NWN 1 vs. NWN 2

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NWN 1 vs. NWN 2 Which do you like better?

Total votes: 40

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mario mario
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Post by mario mario »

NWN2 , Never thought i'd say that, i was completly scepitical before i brought it , thinking in was going to be graphically good but nothing else, I loaded it all up, updated, brought new graphics card , begged a processer of a friend, etc etc, still thinking this aint worth the hassle, put the game on, searched the server, went onto BSK, as i knew it from before, Hated the controls, hated the camera angle (really hated thecamera angles).

Then i got used to the Controls, Sorted the camera angle, playing around with the settings , got the screen spinning right speed etc, and now 2 weeks later things are feeling good comfortable and I'm reallly liking the game, Im saying to people give it another crack, i think its worth another look.

Toolset : I havent cracked yet, the walkmesh baffles me. I will carry on there and crack it !
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DM Dragonheart
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Post by DM Dragonheart »

The one thing ya have to realise Mario is that those that have played it have been usin NWN for a long time and sadly upgrading to better machines is a costly move..

Not all can upgrade to 256mb gfx card with 1024 ram and 2ghz running speed minimum ..

For myself i found the game tacky unresponsive and very very bad hated every minute of it..sadly i dont think ill be playing it anytime soon..perhaps when all the bugs and game fixes are in place maybe ill look then or wait till it hits the budget range heheheh

Who knows what weill happen...Obsidian may yet get it right :twisted:
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Post by Gibbo »

Toolset : I havent cracked yet, the walkmesh baffles me. I will carry on there and crack it !
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Post by chix0r »

Personally, I prefer NWN2 purely because NWN1 had its day, and now it's time to move on to higher detailed models and textures. I really like the look of NWN2, and while yeah, it took a while getting used to the new controls and the way the camera worked, I feel extremely comfortable with it now. I also think the campaign itself is much more entertaining.

In saying that, though, NWN1 still holds a very special place in my heart, and I still play it from time to time.
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Post by Lukas_Mandingo »

NWN1 will live forever!!!!!!!!!! long live the king!!!!!"NWN1"!!!!!!!!!
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Post by KingAwsm »

Aye!!! :P
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