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Thought on gear/loot in general

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:29 am
by Cornflower
As usual, I would like to point out that I really really like BSK. It's really well built, really well run. My suggestion below is not a complaint, it's a suggestion.

Yesterday I played for several hours straight. At one time I had somewhere around 60 kills and got three chests (even with Lia). Now, I'm not being greedy, but according to my statistics, the loot varies from approximately 1:10 (one chest per ten kills) at best to 1:40 (without Lia) per session. At one short session I got 1:6, but that was a short session so maybe not relevant. I don't know if the old Luck system is still running, but nevermind. The reason I start with statistics is to give some kind of background.

There are a lot more players nowadays than it was a couple of months ago. It's very hard to find the good stuff to buy, since the two merchants, let's call them A and M, only have one item per reset. It's become a race to see if I can buy the gear I want, before it's picked up by someone else. There are several people who systematically buy up things like certain gloves/slippers/scrolls from the merchants to ensure they have enough gear for their future toons.

The new "ancient" loot is quite charming and entertaining, but the chances of getting something really useful are very slim. Since it started appearing, I have only found two-three ancient items that I actually kept (after adding some Forging). Also, my guess is that the more useful loot, like certain colorful stones have become much rarer the last month or so.

I've been playing A LOT since May and my feeling is that we're now approaching a situation where it might be a good idea to increase the probabilities somewhat. A few examples: In the five months I've been playing, I've found one Bytor (according to rumour, the second-best weapon in game). That might be entirely reasonable, even if I can think it's maybe too rare, but the real problem is stuff that I think should be available. I've found ONE Cloak of Protection +5 (I have a faint memory of it being sold for a short period of time also), which to me is too rare. The last month, I've found ONE high-end of the certain stones, which to me is too rare.

One of the things that make BSK viable and interesting long-term, even after you've finished all the quests and managed to kill the two-three uber bosses with several of your toons, is the Forging system and the knowledge that there are some very good but very rare items out there. But if the good stuff becomes too rare, some of the long-term appeal diminishes. I'm not the type of player who flits from PW to PW. Since 2002 (or something), I've played long-term on only three worlds; Caenyr; Glorwing, which I built; and BSK. I played on BSK back in 2004 (or thereabouts) as a relief from running my own world and I've returned here to play again with great joy. So, long-term playability is important to me.

Now, I'm not complaining, mind you, but I think the balance have been tipped a bit too far towards good items being too rare. Especially since you can seldom buy the good stuff unless you set the alarm clock in the middle of the night and have a toon already parked at the proper merchant. Anyway, that's my personal opinion.

Re: Thought on gear/loot in general

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:03 am
by driller
I will make a few tweaks.

Re: Thought on gear/loot in general

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 3:14 pm
by Douglas Thurman
Yeah, a long time ago with the old BSK tried to check on the odds by farming the Ettin area and not levelling a toon to see what the on paper odds were for getting loot. Ya know what? It makes no difference. It's the "OH SWEET!!!" factor I like when something really truly special drops. Driller has made a one of a kind MOD in BSK and I don't have to pay $12.50 a month to have fun. 8)

I think that the "Ancient" system is pretty cool and reminds me of the Infinite Dungeons scripts. Those just were horrible. Okay, when you get a ring with bonus Ranger spell slots but is only useable by gotta kind of wonder. But at the end of the day, you can rack up 4 million GP without very much effort. And as Cornflower mentioned, there are more people on these days which means more chances of buying something truly wondrous from someone who found it first.

THAT BEING SAID! Hey Driller? Maybe put some more emphasis on CHA items for Sorcerers? Not for my character Rune specifically...okay yeah specifically... :roll: :P :lol: 8) KIDDING!!!