Proposed XP Change

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Proposed XP Change

Post by driller »

From time to time there are threads about XP and being in a party.

Here is what I propose.

1.The killer of the mob gets the full XP as if he were solo.
2.Party members within a certain radius of the mob get XP equal to half of what the killer received.
3.For the party member to get XP, he and the killer must be within 7 levels of one another or both over level 20 per server rules.


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Re: Proposed XP Change

Post by ValentianNizzle »

driller wrote:From time to time there are threads about XP and being in a party.

Here is what I propose.

1.The killer of the mob gets the full XP as if he were solo.
2.Party members within a certain radius of the mob get XP equal to half of what the killer received.
3.For the party member to get XP, he and the killer must be within 7 levels of one another or both over level 20 per server rules.


Not sure what I think of the first two - but the third sounds good. Would prevent powerleveling and all that stuff. Good idea on number three.
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Post by T'banyin »

What if, no matter who got the kill in a party, everyone in the party got 75% of the experience.

Giving 100% xp to the killer, createds the current problem in reverse.

Right now, as it is, anyone parties with a friend, will notice, if they get the kill, they suddenly are not leveling as fast as thier party member, and for players working as a team, this presents a problem. I have ran mages, and fighters, my fighters generally getting the kills first, and being outleveled, while the weaker of the party soaks up the extra. ( by no fault of thiers ) This then leads to disbanding a few moments at a time to play catch up.

If everyone got 75% of the kill, it still promotes grouping, because, more kills are gained in a party.

What are your thoughts on adding a possible "gold" bonus, for party members? on a kill, maybe everyone in the party could get 10% of the monsters experience worth, in gold? That would keep the desire to party, over solo play.

I like Rule #3 you plan on scripting. 1 and 2 however, seem to unbalance abit.

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Post by pjgold »

What about just keeping it nice and simple.
My suggestion is that you loose 10% of the normal XP per party member.
The XP is based from the highest level member of the party.

Basing from the highest level party encorages like level parties.
Loosing a percentage per member encorages good sized parties 3-4.
Basing from the highest level party member helps with power leveling.

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Post by dm_demitri »

If I understand what you are saying Driller.. Then I think it's all fantastic!

#1 means:

The one who makes the kill gets XP equal to what they would get solo anyway.

#2 means:

It's better to party, because you get full xp for what you kill, AND 50% of what any of your party members in sight kill.

#3 means:

This set-up ONLY helps those who are partied according to server rules for gaining xp. Otherwise, you'd experience things as though you were solo, no matter who you are partied with.

Unless I have some part of that mistaken, I say ROCK ON with that! I'd love to see that happen :D
.... just .... like .... that.... Yeah!

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Post by Lady Tray'o Curs-ed Song »

All three sounds good to me and will encourage instead of discourage partying. This is a party server afterall. D&D is base on a party setting anyway. The game was really never meant for someone to solo their way through it.
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Post by HelloBSK »

I agree this is a great idea!!!

This will promote parties to actually hunt together rather then some just taging along. If everyone in the party is killing stuff then everyone will benefit equally. If you are just hanging out in the background well... then perhaps you should be receiving less XP as you are not training as hard as the one making the kills.

Love this idea and can't wait for its implementation!!!
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Queen Naga II
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Post by Queen Naga II »

This is a better idea than the current system and would go a long way to creating party's in-game more readily.

It I feel will also promote more guild based party's and quite possibly increase RP opportunities for those so inclined :).

I have been in the past victim of the buff someone else up and when I have attempted to join them in the same area been told "your ruining my xp"

I also like the idea and whole hearted agree with the 3rd point of being within 7 levels even beyond level 20 (ie. epic levels). I do have a suggestion to add to it that would further stop powerleveling at least within the party that is. That if the lowest level character is more than 7 levels behind/lower than the highest level character in the same area that they get no xp.

I do however have some minor quibbles, that being the limited area or certain distance from the killer of such monsters. Whilst it seems fairly logical to stick together fairly closely, why not just extend this to the same area/map screen.

Overall I think it is a vast improvement over the current and will see more party hunting which I am very much in favour of.
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Post by dm_demitri »

Queen Naga II wrote:"I do however have some minor quibbles, that being the limited area or certain distance from the killer of such monsters. Whilst it seems fairly logical to stick together fairly closely, why not just extend this to the same area/map screen."
Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of partying and adventuring TOGETHER, if you are seperated far enough you can't even see each other?

(Keep in mind that in NWN, sight range is further than hearing range, so the "staying within ear-shot" reasoning would lessen the distance even more than staying within sight would.)

So the old addage of, "out of sight, out of mind" would come into play here. Though it would be more like "out of sight, out of xp bonus range." :P lol

Though I think driller has more of a 'within combat range' idea going, not truly having it based on sight. That's just my guess though. :D

Well there's my thoughts! :D
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Post by DM_Mystic »

I support the idea as originally proposed by Driller. I spend wayyy too much time policing the server for powerlevellers, and dealing with them. With this in place, it is ensured that the party is the way it should be in order to reap any benefit. If you want to take your level 40 friend along for moral support and bail if you get thwacked, this will allow you to do so - the current policy would disallow that practice. I'm not even going to address the other ideas suggested, exept to say that they are little more than the typical attempts to get the most XP for the least amount of effort.

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Post by wildpirate »

I am with driller earn your exp
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Post by ValentianNizzle »

DM_Mystic wrote:I support the idea as originally proposed by Driller. I spend wayyy too much time policing the server for powerlevellers, and dealing with them. With this in place, it is ensured that the party is the way it should be in order to reap any benefit. If you want to take your level 40 friend along for moral support and bail if you get thwacked, this will allow you to do so - the current policy would disallow that practice. I'm not even going to address the other ideas suggested, exept to say that they are little more than the typical attempts to get the most XP for the least amount of effort.

Thank you for your continued support
DM Mystic currently spends too much time beating down the powerlevelers, by the looks of it:

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Post by Azure »

The proposal is much better than the way things are now and a positive move towards encouraging party play.

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Post by ST_DM_Myle »

If your worried that the party powerhouse will level up too fast and out pace the party, there is a simple solution:

Have the party powerhouse stop attacking once the target beastie is Near Death and let the other party members step in and finsh them off.

This does not mean that the Powerhouse do the work and let others wait in the wings for the oppurtune moment. The whole party should still contribute to the mission, just spread out the death blow honors.

As for the range factor, I suggest make the maximum range of XP earning equal to the same as medium casting range. This wil allow casters and archers enough distance to be effective without being dangerously close should a hostile foe rush them.

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