you know that you know, it will happen.

Just yesterday, I was playing my level 17 char and noticed that I was using a sock wep with only two sockets full. I thought something similar to the above, but for a socket stone. Before I'd set out on my next adventure, I was unloading some stuff at Vogons, when there in Misc was a white socket gem, which I immediately bought and used. This really works!!!

But don't take my word for it. This is something that's been in practice for thousands of years. Somehow we just can't accept that life can be this easy. Open any search engine and type in Law of Attraction, and you'll see that this is no passing fad. The Secret is a really great DvD that in an in-depth guide to practical application and understanding of the Law of Attraction. All I can say is try it for yourselves.
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Post by driller »

Oh boy...

DM_Mystic wrote:Well, you guys will probably think I'm crazy - most of you do anyway, and you're probably right. But humor me anyway...

There is a principle called the Law of Attraction. Like all laws in the Universe, it works whether you believe in it or not. Gravity is a good example. Whether you believe in gravity or not, likewise if you are ignorant of gravity, if you fall from a high place, gravity still applies.

"The Law of Attraction can be described as the construction or procedure of an energy force acting mutually between particles of matter, between people, and between circumstances, tending to draw them together, and resisting their separation. Attraction is the magnetic relationship existing between things or persons that are drawn together." - Terryll Nemeth

Whether in real life or in our little fantasy world, this principle applies equally. It also tends to work in reverse.

If you continually say or think "I never find forge stones or socket gems" Then guess what? The Universe obeys and you never do. Now, if you think, even say aloud, and truly believe something to the effect of: "I will acquire a red forge stone before the next reset"; imagine yourself at the forge, using it on your chosen weapon, and feeling the joy associated with using this new weapon, and truly believe like you know that you know, it will happen.

Just yesterday, I was playing my level 17 char and noticed that I was using a sock wep with only two sockets full. I thought something similar to the above, but for a socket stone. Before I'd set out on my next adventure, I was unloading some stuff at Vogons, when there in Misc was a white socket gem, which I immediately bought and used. This really works!!!

But don't take my word for it. This is something that's been in practice for thousands of years. Somehow we just can't accept that life can be this easy. Open any search engine and type in Law of Attraction, and you'll see that this is no passing fad. The Secret is a really great DvD that in an in-depth guide to practical application and understanding of the Law of Attraction. All I can say is try it for yourselves.
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Post by Thanatos »

I've been trying that trick at the bar for years.
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Post by Queen Naga II »

ST_DM_Myle wrote:There was nothing convienent about my post or the change to the rules.

The update to the rules was effected ON PURPOSE. If I had wanted to abscure the edit date, that is rather easy. Just because you do not like the update or the fact that your not intitled, that does not mean that I am enguaged in some conspiracy.

The people who need to grow up are the ones who can not seem to play the game without a box of tissues beside their monitor.

The fact of the matter is that the blubbering and complaining about the same things, that are NOT going to change to suit player whims, every few months (sometimes every few weeks) is old and rediculous.
First off it was your tone that annoyed me, making out everyone, in this case myself as nothing more than a cry baby. You can't seem to get the point that I am raising an in game issue that is getting worse and detrimental from players side. I am not the only player on this server to have an AA character and probably not the only one to have bothered to make The Cube either.

As I specified in my previous post no one was saying they wanted their share or giving specific information out about properties. And despite the way you chose to now word it as a conspiracy theory I have supposidly implied, your wrong I still say it was very convenient to edit then copy/paste to make it seem it was always that way.

A proper way would have been to given notice of the update as a point of clarification given the circumstances and without the insinuation that anyone else is merely a cry baby.

I found the post you made to be extremely insulting in its tone and as a previous postee here said very un-DM like. If anyone needs to grow up it is yourself, try treating people with some respect instead. Then you might get some in return.
ST_DM_Myle wrote: If you think the loot... for sockets, forges, shields, snotrags, whatever... has changed and you would like clarification: Post that.

"Hey Driller? I noticed the (insert item)'s are not turning up very often. I just thought I would ask if we had a drop rate changed or am I just unlucky?"

At this point Driller would/could respond with "yes", "no", " (insert qustion about specific details involving the question)"

Me oh my.... wouldn't that be nice. An actual conversation.

I guess a simple clarification request is not as satisfying as turning on the tears though.
Again we have it all over again, aggressive unnecessary tones implying everyone else is nothing more than a child. We have had the clarification on loot drops already we don't need to go over old ground and annoy Driller with that question.

We already know the answer to that. The reason I posted this is to inform the impact the change has had and the implications it has had specifically on the AA class and The Cube.
ST_DM_Myle wrote: And Naga... you may want to consider not jumping on every pointless complaint bandwagon that people post. You may find that if you step back and start to evaluate things from a slightly less self interest, you might post a few less entries that are based on flawed information and poorly considered points of view.
Unbelieveable ! If you had half a brain you'd be dangerous, seriously though just have a look at who started this thread ? Oh my ! look it was QN2 what a surprise actually she didn't jump on any bandwagon at all !

Am afraid the only one here that has self interest is the one that thinks he is all self important. The way you show total disregard to anyone elses view and suggestions is appaulling. Added to which the very tone of this tirade from someone in a position here such as you are, lacking any respect for anyone else, makes one wonder how you ever got the position in the first place.

What gives you the right to openly flame someone here, certainly not your position, even though you seem to think it does give you that right.

If my information is flawed, anyone with any respect would point out the flaw so I could readdress it, because unlike you I am not perfect and I admit I don't know everything. The only poor considered points of view here are coming from some one who should know better and if not should look at his self first before flaming others.
ST_DM_Myle wrote: There is no locked mind on this issue. The matter is that those items are supposed to be rare and the drop rate changes (on everything) based on a variety of factors.

People crying bucket loads over not being able to use the Cube because they do not properly manage their supplies and burn though forges and/or sockets faster than they find them is NOT an automatic indication of a flaw with the loot. More than likely, it is an indication of a flaw in a players supply management.
Yet again everyone else is a cry baby, personally I am getting sick to death of this holyier than thou attitude.

Socket gems are not suppose to be rarer than forge stones for pity's sake. If they are suppose to be rarer than forge stones then I think that is news to every player in BSK.

Its got nothing to do with supply management either, it is simple mathematics. As a previous post of mine in this thread showed I used 21 socket gems and used those arrows embued some 2100 in about 3 hours of hunting monsters that were giving 250/200 xp to 150/100xp a kill at my finish and I did not get one single socket gem to replace those used.

I got loot drops and lady Lia gifts etc.... just no socket gems or runes. Every other player is experiencing the same issue with socket gems and runes.

I am not asking for replacement of each one I use but it would be nice to see a few prehaps 3 to 5 to have dropped in that session. The fact is over the last month I have probably found less than 12 socket gems and about 20 runes across the many characters I play.
ST_DM_Myle wrote: Quit the bellyache'n, grow up yourselves and recognise the difference between complaining about how put apon you are over some misperceived short stick the server has handed you and approuch these kinds of matters without the tears of victimhood....

*Hugs-n-kisses for everybodies wittle boo boo's*

*sighs* You just can't bring yourself to give anyone respect can you, you just have to end it the way you have continued throughout. Everyone but you is a child and they should only speak when they are spoken to and when they do they should be happy you gave them that small opportunity to be able to voice their praise of you !

Well get real, I for one left your equivilent high school behind well over 30 years ago, and if you think I am going to cow down to such blatant abuse of position, lack of respect, and appaulling courtesy you show to the player base here you have got another thing coming.

Sure maybe I should have taken this to PM's and voiced it with Driller, but why should I let you continue with your self appointed given right to treat me or anyone else for that matter with such utter contempt and lack of respect so openly on this forum and not reply.

Perhaps if I were a child I'd have put that previous paragraph in bold capitals and double underlined it too !
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Post by dmcclain »

[quote="ST_DM_Myle"]Good question. I have no idea though.

As for the quote box thing, in the upper right of each post is a icon that says quote. If you press that, it will forward you to a reply window that includes the post you wanted to quote.

Feel free to delete parts of that quote that do not pertain, but please remember not to alter others words.

You can also copy paste and use the bracket commands to quote. For the purpose of display I will type out an example using "{}" instead of the proper " [ ] " brackets.

Grumble grumble gripe gripe

It is not hard, but does take some practice. It is good to use the PREVIEW icon before you finally select the SUBMIT icon. That way you can make sure your happy with the content of your post :)


Thanks for your help...I'm just guessing the quote thing doesn't like me just like I can't kill cows but then again, it took me forever to figure out how to type while dead. LOL
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Post by halfogre0520 »

Wow. DM Myle. I'm sorry that you feel this way. I see that your status as DM would have no bearing on your posting style. It seems that you are who you are, and regardless of the respect shown or expected of you this will remain the case. Out of respect for Driller, who keeps you on for a reason as of yet a mystery, I will refrain from responding to your posts in a manner that would cause you to react as you have.
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Post by driller »

This thread has ran it's course for the worse. I have decided to put in socket gem trees. You will just have to wait for them to come into season.
