The future of Blackstone Keep II

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Post by HelloBSK »

Crap, how can I get my characters from BSK... I have been away and didn't realize the 12 had past... RL issues...
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Post by Dugaru327 »

btw...for BSK2...I'm there. Plus I want to see your new work for ideas for my mod ;) And it's a nice chill place when I'm tired of working.
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Post by colwulf »

great day.. i will say i have played on Highland saga and sundren and a few countless others searching for the perfect server.. or as perfect as can be with OBSIDIANS BS.. well i think we found it.... my buddy and i have been playing for a couple of days now and realy enjoy this server... we actualy arel looking forward to playing tonight.. so here comes lvl 10... i am playing a cleric and he is playing a rouge dulest.. and i will tell you this is awsome...



i do have a suggestion tho... i knwo the new guys wants to change things... yea yea yea..

sry i will be breif..
I have no idea if even possible..
---- when in a party have to kill a monster once for each player... for quest items.. is there a way to make it so that we only need to kill once and we will both get credit??
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Post by Godfrey Of Blackhelm »


I love blackstone keep 2, keep it up man, I know it will be awesome when your done with it. I came here only seeing a few players, but I didnt care, and I been playing for a week or so now, I think, but im seeing more players on more often now.
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Post by ST_DM_Myle »

Listen guys,

I know many of you loved BSK and were upset when Driller took it down to focus on BSK2.

I know there are a number of you who really enjoyed his work on BSK2 and was looking forward to seeing him fullfill a module as live and in depth as BSK1 had become.

But while I understand you will miss BSK2, Driller is putting it up on the Vault. Anyone can dl it and put it up as it is. If a skilled scriptor picks it up, then perhaps they will follow the direction Driller started with and continue forward with it.

The good news is that Luc will be picking up BSK1 for all those long time fans who loved the NWN1 module.

However, lets not have folks stress out on Driller. He has been running Modules for a long time and needs a break. He probibly needed this break last time he took BSK1 down, but he gave in and put it back up. He needs this time folks... Scripting, admining, running, moderating and all the other stuff that players never see can take a toll on someone.... it can even ruin the fun that a person has with a great hobby.

I personally want to thank Driller and wish him many hours of reduced stress that allow him to recharge his creativity and his love of the RPG hobby he has given so much effort into.

And so you players know... the dirty little secret about creative people.... once they get their muse back, they often return to greater success. That is something we will have to wait and see about.

For now though, we all know many of you loved his work, but now it is time for him to recharge and kick back. He will let us know what tomorrow holds.... when that tomorrow gets here.

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Re: The future of Blackstone Keep II

Post by Daris »

well maybe one day soon or later her will start on BSK2 again....
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Re: The future of Blackstone Keep II

Post by dm_xeen1 »

it may be sooner than you think?
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Re: The future of Blackstone Keep II

Post by driller »

Obsidian will have to pull a miracle with SoZ first.
