Blackstone Poll

General Discussion is for anything related to Blackstone not covered in the other forums.

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Blackstone Keep is... a fine wine, it gets better with each passing day.
43% an old rock band that has forgotten the sound that made them a success.
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Post by ValentianNizzle »

viobane wrote:
ValentianNizzle wrote: Viobane: Glad someone agrees with me. Some sort of active law enforcers would be great.
First order of business for Nizzle: Fix that durned video card

Second order of business for Nizzle: Come on down and join us, pilgrim!
There's only so many things I can juggle at once. Terrorize the board, aggravate DM's/Moderators on the board, post pictures of cat's to get on peoples nerves. It's actually a full days work. But I'll see what I can do.

Back to the topic; I wonder when this new Blackstone will come. Any 'release' date as of yet, Driller?
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Post by DM Rendyll »

If your soul purpose in posting garbage is to annoy moderators, job well done. Now, perhaps I should exercise my skills with the player-annoying forum bans...hmmm? Why is it too much to ask that people stay on the damned topics here? You want to post idiotic things, either take it to the Off Topic area, or even better, a different forum altogether. Personally, I am getting rather sick and tired of going through 50 useless posts just to find one that is asking a real question, and wants help instead of ridicule and flotsam. Have some respect for those that are actually hoping for a useful answer to their questions. It wastes my time and that of the other DM's and players to sort through junk, and I am sure that the original posters don't appreciate their threads getting locked due to floods of drivel. I apologise for the negativity, but enough is enough.

Thank you.
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Post by ValentianNizzle »

DM Rendyll wrote:If your soul purpose in posting garbage is to annoy moderators, job well done. Now, perhaps I should exercise my skills with the player-annoying forum bans...hmmm? Why is it too much to ask that people stay on the damned topics here? You want to post idiotic things, either take it to the Off Topic area, or even better, a different forum altogether. Personally, I am getting rather sick and tired of going through 50 useless posts just to find one that is asking a real question, and wants help instead of ridicule and flotsam. Have some respect for those that are actually hoping for a useful answer to their questions. It wastes my time and that of the other DM's and players to sort through junk, and I am sure that the original posters don't appreciate their threads getting locked due to floods of drivel. I apologise for the negativity, but enough is enough.

Thank you.
Sorry, I forgot to put the [Sarcasm][/Sarcasm] around my post, to show it was a joke.

Point taken.

I'm off.
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Post by viobane »

DM Rendyll wrote:If your soul purpose in posting garbage is to annoy moderators, job well done. Now, perhaps I should exercise my skills with the player-annoying forum bans...hmmm? Why is it too much to ask that people stay on the damned topics here? You want to post idiotic things, either take it to the Off Topic area, or even better, a different forum altogether. Personally, I am getting rather sick and tired of going through 50 useless posts just to find one that is asking a real question, and wants help instead of ridicule and flotsam. Have some respect for those that are actually hoping for a useful answer to their questions. It wastes my time and that of the other DM's and players to sort through junk, and I am sure that the original posters don't appreciate their threads getting locked due to floods of drivel. I apologise for the negativity, but enough is enough.

Thank you.
Hmmmm... But what about the times where an initial question is asked, someone gives an answer, someone comments on a point in the answer and all the while the discussion is ON topic, it has just gotten a bit redirected to a related issue? Yes, there is plenty of intentionally off topic sorts of posts that go on, and those can be reduced by those responsible (myself included)... But, for instance, this post is off the original topic but is a response to your comment which was an attempt to redirect. *insert headache here*

I think there is a certain natural evolution to forum threads that can still maintain the *spirit* of the original post, but may not be exactly on par with the original question.

So, I am assuming that your comment, Rendyll, is a basic request that the obviously off topic and distracting sorts of posts that are jibes and jokes and references to Star Trek, or cats, or catcalls, etc etc are the ones you want to stop... Or are you also including any and all posts that may be sidetracks but on topic posts?

I am not trying to in ANY way be sarcastic, I am only trying to clarify, because I personally know the difference and can adjust my posting accordingly. I think others can as well, but your general threat for forum bans seems to be a bit vague, which in turn can lead to a certain degree of fear to post at all. I don't *think* that was your intention...
Last edited by viobane on Wed Jun 13, 2007 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DM Rendyll »

I am aware that it was a joke, but I'd much rather see your knowledge and experience with BSK going towards helping people than in finding pictures of cats. And this was not a pointed finger at you, but everyone that tends to hijack posts for their own amusement.

Now, get your video card fixed and get back in the game. I believe your rep as the wealthiest person in BSK is in jeopardy. 8)
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Post by DM Rendyll »

viobane wrote:Hmmmm... But what about the times where an initial question is asked, someone gives an answer, someone comments on a point in the answer and all the while the discussion is ON topic, it has just gotten a bit redirected to a related issue? Yes, there is plenty of intentionally off topic sorts of posts that go on, and those can be reduced by those responsible (myself included)... But, for instance, this post is off the original topic but is a response to your comment which was an attempt to redirect.

I think there is a certain natural evolution to forum threads that can still maintain the *spirit* of the original post, but may not be exactly on par with the original question.

So, I am assuming that your comment, Rendyll, is a basic request that the obviously off topic and distracting sorts of posts that are jibes and jokes and references to Star Trek, or cats, or catcalls, etc etc are the ones you want to stop... Or are you also including any and all posts that may be sidetracks but on topic posts?

I am not trying to in ANY way be sarcastic, I am only trying to clarify, because I personally know the difference and can adjust my posting accordingly. I think others can as well, but your general threat for forum bans seems to be a bit vague, which in turn can lead to a certain degree of fear to post at all. I don't *think* that was your intention...

I think most people are quite capable of figuring out if their post they are about to make is helpful, or just a hindrance. I am simply asking that if you know that your post is just for your almighty post-count, and is not productive, then don't post. Or if you must, post somewhere where it isn't going to clutter up someone else's legitimate post. Hence the Off Topic forum I asked Driller to form, so there is a place for people to post nonsensical fluff that the DM's don't have to sort through to try and answer actual requests for assistance. A little bit of common sense is all I am asking for, and a bit of respect for those with real questions. Granted, the question asked may sound simple to you, but remember when you first started the game. You had questions too, and I am sure you wouldn't appreciate someone belittling or mocking your question. Keep the fluff where it belongs.

Simple, eh? :)

Thank you.
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Post by viobane »

Gotcha. But I'm fine with a bit of fluff, which in a way is helpful to the process of learning, anyway. Especially on those tangent topics. And I go with the flow, which means a certain degree of not taking things personally even if my post is belittled or hijacked.

The more I interact with people in RL, the more I realize that common sense is not so common. I also tend to think that keeping order on a forum (and I moderate a few myself) is difficult at best without deleting posts.

I guess I'm just reacting to the vague "forum ban" thing more than anything else.

AND, getting back to the topic, I think this discussion *is* related to activities in the keep, because some people tend to take things very seriously and other people don't, whether it's RP or powergaming or metagaming. I don't think there's much (other than some sort of increase in DM monitoring or granting players abilities to monitor) that can be done to control for all that goes on, and those sorts of things are ultimately NOT your responsibility driller.

I think the mod stands well on its own as a solo quest, as a RP haven with multiple ways to develop characters, enough powergaming tools for those sorts, etc etc. It is a good balance, and your tweaks that have been put into effect have been very good. Keep adjusting, changing, etc etc. It can only benefit the overall product!
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Post by driller »

Here are a few things I had written down before I posted this poll.

PvP in the keep
More guards. Like before that respond to drawn weapons, offensive spell casting, PvP fights and resting.
NO PVP inside merchants the buildings of the keep

I want more drama and conflict within the game. Without griefing of course, thats the hard part isn't it?
We need wars, rivals etc. Blackstone has had most of its rough edges removed and has grown stagnant and complacent.

1.Currently disarm puts stuff back into your inventory, your disarmed weapon will now have a chance to drop to the ground.

2.PP will be opened up to allow pickpocketing of ALL items that are small, including forge stones.(Limited to one PP session per player each reset.)

3.The Keep will be opened up to PvP. It will be the player's responsibility to police the keep. If the guards don't catch them.

4.The monster CR progression to area ratio will be modified and improved.

5.Rarely used and reduntant areas will be removed and replaced with either older versions or be slimmed down i.e. The Mining Complex and Underdark.

6.The module currently has four semi distinct regions, I will separate them further in relation to point 4. Your level progression will be more linear as in where you need to go to level. Region 1 will be for 1-10. Region 2 11-20 and so on and so forth. Monsters will be rebalanced and changed to reflect this. Merchants and stores will also be changed to carry appropriate equipment for that area's PC's target level.

7.Loot drops for the most part will be based upon the mobs level. Currently, any level mob can drop anything. This will still be the, case but it will be much rarer. Mobs will drop stuff that is much more helpful to your currrent level. This will scale up, the higher the level of the mob, the better chance the drop will be high quality.

8.More quests including evil ones, we all like quests don't we?

9.Cities will be beefed up and/or added to regions that need them.


CR Layout.

Blackstone Keep: 1-10
Bordermarch(Will be expanded): 11-20
Oasis: 21-30
Dwarven Citadel(Underdark): 31-40

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Post by Thanatos »

Okay...I'll try try and keep my suggestions slimmed down. Here's my 2 cents.

1. I hope you're prepped for some serious whining, but it's more realistic this way.

2. I don't see a major problem with this, except the forge stones. There will be much grief killing involved. The only real problem I have with it is I'm gonna wanna keep my stuff in storage for safe keeping and I already lost a scarlet forgie and pair of slippers when the chest got bugged for one of my chars.

3. I love it. There will be much throwing down over those benches. And not some little scrap...we're talkin bloodbaths :)

4. I don't have any problems as is, so do whatever.

5. While I've probably spent more time lost in the underdark than most, I do kind of enjoy the maze-ness (oh yeah, I just invented that word) of it all. But it's your server, so go with whatever.

6. This will completely screw up my system probably, but I'll adapt with as little whining as possible :)

7. This sounds reasonable.

8. Dang right we love quests.

10. Sounds reason to have 2/3 of the server running around in one city. I've run into that before and it bogged me down bad.

My suggetestions (Which'll probably be shot down, but hey, a suggestion is a suggestion):

Being an Easter Egger, I love secrets. And while there are still a few things I haven't figured out/found yet, I could always go for more hidden stuff. Walking 10 minutes to find tiny hidden squares leading to areas leading to dragons, a deep woods barbecue gnome restaurant, crazy floating islands, whatever...hidden stuff rules. Of course these things may all be around and I just haven't found them yet.

And of course, I'd love to see some packets of peanuts in Lagnar's :)
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Post by k9mouse »

driller wrote:
Blackstone Keep: 1-10
Bordermarch(Will be expanded): 11-20
Oasis: 21-30
Dwarven Citadel(Underdark): 31-40

some questions to clear some stuff up....

Duergar Citadel = (gray?) Dwarven Citadel (Underdark) // very small detail...

how about areas like the umgahs? what will happen to them?

suggestion: make a copy of the bsk as it is now, then mod the copy, then have it play tested before it goes online and replaces the first unmod for good. one way to do this to have two servers... one of them will be unmod and other will be the mod (something like nwn1 and nwn2 u had a while ago, but in this case both servers will be nwn1). this might save some troubles and whining on the forums and let the players get their feet wet before one dumps the bulk of hot water on them.
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Post by viobane »

k9mouse wrote:
driller wrote:
Blackstone Keep: 1-10
Bordermarch(Will be expanded): 11-20
Oasis: 21-30
Dwarven Citadel(Underdark): 31-40

some questions to clear some stuff up....

Duergar Citadel = (gray?) Dwarven Citadel (Underdark) // very small detail...

how about areas like the umgahs? what will happen to them?

suggestion: make a copy of the bsk as it is now, then mod the copy, then have it play tested before it goes online and replaces the first unmod for good. one way to do this to have two servers... one of them will be unmod and other will be the mod (something like nwn1 and nwn2 u had a while ago, but in this case both servers will be nwn1). this might save some troubles and whining on the forums and let the players get their feet wet before one dumps the bulk of hot water on them.
There's no way, sort of taking the server offline until it's done, to do an immediate flip flop of the items driller listed. I imagine it'll be gradual and some of the items on the list will appear sooner than others. Splitting the mod between two servers would only slow down both servers and make for a lot of lag.

I'm willing to bet that driller knows what he's doing and will introduce new things, listen to feedback, adjust and move on as he's always done. As I said, I'm all for it, even with my experience last night making me a bit weary about the PvP things... But I'm rearin' fer some wild west sorta action at the same time.
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Post by k9mouse »

i am sure that driller is knows what he is doing and it will be fun, but i would like also to miss the umgahs handling (for example).... all other changes went very smoothly besides that one ~still is shaking~

just trying to be helpful 8)
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Post by eclipse08 »

Oh I'm just giddy with excitement! I love all of Driller's suggestions. Yes, it will be tough. Yes it will cause whining. Screw it. It's cool and new! :D
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Post by Jazelle »

Driller you have that section of Starkson Island that is open for critters in as well as the town is a open rp area and has a tower and a building that could use some work. The guild is the castle, mage tower and the light house anyway. So you have another city to play with there.

Personally I would suggest keeping the keep as it is because it is a drop off the for the new folks and lowbies and having that area and the merchants be non pvp is enough. Having the rest be party pvp is perfect and a few areas that are full pvp. Suggestion is make the underdark full PVP. It should be a rough and hell hole to go into.

I think there was a story about Starkson Island that Pharo has you might play off on.

I agree adding more quests is always a good thing. I do think over all you really don't have to change much with Blackstone really. The facts are folks that have played for so long well get use to things and after rping for years the same conflicts but with slight changes and the same out comes gets old after a while.

That is nothing you can do to change that. That issue is with DMs and players as the stories go on and on. Wars are fine but some of us well have had our fill of wars as well as our main chars are just not PVPers but RPers.

When I get more time from RL and other obligations I will do more rps. And you will hear more from Starkson.

Change can be good but too much is hell and can put folks off. BSK has a nich it has held for years. As you have said before players come and go but BSK is here.

Not to say I want everything easy I don't I love challenges. But ones that are do able even if it takes some thinking. I would love to see more quests that have puzzles in them that you have to piece together to do. I do beleive in some areas where you can solo but also those where you can work as a group.

Some of the best DM events were those where you had to think and not nessaryly fight all the time.

As you said the rough edges are gone and that will happen with any game community. Just give it time and new folks will pop up and new challenges will appear. Guilds will come and go over time. Rebuild and fall to the background. Just depends on their leaders.

Once in a while I do make a new char to level right now I am finding it a problem getting anything at all. Killing stuff is fine but I think personally the pendulm has swong the other way and there is too little of loot for the new folks to build up. Being a old player I am not discurage by it but other might be. You might tweek it up a little but not as high as it was.

You also might have quest for items of power. That folks get a one shot deal at getting. Also you might have one or two DMs become quest DMs. To give folks various challenges that once they complete they have a choice of items (that you allow the dms to hand out) to get. They would be ploted so they can not sell or pass them around.

It's a idea. Anyway over all I think BSK is fine as it was and really needs very little tweeking other than areas.
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Post by BabydollJennifer »


*jumps for joy*

Can I say "I love you Driller"?

*does the happy dance*