Useful Information

General Discussion is for anything related to Blackstone not covered in the other forums.

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Useful Information

Post by driller »

Here is some helpful information.

If you want me to do something for you, don't send me an email affixed with a threat saying I will never play here again if you don't <insert request here>

I promise, it won't get done.

Have a nice day.

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Post by viobane »

Wow! People giving you the strongarm tactics, eh driller? Guess they need to up their intimidation skill against your impossible DC50! :P

Too bad bard song doesn't work in a PM or e-mail, unless you attach a wav file or mp3.

Of course, I don't think there are too many level 40 bards out there in real life. As nizzle would say, maybe a few level 5 nerds, but they have penalties to intimidation scores anyway.
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Post by greyghost »

Gen'l Driller,

I don't how to tell you this Gen'l sir, but if you don't give me one of them purple tails and wings wrat now, and convert all my white forgies into them thar Amber ones...

well... well.. wellSir....Ima jessa gonna haveta to up and quit this here server Gen'l, and go somewheres where there's more barbarian tribes, and more gold and all that kinda stuff.

And I won't never play heres a'gin.

And you gonna miss me real bad.
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Post by Thanatos »

LOL that's some funny stuff. But on a more serious note:

If Lagnar's tavern doesn't start selling packets of peanuts, things could get real...uncomfortable *hopes CHA of 29 will be enough to convince Driller that we need peanuts to go with that tasty ale*
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Post by Caesius »

Hah! I hope whomever makes such ultimatums enjoy the full refund of the $0 dollars in playing fees. :D

While there is no server maintenance donation button anywhere, I'll simply thank driller for an excellent server with words. Bravo! You prove time and again that less can be more and BSK is a wonderful blend of elegance of design and the brilliance in it's epic simplicity. These qualities can attract a full house more often then even the vastest and most intricate of multi server worlds.

I shall always look forward to visiting your various projects be it BSK, BSK2 or whatever else you may choose to build. I just wanted to say that while there may be ingrates out there with nothing but negativity to offer, I on the other hand tip my hat to you sir!
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Post by Gibbo »

What?! Someone is going to leave? That means there's a chance that the server won't be full.... *rubs hands together*
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Post by Chiffawn2 »

*guffaws* ... I'm sorry.. but I couldn't help myself... it's .. it's too ludicrous. Yeah Gibbo you can get on now.
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Post by ValentianNizzle »

Oh how the vultures do circle together.
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Post by .Stinky Pete. »

If anyone decides to quit the server look me up before leaving. I can make arrangements to keep your memory alive as long as I am here.

I could be sure to mention something like, "Sure wish Crabby McGrump was still here. Horrible how he screamed when that gnome ripped him limb from limb and ate him."

Just leave me all your gear before leaving and I'll make sure people remember you.
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Post by ValentianNizzle »

.Stinky Pete. wrote:If anyone decides to quit the server look me up before leaving. I can make arrangements to keep your memory alive as long as I am here.

I could be sure to mention something like, "Sure wish Crabby McGrump was still here. Horrible how he screamed when that gnome ripped him limb from limb and ate him."

Just leave me all your gear before leaving and I'll make sure people remember you.
A certain song comes to mind..

The sound of hoofbeats 'cross the glade,
Good folk, lock up your son and daughter,
Beware the deadly flashing blade,
Unless you want to end up shorter.

Black Adder, Black Adder, he rides a pitch black steed.
Black Adder, Black Adder, he's very bad indeed.

Black: his gloves of finest mole,
Black: his codpiece made of metal,
His horse is blacker than a vole,
His pot is blacker than his kettle.

Black Adder, Black Adder, with many a cunning plan.
Black Adder, Black Adder, you horrid little man.
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Re: Useful Information

Post by ST_DM_Myle »

Morgan wrote:Hey, sorry to bug you but wasn't sure who to contact about this. I was just about to log into BSK when I saw there was a char in my vault whom I hadn't created. It's a 1st lvl Sorceror named Amien Amaenos or something like that. It must have ended up in my vault sometime after the server crash last night (or during?).

Presumably that someone didn't read the section on connection sharing lol. Anyways, if you could advise me how to proceed I would appreciate it. Thanks :)
If anyone here sees the character that Morgan mentions, please tell him/her to visit the BSK forums and read the entry in the rules about properly setting up his/her router.

Anyone who finds a character that does not belong in their folder can just delete it by talking to the dock master.

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Re: Useful Information

Post by Luceran »


Add the "Donate" button, throw some adsense on and let's make this puppy earn.

Better yet, how about "mods for cash" I like the sound of that. :twisted:

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Re: Useful Information

Post by driller »

Cash for mods would violate Bioware's EULA.

Luceran wrote:Drill,

Add the "Donate" button, throw some adsense on and let's make this puppy earn.

Better yet, how about "mods for cash" I like the sound of that. :twisted:

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Re: Useful Information

Post by Jazelle »

Driller is correct you can not charge for access to the mod. They can be private but all public access mods have to be free. Bioware has gone after several servers who charge for access or speical items in game. They have won each case and yes folks do tell them.

It is a tight rope since you can and do own the world you create and use the game to give folks access to your ideas and dreams. You can write books, publish D&D games or anything else that is outside and not required in the NWN online mod of your world. That is not to say you can not receive funding if you need it to keep things going. You can offer a place for donations but they must state it is only for the website and forums or to upgrade the server that you use for the game and other costs outside the real game. You could if you wish make tee shirts or buttons. But accessing the game has to be free as is playing it weither it is a private or public game. I hope this helps.
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Re: Useful Information

Post by Luceran »

Hello...evil smiley face=humor.