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Post by _-Kajun-_ »

First of all, I really didnt want to do this. I really, really wanted BSK to work for me. However, it didnt. And I'll explain briefly why.

1.) There's too much contridiction in the rules. Some people can do some things, while others get slaughtered by the DMs.

2.) Ive seen little to no DM interaction with the players except to throw their weight around and be a***oles.

3.) Some people think that they are above and beyond everyone else, and they try to talk to you like you're their slaves. (Happened today which was the straw that broke the camel's back.) You don't tell some they shouldnt do something by saying "hahah yeah you're gonna get banned" followed by "lol", and expect them to react kindly to it. Especially because I used the s-word in a party, when everyone and his friggin dog curses on thiserver, including some people who are dms. If you think you're perfect, go smell the sewer lines comming out of your house jack, cuz you aint.

4.) DMs should not watch party conversasions that have turned into an arguement, pick the side of the person who said the first offensive comment, and then make a global server DM shout telling the second person who took offense to it, to calm down. (And dont give me the "I look at all party conversasions" speech. You replied to my post, and you know d**n well you did. Also dont say "I dont need the attitude". Because if you hadnt given me a reason to have one, you wouldnt be dealing it. You dont treat people like theyre 6. Some of them dont react well to that, just for future reference, Mr or Mrs DM of the players.

5.) This one I wasnt going to say, but I'll spit it out. If the owner of the server's nephew is going to run around threatening to have his uncle ban everyone who doesnt do exactly what he says, we need to know about it in the guild resgistry so we know what we're going to have to deal with when we get in. I dont know about you, but having a 14 year old threaten to have me banned because my nuetral evil wizard wont show sympathy to a dead paladin's son, is alot like someone telling me to get on my knees and bark like a dog, simply, because they said so.

To the people I met and were helpful and friendly to me, I thank you, and I had a great time. Im not going to mention your names, nor will I mention the names of the people who for some reason thought they could treat me like crap and I wouldnt say anything. Ive dealt with bs DMs who showed favoritism to bs people on bs servers before, and IM not going to deal with it. I was looking for a server when I came to this one.

Bon Soir

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Post by ValentianNizzle »

Sounds like you were unfortunate to have a fall out with certain elements in BSK, bud.

Come back soon, ya hear?

Better luck next time. The world isn't fair, and therefore BSK isn't either.
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Post by Dan8145 »

Not saying anything. I've said too much.
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Re: Latuh

Post by driller »

Lets break this down.

1.User got caught doing something wrong by a DM.
2.See 1.
3.User's espouses reason he was chastised by DM.
4.User reasons that DM shouldn't enforce rules via the method he was caught.
5.User tries to rationalize his petty comments by lashing out at an 8 year old.
6.User then tries to justify his comments by blaming his own faults on the server population and DM's.

Did I miss anything?


_-Kajun-_ wrote:First of all, I really didnt want to do this. I really, really wanted BSK to work for me. However, it didnt. And I'll explain briefly why.

1.) There's too much contridiction in the rules. Some people can do some things, while others get slaughtered by the DMs.

2.) Ive seen little to no DM interaction with the players except to throw their weight around and be a***oles.

3.) Some people think that they are above and beyond everyone else, and they try to talk to you like you're their slaves. (Happened today which was the straw that broke the camel's back.) You don't tell some they shouldnt do something by saying "hahah yeah you're gonna get banned" followed by "lol", and expect them to react kindly to it. Especially because I used the s-word in a party, when everyone and his friggin dog curses on thiserver, including some people who are dms. If you think you're perfect, go smell the sewer lines comming out of your house jack, cuz you aint.

4.) DMs should not watch party conversasions that have turned into an arguement, pick the side of the person who said the first offensive comment, and then make a global server DM shout telling the second person who took offense to it, to calm down. (And dont give me the "I look at all party conversasions" speech. You replied to my post, and you know d**n well you did. Also dont say "I dont need the attitude". Because if you hadnt given me a reason to have one, you wouldnt be dealing it. You dont treat people like theyre 6. Some of them dont react well to that, just for future reference, Mr or Mrs DM of the players.

5.) This one I wasnt going to say, but I'll spit it out. If the owner of the server's nephew is going to run around threatening to have his uncle ban everyone who doesnt do exactly what he says, we need to know about it in the guild resgistry so we know what we're going to have to deal with when we get in. I dont know about you, but having a 14 year old threaten to have me banned because my nuetral evil wizard wont show sympathy to a dead paladin's son, is alot like someone telling me to get on my knees and bark like a dog, simply, because they said so.

To the people I met and were helpful and friendly to me, I thank you, and I had a great time. Im not going to mention your names, nor will I mention the names of the people who for some reason thought they could treat me like crap and I wouldnt say anything. Ive dealt with bs DMs who showed favoritism to bs people on bs servers before, and IM not going to deal with it. I was looking for a server when I came to this one.

Bon Soir


Post by _-Kajun-_ »

Yeah you missed the whole thing. Allow me to simplify.

1.) (8 year old is it?) That told me he was going to have me banned, was one situation, and had nothing to do with another situation. However at the time I didnt know the kid was that young, and was slightly irritated, who wouldnt be? No one lashed out at a child, there were witnesses present and screenshots taken of that entire ordeal, so whoever your source is, is a liar, and I'll be happy to prove it. Some friend of your nephew's got killed in town for whatever reason. They got irritated at me because I wouldnt/raise or help or (rp my NE palemaster to be a good guy and take pity on em). That is when your nephew threatened me. Maybe if you paid a little bit closer attention to him yourself instead of having other people do it, youd know that people bend over backwards trying to keep him happy, while he creates new characters every 5 minutes. Just today, I gave him two socket stones for a topaz. That's not lashing out big daddy, that's called making an effort.

2.) The other situation as I explained, I said SH** in party. Instead of someone saying, "take it easy", or "read the rules a couple more times, you could get in trouble for that langauge", someone decides theyre gonna put on a plastic DM badge and tells me in these words "Yeah, their gonna kick you off this server pretty soon lol" though he's finishing some conversasion I wasnt present on about me being banned. It's not his place to issue warnings and make ban clarifications. When I told the person that I wasnt going to let them speak to me like a child, a DM broadcasts that I shouldnt get so worked up over it, to the entire server. Up until that point, the dm had said nothing to me at all, so for you to say Im irritated for being corrected by a dm, is false. It was a player who said what was said, hence why I was arguing with them on the manner in which they said what they did. And it's true the DM didnt mention my name in the shout, but they didnt have to. (doesnt take a big knife to cut someone).

Have you ever considered how to properly address people? Perhaps I dont know mmmm TELLS? Take for instance this entire thread. Wouldnt you have preferred that I sent it to you in a PM instead of adding to the endless flow of BS thats surfacing in this forum? Whatever man. "Did I miss anything" Is the most pathetic defense I've ever heard. Good luck with your server, and learn to listen to people instead of playing dumb. Im a great rper, an all around good guy, and patient, but Im not going to tell you how to do your job. Say what you want to try and twist around what happened. Those present know the truth. This is my final post on the issue.
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Post by Ghost4life »

Acadian, you are a stinken crack up, I wish you could stick around a bit longer give us all another go... but alas, such is the way of things. Hope to catch you on the next go around!

Justin Keylon

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Post by ValentianNizzle »

People getting banned because of foul language? I should have been banned a long time ago in that case... My language is as foul as it gets.

But everybody loves me, so I remain one of BSK's main attractions as per usual.

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Post by Gibbo »

When was the last time you actually logged into the game for more than 1 hour?
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Post by Ghost4life »

Gibbo, I do hope that you are not referring to Kajun.. and even if you are, what does it matter how long he is on? it merely mattered THAT he is on. What is the point of a post like that?
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Post by DM_Mystic »

Tonight is the first i've sen of this and wasn't involved in the situation, but there's a few take aways for all of us on this:

1. As far as the language thing goes, try to make a point to know who's in your party before using foul language. PG-13 movies use the "S" word, ya know, just be reasonable. If you're in a party and someone says they are offended, then discontinue immediately. What really would get out attention is using blatantly foul language in a public area, rampantly.

2. Yes, DM's can read party. Didn't think that was a big secret. But we usually don't sit there monitoring every word. With 30 - 40 players on, that would be a job in itself, and we frankly have better things to do. Occasionally, something will stand out that we feel we need to respond to, but more often than not, we just want to let you say what you want without intrusion.

3. It's also no big secret that Driller has quite a few relatives that play here. I don't treat them any different than anyone else, and frankly neither does Driller. I can cite specific examples of this, and I've corresponded directly with the boss-man on this subject. They are subject to the rules just as anyone else is, and Driller has had to enforce this from time to time.

I wish I had been able to post this earlier in the thread, but obviously I can't. I can only hope that the rest of you can take a cue from it.
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Post by Pretty Fly White Guy »

Drama Queen :roll:

All these "Zomg not fair change sevr or i leav" posts are getting tiresome. Can you rant to yourself a little? I personally get bored with all the "omg i dun like DM, i quit" crap going around.

Big who-cares.
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Post by driller »

1.Did you ask me about it? Nope. When was the last time I banned someone? I could've swore I lifted all previous bans no to long ago.

2.The DM probably noticed your swear words and reminded the whole server about the rules. There is nothing wrong with this and is the preferred method.

3.Take your own advice about TELLS and use a PM instead of posting your drama out in the open.

_-Kajun-_ wrote:Yeah you missed the whole thing. Allow me to simplify.

1.) (8 year old is it?) That told me he was going to have me banned, was one situation, and had nothing to do with another situation. However at the time I didnt know the kid was that young, and was slightly irritated, who wouldnt be? No one lashed out at a child, there were witnesses present and screenshots taken of that entire ordeal, so whoever your source is, is a liar, and I'll be happy to prove it. Some friend of your nephew's got killed in town for whatever reason. They got irritated at me because I wouldnt/raise or help or (rp my NE palemaster to be a good guy and take pity on em). That is when your nephew threatened me. Maybe if you paid a little bit closer attention to him yourself instead of having other people do it, youd know that people bend over backwards trying to keep him happy, while he creates new characters every 5 minutes. Just today, I gave him two socket stones for a topaz. That's not lashing out big daddy, that's called making an effort.

2.) The other situation as I explained, I said SH** in party. Instead of someone saying, "take it easy", or "read the rules a couple more times, you could get in trouble for that langauge", someone decides theyre gonna put on a plastic DM badge and tells me in these words "Yeah, their gonna kick you off this server pretty soon lol" though he's finishing some conversasion I wasnt present on about me being banned. It's not his place to issue warnings and make ban clarifications. When I told the person that I wasnt going to let them speak to me like a child, a DM broadcasts that I shouldnt get so worked up over it, to the entire server. Up until that point, the dm had said nothing to me at all, so for you to say Im irritated for being corrected by a dm, is false. It was a player who said what was said, hence why I was arguing with them on the manner in which they said what they did. And it's true the DM didnt mention my name in the shout, but they didnt have to. (doesnt take a big knife to cut someone).

Have you ever considered how to properly address people? Perhaps I dont know mmmm TELLS? Take for instance this entire thread. Wouldnt you have preferred that I sent it to you in a PM instead of adding to the endless flow of BS thats surfacing in this forum? Whatever man. "Did I miss anything" Is the most pathetic defense I've ever heard. Good luck with your server, and learn to listen to people instead of playing dumb. Im a great rper, an all around good guy, and patient, but Im not going to tell you how to do your job. Say what you want to try and twist around what happened. Those present know the truth. This is my final post on the issue.
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Post by ST_DM_Myle »

Not sure which rules are contradictions. I spent quite a bit of time putting those together and while some cry that they are too lack and others cry that they are to strict... I have yet to have someone show me a valid example of the rules being in contradiction.

If these contradictions could be pointed out I would be greatful.

As for the suggestion of DM abuse and your claims of having screenshots to prove your point, which DM have you sent those to? I know I have not recieved them and I have heard no mention of them in the DM forums. If such proof of DM abuse exists, please consider sending them to me.

As for Drillers nephew..... again.... have you send anything to a DM? If your going to say he is a bratty kid and causing trouble, could your offer something to us DM's that we can evaluate and make our own determination.

As for Drillers "evil family" runing rough shot over the server with no controls.... I have DM's here for 2 years and Driller did not give his family a free pass when I have called them on the carpet. I can easily name off a list of people who Driller has been far to forgiving with and not a single member of his family is on that list. If he was that corrupt, I would have left along time ago.

If your crushed over an anonymous Server Shout, I suggest you check your ego and your overdeveloped sense of victimization before loging into any moderated online game.

If your really bent out of shape, justififed or not, and you want to leave the server, then I wish you the best of luck finding another. While we do not like losing a player, we are not going to cowtow to someone who does not take the time to properly document thier concerns and send them to the appropriate staff.

If you want positive action on behalf of the staff, you have to meet us part way.
We can't read minds even if we can read party chat.
Just because "everyone knows" something; it does not mean that the information has filtered tot he DM's.

If you have a problem and would realy like to resolve it..... Do not post a complaint full of holes and erroneous facts. It makes it very hard for a DM to care enough to offer to help you with your issues if you drop a post with such a venomous diatribe.

As a side note.... Others let you know when/if your great at RP.... thats not a crown you place on your own head.

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Post by Gibbo »

lol was talking to Nizzle. He and I both know we were last year's prime time attractions. Old news, ancient history, last week's first page, stale bread, moldy cheese... and any other analogy you can think of. So ...fizzle off.

"It's a joke, Sarah. Come on, Gram, you're confusing her!"

Ghost4life wrote:Gibbo, I do hope that you are not referring to Kajun.. and even if you are, what does it matter how long he is on? it merely mattered THAT he is on. What is the point of a post like that?
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Post by Thanatos »

ST_DM_Myle wrote: If your crushed over an anonymous Server Shout, I suggest you check your ego and your overdeveloped sense of victimization before loging into any moderated online game.
OOOhhhh, nice wording. I enjoyed that.
ST_DM_Myle wrote: If you have a problem and would realy like to resolve it..... Do not post a complaint full of holes and erroneous facts. It makes it very hard for a DM to care enough to offer to help you with your issues if you drop a post with such a venomous diatribe.
Since you didn't receive any information on this (according to your post), let's not assume his facts are erroneous, and his side of the store full of holes.

Kajun: While I enjoyed you in party (Minus the Netheriss time when I almost had to kill you for talking when you should've been killing...leading to me taking over 1k worth of dmg from mage spells), you're gettin whiny bud.

If a DM embarrassed you...laugh it off. I embarass myself quite frequently and more often than any DM could ever hope to. Laugh it off bud.

If Driller's nephew is too much for you to handle...don't talk to him. I try to help the little guy once in a while (I don't really like kids, but he's 8...come on), however if you're having trouble dealing with someone who only dreams of being able to shave his face...whose favorite beverage is apple juice...whose idol is probably Big Bird.........don't hang out with him...and don't reproduce.

Nizzle: are an attraction...kind of like the bearded lady :P

Mr. Fast Paws: He hasn't logged in for more than an hour in a looong time
Fact: Ninjas are mammals
Fact: Ninjas fight ALL the time