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Let non-Rogues into Thieves Guild

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:52 pm
by Dyndrilliac
I have a Chaotic Neutral PC with Bard levels and enough investment in thief skills to be able to pick all of the locks I have found that can be picked in all the various town zones (BSK proper, Hamlet, Skara Brae, Oasis - all the locks I tried in Bordermarch required keys), and have also pick pocketed several NPCs including the old man in the Dark Forest and Cranford Jordan in Skara Brae. I have also handled traps and stolen goods.

It would be really nice if the Thieve's Guild would reach out to us thieving bards, and not just exclusively people with levels in Rogue class. Also, another player Punchbag Bob, he was also trying to join Thieve's Guild on his character Brok, who is evil and has 13 levels in Rogue, and he was also not successful in being approached by Thieve's Guild.

Re: Let non-Rogues into Thieves Guild

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:33 am
by sergeil
In fact, a rogue is not a thief, but the one who steals and breaks down doors is a thief. The guild may not want to deal with amateurs, but bard is very close to the rogue.

Maybe, invitation from guild can be triggered by action only, not by action and class combination.