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Post by ValentianNizzle »

dmcclain wrote:Oh come now! You can't compare young Kirk to Old Piccard and Sisko never commanded a ship it was a space station. If you do it the right way: Pike is in a box on wheels, Piccard has a bad heart, Kirk is out of shape and overweight, Sisko has emotional issues (midlife crisis on the horizon), and Janeway is headed for menopause (give her a phaser and she'd kick everyone's butt, clean the ship, rearrange the furniture, mend everyone's broken bones and be waiting in a holding cell with her perfect hair when starfleet came to court martial her.
Sisko did command a ship. The prototype for the Defiant Class starship.

Janeway, Sisko and Picard were all fine. But one thing they all didn't have, was the same kind of humor Kirk did. The whole original Star Trek series were packed with humor. I love the new series, but their nothing compared to the humor of the original. And the accents. Oh yes.
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Post by driller »

This thread has gotten way off topic, which is partially my fault. I am locking it.
