Role Play Barriers

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Post by viobane »

driller wrote:Hmm....

the people playing with those mechanics that generate life into the game.
LOL! Ah the fun of selective quotes... It *does* seem pretty funny when quoted that way, huh? Hey, don't all mechanics need a little bit of fun?
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Post by driller »

You are right. It is the players. The players and their imaginations.

viobane wrote:
driller wrote:Hmm....

the people playing with those mechanics that generate life into the game.
LOL! Ah the fun of selective quotes... It *does* seem pretty funny when quoted that way, huh? Hey, don't all mechanics need a little bit of fun?
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Post by viobane »

*sigh* Alright, so therefore my feedback is invalid, absurd and pointless. So be it.
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Post by driller »

In the context of what I want this server to be, yes.

viobane wrote:*sigh* Alright, so therefore my feedback is invalid, absurd and pointless. So be it.
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Post by viobane »

*claps hands together in a finishing gesture*

Discussion complete.
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Post by driller »

Just a note. I didn't mean for that to come off as harsh as to looked.

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Post by viobane »

A little late for that, I'd think. How else could it possibly be viewed?
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Post by driller »

Think of the delivery with incredulous laughter. Which might be worse from your point of view.

viobane wrote:A little late for that, I'd think. How else could it possibly be viewed?
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Post by viobane »

So, based on this definition of incredulous:
1 : unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true : not credulous
You just blatantly disrespect my opinion about some pretty simple barriers that BSK and its players present to role play? Even to LITE role play? Even if it was just plain laughter, still not cool.
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Post by Dan8145 »

I'm with Viobane on this one...but, of course I would be :-)
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Post by driller »

I took your suggestions as you wanting BSK to become a stricter RP server.

This is against the spirit of BSK's vision of divergent styles of play on one server. Also, As I stated before, I feel RP is only limited by your imagination.

When someone says otherwise, it makes me a chuckle.

I know that I come across as mean spirited sometimes, but not purposely.

viobane wrote:So, based on this definition of incredulous:
1 : unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true : not credulous
You just blatantly disrespect my opinion about some pretty simple barriers that BSK and its players present to role play? Even to LITE role play? Even if it was just plain laughter, still not cool.
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Post by viobane »

Well, then, I have to say that you missed my intentions *completely*. I am not suggesting that BSK become a stricter RP server, and would not even want it to be so.

I was merely attempting to communicate that there are certain barriers to role play on BSK. Some may be fixable, others may not be. I was further suggesting that the current atmosphere is one of Action as opposed to RPLite, due in no small part to the barriers that I listed.

If I wanted it to be strict RP, I would have said so. I just think that some of the issues I mentioned would help to swing BSK a bit away from the pure action and more toward what I *think* you are aiming for. ROLE PLAY LITE.

Reread my original post and think about it given the above information.
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Post by Gahani »

Do some research....

What Driller is attempting here, namely accommodating many different styles of play on one server, may not be possible. Continual attempts to do so may be what is causing much of the discord evident in these forums. I would suggest the following at a bare minimum.

1. Accommodating action players and RP players in the same space at the same time is impossible. Stop will only lead to headaches. Some form of defacto segregation between the two groups is necessary.

2. Whether it is even possible to design a server that can accommodate both styles is still an open question. Sorry Driller... you have not yet proven your case.

No one is suggesting that BSK should be RP only. People are suggesting that you have not yet proven that it is possible to have RPLite and Action exist on the same server. I suggest you take the input you are getting from both camps and give it some serious thought.
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Post by DM_Mystic »

A few necessary clarifications here:

1. What most of you have been suggesting is this thread is the RL equaivalent of sanctioning road rage because somone's cut you off in traffic.

2. More importantly - this mod is Driller's back yard. That being the case, he gets to make/change the rules. No one is paying him to do this, and although inputs and feedback are generally welcomed and considered, he reserves the final say. If that is deemed by anyone to be unfair, or whatever, there are plenty of other backyards to play in.

3. Driller once before had gotten so fed up with people trying to tell him how to run HIS mod, and other factors, that he pulled the plug on it. There's nothing to stop him from doing that again, if even on a whim. I encourage you all not to give him more proverbial straws to break the camel's back, otherwise we're all out in the woods.
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Post by viobane »

DM_Mystic wrote:A few necessary clarifications here:

1. What most of you have been suggesting is this thread is the RL equaivalent of sanctioning road rage because somone's cut you off in traffic.

2. More importantly - this mod is Driller's back yard. That being the case, he gets to make/change the rules. No one is paying him to do this, and although inputs and feedback are generally welcomed and considered, he reserves the final say. If that is deemed by anyone to be unfair, or whatever, there are plenty of other backyards to play in.

3. Driller once before had gotten so fed up with people trying to tell him how to run HIS mod, and other factors, that he pulled the plug on it. There's nothing to stop him from doing that again, if even on a whim. I encourage you all not to give him more proverbial straws to break the camel's back, otherwise we're all out in the woods.
#1: Huh?!? I don't get this analogy at all! Unless you're referring to people attacking OOC characters killing guards or running to the keep to avoid getting killed. If that's the case, this is the wrong thread for that. I was listing BARRIERS to role play on BSK. I did throw in at the end of my post that allowing PvP would make my points even more obvious, but my intention was not to make this a redundant post about PvP in the keep.

#2: I agree completely, and have always said as much. I disagree with his tone toward me when he made his final call. I found it to be a bit snide and insulting to have my feedback called "absurd" and then to say he was giving his delivery with "incredulous laughter."

#3: That is, ultimately, driller's choice. If he's going to pull the plug because he got feedback, and was called to the floor for being insulting, then so be it. It has seemed to me, in the past, that driller has ASKED for such feedback, and has been inclusive of suggestions. For some reason, he was not open to any of the feedback I gave, and considering his last post, he may not have even read my suggestion anyway. If driller pulls the plug, fine. Just don't blame it on me or anyone else for posting their thoughts, questions, feedback, opinions or challenges on this forum. That's the purpose of a forum.