Eye's of Akon

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Post by k9mouse »

i was just making sure that the dm's are still alive :) i do know that you have a real life also and i do thank you for work and putting up with us, but somethings really get people's goat......
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Post by Shadow_Nightfall »

Capt Cliff wrote:
My 23rd lvl was attacked out in the wasteland by a 35th lvl. I lost a shield and a wand, both inside bags. There was no rping after the eye killed the thief ... his accomplice razed them and they both disappeared. I did not get my items back ... no one to rp with! There needs to be a lvl diff for pping or no pping while in party. But you could still talk to your accomplice via tells. This is a problem ...
Again, here the constant and way too easy raises come into being... the cleric class is now a buffing class, and everyone somehow knows how to use raises... dirt cheap raises bought in stores like candy...

I think higher priced raises would solve a lot of problems... and death would not be cheated so easily... also, lost xp can always be regained simply by killing more monsters, and likewise your gold can be regained... whats important is the RP... spam raises are not good.. i know people love the 'get out of death easy thing', but it gets annoying... any theif (monk theives are apparently the best), when he dies, just needs a best friend to come raise him easy... *leaves upset*
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Post by k9mouse »

Shadow_Nightfall wrote: Again, here the constant and way too easy raises come into being... the cleric class is now a buffing class, and everyone somehow knows how to use raises... dirt cheap raises bought in stores like candy...

I think higher priced raises would solve a lot of problems... and death would not be cheated so easily... also, lost xp can always be regained simply by killing more monsters, and likewise your gold can be regained... whats important is the RP... spam raises are not good.. i know people love the 'get out of death easy thing', but it gets annoying... any theif (monk theives are apparently the best), when he dies, just needs a best friend to come raise him easy... *leaves upset*
here we go again.... being beat over the head with rp... there ARE other aspects of the game besides rp :shock: :shock: :shock: i do like some good rp also, but please don't force it on everyone,, this is a LITE rp server :) and no please don't rises the prices on the rises scrolls, the games does not have to be _realistic_ to be fun,,,
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Post by temordae01 »

k9mouse wrote:
Shadow_Nightfall wrote: Again, here the constant and way too easy raises come into being... the cleric class is now a buffing class, and everyone somehow knows how to use raises... dirt cheap raises bought in stores like candy...

I think higher priced raises would solve a lot of problems... and death would not be cheated so easily... also, lost xp can always be regained simply by killing more monsters, and likewise your gold can be regained... whats important is the RP... spam raises are not good.. i know people love the 'get out of death easy thing', but it gets annoying... any theif (monk theives are apparently the best), when he dies, just needs a best friend to come raise him easy... *leaves upset*
here we go again.... being beat over the head with rp... there ARE other aspects of the game besides rp :shock: :shock: :shock: i do like some good rp also, but please don't force it on everyone,, this is a LITE rp server :) and no please don't rises the prices on the rises scrolls, the games does not have to be _realistic_ to be fun,,,
I disagree. In the instance of Pickpocketting someone there must be the requirement of RP. Oh heaven forbid the RPLite player stops for a moment and *gasp* talks with someone to make sure they're okay with the idea of being stolen from! Oh NO! *insert sarcasm here* Being beaten over the head with RP is like being beaten over the head with common sense. Bring it on, seeing as this issue is bringing the lack of both into the light of day here on BSK. *snort*
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Post by k9mouse »

temordae01 wrote: I disagree. In the instance of Pickpocketting someone there must be the requirement of RP.
i wish i be ask if i want to do pvp or pp (either through rp or occ), not be forced to kill other players or be pp all the bandits need to do is ask if they can pp me in the next X days and they respect my answer... right now i am forced to help someone (who i do not know) to have fun at my expanse and i get nothing in return so please explain why pp a good thing :?: i have of yet heard a good answer to my question and i might change my mind on based on your answer.....
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Post by GoVols »

k9mouse wrote: didn't i say this will happen :?: i guess we have to pay the piper right now... we need to start of list of chars who are willing to be victims and a list of -do not pp me- only the victims list can the bandit can pp, any body else is off limits... in that way, chars are agree to be pp, but the bandit does not have to ask every time to pp, but they (the bandits) know who to pp and who does not want that...
I'm getting so sick and tired of your whining and crying. For GOD's sake sit in the keep so you can RP the way you want, not have to worry about someone not putting up with your mouth that you can't back up IC, and you won't have to worry about being PP'd.
k9mouse wrote: aren't dm suppose to enforce the said rules if the players are forced to enforced the rules, things will be very ugly....
Again, spoken like someone who hasn't been on BSK for very long. WE (the players) used to enforce the rules all IC, and it went along fine. Sometimes driller would have to get out the perma BAN wand, but not too often. There are IC ways to take care of thieves. Just ask some long time Hunters.
k9mouse wrote: one more point, what is so good about pp players all it is doing making peeps mad and breaking the core of players, if enough time will past, bsk will be history because no one want s to play on the server anymore because of lack of enforcing the said rules and they no longer keep the stuff that earn so hard
AGAIN, someone who hasn't been here very long. Do you know how many of these "BSK will die and be history" threats that have been said and/or posted?

The facts are Driller has implemented the Eyes of Akon (he made up), limited items that can be taken, and tweaked the SPOT skill so you can get the +50 Maximum if you so desire to counter PP. What you need to get through your head is NOT EVERYONE PLAYS LIKE YOU DO!

That's the foundation of BSK and it's not going to change to accomodate 1 person's style. Eyes of Akon are meant to be powerful AND somewhat rare, and therefore valuable. If you buy them, you might as well just kill all PP.............which is YOUR STYLE OF PLAY! Not everyones.

Personally, I hated those characters for years and hunted them down every chance I got. Believe it or not, you can build an anti PP build as well, therefore it is NOT out of balance.

If anything the PP'er is at a huge disadvantage. Show me ways to increase your PP skill compared to the spot skill?

You go through the trouble to buiild a PP'er, then see what you get when you steal. 50GP, 34GP, potions, etc. It's just an aspect of the game so live with it, learn enough to counter it, or go play ATARI.
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Post by Ipsissimossity »

Queen Naga II wrote: I wouldn't mind a PP that envolved RP but it is not happening right now, all that is happening is to provoke PvP situations upon those that don't want it by actions of a thief that doesn't give a damn about other players enjoyment of the game. Seeking only to satisfy themselves and the disrupting and griefing of other players said enjoyment. Which seems to give them even more enjoyment to continually harrass other players whom don't want or need it.
Though I appreciate the fact that you're saying this, I'd like to ask you a question based on my personal experience. You see, I'm quite the fan of rogues. And that's not so much because of the skills, but the way said skills allow my character to interact with other characters. Now, regarding your statement, I'd like to present a situation for you:

Your character is walking around, all alone, in Umgah. And all of a sudden, out of nowhere, you're told that a character, which you can then see appear behind you, sticks a knife to your throat. You're shown an Intimidate roll somewhere in the area of 60'ish.. You're told to keep looking straight forward and to lower your weapon, and at the same time, toss your gold unto the ground. - This is all done quite rapidly, much thanks to hotkeying the phrases.

- Now, this is the situation I provide. From here on out, it's up to the other player. However, from my experience, in 90% of all the situations I've been in, they'll turn around and take a swing at you. Or the ones who'd examine you, typically older players, and especially with how the examine used to work, they'd just laugh you off, saying that, and I quote: " I R lvl 40zz & U R 2 b PWNAzED!"1112shift1"

Now, I would like to point out; this situation is one that doesn't so much require the 'robber' to be level 40 with all kinds of unique items. Heck, I've done this with a level 1 character. And most players will know that there's only one way I could possibly know how much gold the said victim is actually holding, so if they drop 2gp or 2 million gp, it doesn't make much difference for me - that'd be strictly OOC interaction based on how the said victim's financial status is, and how RP-focused the player of that character is.

But alas, my point was simply.. Given the fact that - and please take my word for it, the predicament presented here - is how the situation usually pans out. Why would I, somewhat experienced when it comes to what I prefer calling robberies, at all take the time to see the said victim ruin all my expectations, turn around, take a swing at me, and tell me what a 'omfg lamz0r' I am ? Why not just help myself without having to face the disappointment ?
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Queen Naga II
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Post by Queen Naga II »

The situation you set there is full of RP, and is no comparison to what is happening on the server at this time. If robbery like this was played out as you described I would react accordingly to the RP.

Instead what we have here is indiscriminate exploitive metagaming on behalf of the theives. There is no RP involved what so ever just like a previous poster said here "cheap raises by party friends". Goods are not being returned on death by akon eye or otherwise.

In nearly 4 years playing here on and off I have only seen a few ever try to RP being theives and they done it inside the keep so it was pure RP. The current batch of thieves are not capable of doing this and only seek to annoy upset and grief other players for their own gratification alone.

If they spoil someones enjoyment and are asked to stop because said victim doesn't want to get into PvP situations, the response I have had is a smiley face and/or a rather unthoughtful "THX". These people that do their theiving like this to spoil other peoples enjoyment or provoke unwanted PvP are in my opinion unwanted element. They add nothing to BSK and only serve to drive other players away.

What makes matters worse is the metagaming aspect many of us have seen over the last few weeks, from getting a high level friend to come raise the thief and then slaughter all the victims in the process. Akon eyes are not the deterent the should be because of these theives metagaming and using monk speed to get away and even transition hopping to avoid being caught again.

You ask me what I thought of the situation you presented, I would say I would prefer it that way. Here I hope I have shown you what so many of us are feeling and making us express opinions here in response to what we have had to put up with. Yes we are aggrieved, annoyed, upset, and in some cases angry.

Point is most who play thieves here are not capable to RP a thief and just abuse the set up to the limits or beyond for their own gratification without a care of what they do or how it effects the victims.
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Post by Ishamael »

GoVols wrote:
k9mouse wrote: didn't i say this will happen :?: i guess we have to pay the piper right now... we need to start of list of chars who are willing to be victims and a list of -do not pp me- only the victims list can the bandit can pp, any body else is off limits... in that way, chars are agree to be pp, but the bandit does not have to ask every time to pp, but they (the bandits) know who to pp and who does not want that...
I'm getting so sick and tired of your whining and crying. For GOD's sake sit in the keep so you can RP the way you want, not have to worry about someone not putting up with your mouth that you can't back up IC, and you won't have to worry about being PP'd.
k9mouse wrote: aren't dm suppose to enforce the said rules if the players are forced to enforced the rules, things will be very ugly....
Again, spoken like someone who hasn't been on BSK for very long. WE (the players) used to enforce the rules all IC, and it went along fine. Sometimes driller would have to get out the perma BAN wand, but not too often. There are IC ways to take care of thieves. Just ask some long time Hunters.
k9mouse wrote: one more point, what is so good about pp players all it is doing making peeps mad and breaking the core of players, if enough time will past, bsk will be history because no one want s to play on the server anymore because of lack of enforcing the said rules and they no longer keep the stuff that earn so hard
AGAIN, someone who hasn't been here very long. Do you know how many of these "BSK will die and be history" threats that have been said and/or posted?

The facts are Driller has implemented the Eyes of Akon (he made up), limited items that can be taken, and tweaked the SPOT skill so you can get the +50 Maximum if you so desire to counter PP. What you need to get through your head is NOT EVERYONE PLAYS LIKE YOU DO!

That's the foundation of BSK and it's not going to change to accomodate 1 person's style. Eyes of Akon are meant to be powerful AND somewhat rare, and therefore valuable. If you buy them, you might as well just kill all PP.............which is YOUR STYLE OF PLAY! Not everyones.

Personally, I hated those characters for years and hunted them down every chance I got. Believe it or not, you can build an anti PP build as well, therefore it is NOT out of balance.

If anything the PP'er is at a huge disadvantage. Show me ways to increase your PP skill compared to the spot skill?

You go through the trouble to buiild a PP'er, then see what you get when you steal. 50GP, 34GP, potions, etc. It's just an aspect of the game so live with it, learn enough to counter it, or go play ATARI.
Bravo, this is what I was trying to say earlier. But he said it MUCH better than I did.
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Post by driller »

What has this gang of thieves actually been able to steal, itemwise?

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Post by Fenrip »

driller wrote:What has this gang of thieves actually been able to steal, itemwise?

I'm not sure it is a gang more than one person and friends really ticking people off with questionable tactics. Likely within the rules but slimy none the less.

What I am sure of is things are getting taken from bags (maybe old wives' tale that they were safer there), eyes are not firing all the time (don't know if they are supposed to), a heavy crossbow, longsword, rune of recall (which was returned), a forge stone, and gold.
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Post by Pretty Fly White Guy »

GoVols wrote:If anything the PP'er is at a huge disadvantage. Show me ways to increase your PP skill compared to the spot skill?
It doesn't matter if you spot the attempt, when the character PPing you is around 10 levels higher than you. Perhaps if you could only PP people that were two levels lower than you, and any level higher.

A Bonus for the PPer's, as they would be less likely to get crap, and a bonus for the victims, as it's fair for a fight.

what about if a character that was killed by someone after they had PPed that someone couldn't be raised or respawn for 30 seconds per character level.

That would stop the griefing rather quickly.
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Post by Katar »

I think a pp skill of 30 guarantees success in the stealing attempt. The pp attempt can still be spotted but the theft happened. Like PFWG said, if the pp'er is 10+ lvls higher being spotted doesn't really worry them. That is one of my problems with the pp skill - that guaranteed success for such a low skill level makes it difficult to defend against.
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Post by Youko »

OK, I don't PP to grief, I don't PP to 'ruin your day' I PP because I wanted to play a bandit, and to detect a PP you need an opposed spot skill... which you can easily get to the 110's..

43 skill points
Wisdom modifier
Belt of guiding light (gives +4 i think)
Helm of guiding light (gives +8)
and True Sight adds 50
not to mention skill focus, epic skill focus and artist (gives +3, +10 and +2 respectivly)

now, for PP...
43 skill points
dex modifier
skill focus and epic skill focus... (+3 and +10 respectivly)

You do the math, but just from looking at it, your spot check can be close to 2x my PP skill.

as for the level 23 i apparently PPed... "it's part of the game, get used to it" and also, i don't know what level you are, nor do i care, i've PPed level 40's at level 22 (which is when i got the class that allowed me to get skills in pp) my pp skill is currently... 43 i think, i only have 25 ranks in it, plus epic skill focus and my dex mod...

if you have a problem with me, tell me in game, don't come on here and start whining thinking i'm only doing it to 'ruin' your day

I don't look at what i take, nor do i look at what i pick up, i also PP NPC's as well as PC's, my sole goal of this char was to get a little thieving in the keep, it's a fun RP... and there aren't nearly enough players with a PPer.

I just found out about an hour ago i got a forged bracer from cassy, to that i am sorry, i didn't sell anything for 3 days (btw, cassey was the first person i PPed with youko) now, had she told me i had taken it... i would have given it back OOC without worry. I'm a jerk IC, not OOC.

If you don't like what driller has done to this server about PPing, there are many out there that don't allow it all together (one server i have seen actually deletes a character if it detects skill points in PP) go there and play there instead of whining about this server.

I pped a character named Halcombe who the next day told me he was missing a forge stone and thought i took it. i informed him i didn't see one and if i took it i am sorry.

for the 'accomplice' or w/e you guys called it, she is just a friend, and last time i was told eye's of akon aren't SUPPOSED to kill the person, they are only supposed to cast harm, so it's either setting off 2 eyes or there is a bug or something, either way it's not supposed to be killed, so i RP it as tripping.

also another thing i have noticed is the eyes have only gone off when the return script fires, so say i take a stupid portal scroll... since it's too big the return script fires then i die... is that fair? no.

also there is a 5 million gold bounty on my characters head for perma death. It's really not fair if you get that bounty and my character is gone forever on a fluke by a bugged eye and a script that appears to only fire sometimes (if i really did take a shield, again, i don't know what i take i just take)

Fenrip wrote:I'm not sure it is a gang more than one person and friends really ticking people off with questionable tactics. Likely within the rules but slimy none the less.

By that I'm assuming you mean when Logan and I were in umgah and killed Halcombe and some dwarf, it was within the rules, by me PPing halcome, I initiated PVP, by Halcombe attacking me, it gave my friend the right to defend me, and then the dwarf attacked Logan. If I'm wrong correct me DM but I'm pretty sure I'm right.
Queen Naga II wrote:The situation you set there is full of RP, and is no comparison to what is happening on the server at this time. If robbery like this was played out as you described I would react accordingly to the RP.

Instead what we have here is indiscriminate exploitive metagaming on behalf of the theives. There is no RP involved what so ever just like a previous poster said here "cheap raises by party friends". Goods are not being returned on death by akon eye or otherwise.

In nearly 4 years playing here on and off I have only seen a few ever try to RP being theives and they done it inside the keep so it was pure RP. The current batch of thieves are not capable of doing this and only seek to annoy upset and grief other players for their own gratification alone.

If they spoil someones enjoyment and are asked to stop because said victim doesn't want to get into PvP situations, the response I have had is a smiley face and/or a rather unthoughtful "THX". These people that do their theiving like this to spoil other peoples enjoyment or provoke unwanted PvP are in my opinion unwanted element. They add nothing to BSK and only serve to drive other players away.

What makes matters worse is the metagaming aspect many of us have seen over the last few weeks, from getting a high level friend to come raise the thief and then slaughter all the victims in the process. Akon eyes are not the deterent the should be because of these theives metagaming and using monk speed to get away and even transition hopping to avoid being caught again.

You ask me what I thought of the situation you presented, I would say I would prefer it that way. Here I hope I have shown you what so many of us are feeling and making us express opinions here in response to what we have had to put up with. Yes we are aggrieved, annoyed, upset, and in some cases angry.

Point is most who play thieves here are not capable to RP a thief and just abuse the set up to the limits or beyond for their own gratification without a care of what they do or how it effects the victims.
True, YOU would RP it, but 95% of the other people would just turn around, laugh and kill your character.

(still previous quote) Getting a party member to raise you from a bugged Eye is NOT meta gaming, nor is using monk speed, the reason i made this build for PPing is BECAUSE of the monk speed. And again, if you have a problem BRING IT TO ME IN GAME! either OOCly by tells or if you see me in the keep or IC by RPing, I _DO_ RP! don't make assumptions because your angry i steal 150 gold and cure light wounds potion. *gasp* oh noes! 150 gold! i don't PP to make a prophet, as far as i know there is a script in place that is supposed to prevent the taking of forge stones, therefor there is no prophet in me PPing, i PP for the RP of a bandit. as for the 'smash and grab' someone else said, that is a legit form of RPing PP... if you don't find me later thats your problem, not mine.

people, please stop whining about 50 gold here and there and a few potions, i have given back the 2 electrifier's i have taken, even tho they are a legit prize. if you notice something missing (and see me take it, i don't want a million and one tells every time i log in because someone thinks they can get something from me) send me a tell, if i have it i'll give it back, if i don't i don't and your either lieing or SoL.

To Driller:
the script does work to stop me from PPing more then a certain amount of times, but it usually fires at around 10 times, (i found out by playing a joke on a friend in the arena) so i assumed that was a script that myle's mentioned in his note that over rules forum posted rules.

To everyone else: if you don't want to be PPed or PVPed, stay in the keep or be below level 6 or 7 and go on the blackstone road.

AND LISTEN TO GoVols!!!!! You people whining about stuff and doing NOTHING about it is getting painfully annoying!

just because i want to play an evil char in a predominatly good aligned server must make me OOCly a jackass who wants to ruin everyone's day huh? OMG! i DO NOT have ANY intentions of ruining someones day! i'm ROLEPLAYING A BANDIT.

i've said it a few times in this post and i'll say it again I'M NOT RUINING YOUR EFFING DAY! I'M NOT TRYING TO SPOIL SOMEONES ENJOYMENT. (on top of that, i've never been asked to stop, so shut up naga) I'M NOT DOING IT TO PROVOKE PVP. I'M DOING IT BECAUSE I FIND IT FUN! (also, i have yet to see someone leave because of a few lost gold coins and some potions, again, shut up naga)

if anyone actually pays attention in game, there is a posting on the message board by cassey peterson (sorry if i spelt it wrong) for 5 million for the perma kill of my character, i've also heard it's partly because she thinks i did something OOCly to purposefully piss her off... IF YOU PEOPLE TALK YOU WOULD KNOW I'M NOT AN ASSHOLE. I have quite a few friends on BSK. Most people don't know my other characters FOR THIS EXACT REASON. I've been on this server for 5 or so years, i've lost forge stones to PP when you could take them, i've also RPed stealing forge stones (taken a blue from some girl who whined about it for 3 weeks even after i sold it) so please, please SHUT UP! I'M NOT OUT TO RUIN YOUR DAY! I'M HERE TO HAVE AS MUCH FUN AS YOU.

*ends rant*

Now, if you RP with me or notice I take something I'm not supposed to have taken WHISPER ME RIGHT AWAY before I sell my inventory, I can only carry 100 lbs.

Last edited by Youko on Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by temordae01 »

If a monk/rogue character has the speed of light under their belt and PPs a player, even if they notice they have no way to even remotely catch the perp. While this is probably on purpose on the part of the rogue, I can see why the victims would be upset. It's like the way banks che...that's another issue. :D

As for RPing a robbery, if it was emoted that a knife were put to my character's throat, I'd be fine with dropping a few hundred gold for the part. Nice RP there. Bravo. If it were done in the Umgah territory though I'd have to refuse based on the fact that my equipment would negate said knife to my throat. On a road, sure. In hostile territory, no way.

Remember folks, it's a game. It's not like WoW where you have to pay for play, and losing that item MEANS something. NWN is totally free, and losing an item to a pickpocket is nothing to whine about. If the item lost was a forge stone, so be it. Go hunt the bastich down. Stop your whining. Pickpocket is a skill. It's part of the game. I don't whine because a character Bigby's my own. I don't whine because a character gets a critical hit for 5 bagillion points of damage on mine because of his weaponmaster feats. Rogues have a place in BSK.

Just remember...the Blackstone Regulators are watching. We can't do much right now...but we will remember... :D
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
- Steven Weinberg